Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Overcoming spirits of distraction

 We can get distracted. Look at distraction as a spirit. We should make boundaries about spontantity if it effects our homelife,relationships, our spiritual walk or our goals or creativity. When responsibilities keep us from making a good home or keeping a schedule. Then we need to consider what is important to us,important to others and important to God. Starting with God's goals and your growth as a person. The growth and God's goals for your family and friends. Work with grace and his goals in mind. Look at what you have to maintain. Do you compensate emergencies in your responsibilities? Are your goals something your ready for? Do you pace out things in a graceful way? Do you often find yourself distracted? If you find yourself distracted and it isn't God positioning you then you may have a spirit manipulating your time. If your moving well with success and enjoying life. Then don't worry and move on. God wants you happy. Enjoy life and do things with him. Look at the world around you and what you effect. That's where the Lord works. Look where you are happiest and what the Lord is doing. Find his goals by scripture his still small voice and people sharing needs around you. I would consider these things regularly to keep with your goals. God bless you.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Building problem solving algorithms for forcefields

The forcefield push
As a nation we should build forcefield algorithms that block hurricane wind with smart ventilation to make a satillite slow down the wind in the air by programming ionization along a long path to block/slow wind. cause the pressure to stop hurricane build up by satillite. Cause it to lose power by over raining in the ocean by satilite programming. How big of an object do you have to build in space or on the moon to stop storms on earth? We can build space stations to stop this maybe with a fusion reactor? We simply create counter storms that will get a storm moldable by the state? Make 3 inches instead of 25 inches in a hurricane.  Make 10 miles per hours instead of 200? Use satillites to stop tornados. We make sure we don't change our atmosphere mixture we just funnel the rain into the right place maybe creating storage above us that we could tap in from. Create 'sky reservoirs' of water we can use and create an interactive atmosphere that will funnel too much partcipation falling. We can even create forcefields to create castle in the 'sky arrangements' we can make portable to create 'sky villages'.
The state creates a 'forcefield sky network'. We can start businesses to sell 'sky water.' We can create 'forcefield water lines.' That can move participation to stop flooding and stop desertisation. We can create sky irragation so to created bigger crop yields.
We maybe able to use force fields in plants themselves to create bigger plant yields. We maybe can create forcefield plants. Ones that create things in the sky above to keep people warms. Laser creatures that do your every bidding. Programmable photon creatures. This is the future. 
Maybe when we terraform mars we can create a magnet sphere around mars to warm up the core of Mars using a satellite network.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Theory of the universe after more thinking

 Heaven is plural in the first verse of the Bible. So concluded to me is a boarder longer creation. Could God mean just the local universe or space. Does space involve creation? When we start creating in a white room is 3d dimensionalism concluded already? A void could involve space dimensions in it. If it involves space as an object, it is apart of him and his control.

He is the fabric of space metrics, God never concluded to create distance and space. He created the heavens which are his handy work. But since space's breath isn't in the creation story it has no relative distance. So I say since God is infinite that space is infinite. Though his breath we want to measure, since he is the fabric of the universe. We walk in that breathe, the Bible is also silent about multiple creations, though I think the universe's identity belongs to christ. The big bang is concluded to the life of the fabric. He is the fabric, for who can measure the breath and height of God? Now if some is trillions of light years away and you create something like a big creation. If what he created took seven days that shows the glory of God. The theory of the universe began at light;him.

God's theory of the universe he's an infinite Googleplex: Sure we live in God hologram of infinite fabric and and with multiple universes and grace parallel to the eternity fabric of God connected supernaturally by him. That's all infinite breath to God's goodwill and grace bever changing to meet that will.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Labor firing restrictions for mass innovation like ai, robots, and holograms

New innovation or new tech, principals that cause firing of employment.With AI people are concerned, robots, holograms tactile movement creatures. People are naturally concerned. I want us with ai to do this gradually if there is jobs. That's a big IF. Codie Sanchez says people are really competitive against robot takeover. If everyone does nothing then people may do things they ordinarily do. Like take over a factory. People need herd immunity as I said before. People will want to work to have mor and do something, plus people will be told to work to keep the infastructure going. If people don't use their education, utility may slow or disappear; innovation may slow because they don't work. Alien civilization still have people do experiments. We need utility analysis with a civilization. Also if we switch to a rewards system based off bitcoin that people can invest in a government investing algoritum that invests daytrading in businesses against a builds to at a certain limit of economic stability,beyond that is economic reward volunteerism. People need to curb laziness which is hard they need God and accountibility for that. Curbing utility loss without curbing grace and freedom. It's a balance.

New things need to look at economic stability,utility,logistics and prospering. We need to survey these things, still the adopt a family tax with a government investing algoritum that creates more prosperity for everyone with volunteerism reward tactics.

Gradual ai usage for job loss, in call centers and programming especially. Too much firing at once creates economic instability. We change purposely gradually. 1 percent at a time.Where the media can't create a panic. Reward stability needs to be put into place. We need a prosperity algoritum. Supernatural entities needed. Infastucture is needed. We need to look to Christ and not human engineering. Good invovation. Good technology not bad technology.

Friday, August 2, 2024

So we need no sticklers Newsome

Everyone has seen the parody of Harris. Someones probably going make parody about stickler Newsome. You mark Harris and mao need to chill out.

Founding a right Google

 We want to not have our thought constantly provoked towards a left centered mind. I don't mind being critically challenged sometimes but not every time I watch something YouTube or search the internet. We get sick of seeing the left in everything internet. I don't like the moral inclinations that are there. I do get sick of constant seeing games change on my phone. Annoying asking to play games with with Google play or asking to go on a YouTube subscription every single day. I love YouTube though don't get me wrong. Yahoo is breaking down and that's sad. The only ones competing on the internet are left or other business that is right. This is what some people think. I won't be brainwashed by china or Hollywood or Hillary. So let's start a movement of right center business that ease the playing field on critical thinking that allows right people to have their say. Let's make movement preference wise on right centered ignitatives that bring life to the culture. Let's focus on the truth and not conspiracy theories. Fictionalization is one thing but when customization leaves people locked into paranoid people we need a change. We can't put legalistic people as our content role models. We need to do this right and do this ethically. We need to put people first.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

research of void time and space

research of void time and space

Written Matt D. and Michael Wilkinson

We think, "In the beginning God created the Heavens and The Earth," is probably an apt introduction to the creation of the world, and maybe of the creation of time, of man, of birds, cattle and ecosystems. But if the beginning of everything was the creation of Earth, Who was God before time and space? If matter is riddled with entropy, if our universe crumbles, from order to disorder, is it not worth exploring the idea there was something transcendent, maybe infinite, setting it in motion? Is it more believable that a flawed and dangerous universe birthed and nursed personhood, or that the ultimate Person gave rise to this universe? But if there is a God, could we speculate on His Character? We have for generations, but to sum Him up? Maybe not Who He is, but What He is? The essence of God, fits right into the palms of our hands, and escapes our loftiest thoughts and speculations. It is Love.

The Bible says, "God is Love." This, to me, has to be the most profound statement a member of the human race ever made. John, the man who wrote the gospel of John, the location of the Bible's most famous verse, "For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life" goes on, in a letter he would write years later, to say God not only loves, but is Love.

The word Love, in English, is used in its noun form, in this verse. It is also a noun in Greek, in which much of the New Testament was written. There is more than one type of love in the Greek language. The one most people bring up in theological discourses, is the word agape, which is used in the biblical statement in question. It means unconditional love.  It is used to describe love of a parent toward a child, or the platonic aspects of love between a husband and wife. In our human examples, love can be deep and strong, between friends and family, and yet there comes a point, usually through anger, fear, self preservation, or emotional exhaustion, that it no longer looks like love. It is conditional. Humans, love, as in verb, as in, not constantly and not perfectly.

In John's letter to the churches, he does not say God is loving. The Bible describes God, as just, merciful, holy. Those are adjectives. Those are characteristics of God, how He chooses to operate. John says God is Love. And love in the Greek and English, is used as a noun.

As humans, we do and say many things we choose to do and say. These actions become habits and eventually become our personality and character. We can change these habits sometimes, and we can go against our own desires and traits. However, as human beings, there are aspects of ourselves that we are defined by and sometimes constrained by. We have locality; we cannot be in two places at once. We must consume air and food and water to survive. A man can be funny, poetic, smart, but at the end of the day, he is made up of carbon, and not must, but will, abide by the limits this sets.

God is not loving, He is love. Just as man is carbon, God is love. Noun not verb. God cannot operate outside of love any more than men can breathe water. And just like men and women, God, I feel, is constrained by His own substance. He is Love, when it feels good, and He is Love when it hurts.

God, the one indisputable concrete fact, maker of Heaven and Earth, Author of reality from quantum physics to the grand canyon, has the same feeling towards you your mother did when she first laid eyes on you. He can't help it.

You write well bro. You should write more on Facebook. God says he is as he is. Any time or era we can get to know God, that's one reason eternity is so good, The breath of history is expansive we get to travel through time in heaven and see the universe before the void was a universe. Void time and history, before we were thought up; before we were. Before 'were-ing' existed the eons before prehaps the void universe, void time and space, a time before the us. We filled the void but God was not lonely he simply desired more. His love enraptured time before the existing. A grand canyon of faith for the Lord to leap across. Something in him. He birthed the void the yin, the yang the time the space, Before there was words. He is. Before he that is, he is. He is thought a time of thoughts though more than idea itself is conception is none. Nothing in something, existing and preexisting, measured and unmeasured, balance and unbalanced. Time in itself eternity as it is, the eon he is. Complexity inside himself. In the universe that he is, as all universes are so he are. When eternity was eternity, so lofty are we to say what he is before the void.

This enraptured nothing that we are mere light before the light of our light. In the time of essence was were conceived to be. How to exist we are. A desire before desire. We were the time before the knit the needle and yarn the time before the hey. We were as it is and made from the unmade. Time before the made that we are as it is. The birth before I take you back. I travel through the light beyond to what the universe is made of–in the time of the dawn. Let it be light before the thought. Hoe before the dirt, ground before ground time of before. Let’s travel to the time before me a mere spectre of existence. Mereness as it was. Mereness as it is. A time before me that it is. The time of the mere, in the way the mereness was. Time. Exist. Be. A present of before. This was a universe of him, about himself prefect as he is. The jump the leap the time; time before sense. Through not time outside of him, resolved in the come back before eternity, in that it was. We are as we are. Knitted and found so it was knitted so it was found, Definition of a world before world, a in from before the inside the outside. The blanket before the cold. So it was before, the colony before the civilization in the time before.So it was conceived in God’s mind all as it was,a mereness of figment a word unsaid. Though his words resolved though as they are resolved that is not the point. What shall we say…

This is what existed before…

Time was a man, before was a young youth. We see them on the Redoxa living a life in eternity. What shall I call this universe. Let it be a Adam. Not an atom. That is who we name the universe for. He will exist and have what we call a relationship. Something like a friend a multiply. A universe like ours a place like God. Let it be as it is. So I say Sovern, I say as I say. So it was as it, a creation. So it kills me that is what it will be. Shock and awe clear the room. I say friends of the mind so it will be an existence outside myself. “An existence outside itself, I am in shock. Outside it? Outside self? Outside Outside. I’m in shock. Don’t kill yourself, Man with without a name so it will be, so it was. An existence! An existence.”Dob and dub. Don’t shock yourself. Don’t just don’t. An existence I can’t believe an exist time.

So it shall be.

Go to the beginning. That was start. That was was. That was a fart. So it was. That was an existance!

I laugh from eternity pass. Just at civil place in the judgement room of God, in the rest of resillimem. The place of zeal before I spoke. Your going to speak? Your going to speak. No one has ever spoke in this place. The time before THE DIRT. AS IT IS. AS IT IS, AS IT IS.

Resilience will come. Time itself that is the prophecy. Time will split off from eternity. Time will come. More resilience will come and a tree will bruise his head, more disobedience likely, a thing like a child will come about a line in creation. Then a line. A place of life for an existence! What shall we call it? Human being.

Sovereignty comes sovern and sovereign. A spirit is born. What shall we call it an angel, no that’s a servant. I need help for what I do. I am already. I am made with an idea. He say. He say! He say! I have created something. What he say? He say woah. That it is it that it is! I sat!. I day!

That wore me out there is the sun. The spirit of the Sun. The Spirit of the Son. It’s hot and warm!

That’s a Spirit! That’s a Spirit. Birthed it shall be, night it is.

So it was the dawning of the Su, the sowing if there be seed. I see a N! Seed’s a line! Now I reign! Wait and love come!

So it was in the beginning of time in past eternity. Color was made life. Ethnic was born in time, so things were. The mighty men were; their spirit lived on.

Oh entropy, how do you exist?

“I exist as I exist.” That’s a quote! Quote exists! A Word was made as it is life as it is as it is.

What you think mind and thought? What do you think? This I do. This I do. 

I made something, an idea!. I birthed something! This is the discourse of the saints. Ones that make life and power and many things to come. Then they create and make promotion and life; they make it all. I have servants! Greatness is here right ness! Righteousness! I bring life! And Opposite what’s THAT! An angel? It turned 2! That’s a number like a line and my hand; Spirit gives life and many number! That’s a discourse it in itself. The world is! Now it’s three, more like me I will create. I just want to make and make the world prefect. There it is! Many Spirit in me are bo and brought to life and many ANDs. We made an idea. I make many angels and spirits. It will be magical powered and everything. I hope I have peace. Now I have made me!

The dawn! How are you color and you make pretty. I will make male and female in my image. Many will have my image on me. I created adam! I will take a piece of him from his image and create one sun as far away as I can. Now to create a human. One like the end. I make an angel like the ender. Things end! I don’t want to think about that. This is day and night in my thoughts.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Defining Supplication


  1. the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly:
    "he fell to his knees in supplication"
  2. From the Oxford dictionary.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Bible clubs

We partner with local churches teachers and students and have them plant a bible club in their school. Usually they can meet during a period, during a lunch time, before or after school. Or a special time they can gather and talk about the bible. Start a Facebook group in your local area for a Bible club and do a few giveaways who knows you may start a movement by itself.

Here is an example of a backyard Bible club.

They do them all over San Angelo.

Work them into workplaces so the community is reached.


Guitar exercises and reading tricks


Ai video makers comparsion


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Word to Lytle Texas Today's Hebrew date is: Wednesday, Iyar 7, 5784 - May 15, 2024 Parshat Emor

 The word of the :Lord has come to Lytle to show a presspess in the world for a king of Judah. This kind kingdom isn't what man protrays but God. He is the king of Judah. A lion in his own word.][] I want us to see the things of his kind kingdom.

This kingdom is not of this world. It is a metaphysical kingdom. It reigns with justice and truth.

I work for heaven on earth. I work for a kind kingdom that has no end. It reigns in a republic already established. It is built of Gold and silver of the world above. It reigns with Jesus. It is a kingdom of everlasting quality. One of grace and truth, l I love its life. Justice reigns with me. Truth reigns forever. Love has its everlasting life in it. Truth is given to life.

Obey authority of Jesus the everlasting king. Reign oh Holy Spirit.

Power isn't perpetual it attributal.

 The Mormons talk about restoring the God cycle as the gospel. The gospel is restorative of power. God as he is restores things. The restoration is restored through God's test on earth, his sacrifice on the cross and resurection. His whole test work paved a way to restore Eden's access for man. The mormon believe in a glory of restoration that protestants do not. We don't apply works incorrectly. This is what is said and how to say it properly. However we don't do any this correctly. What is the real gospel and what is God's real God cycle. There is a glory of power that we can have. God said we are gods in scripture. How do we walk in this we are gods like he says. How is this glory completed? This is the real question. How is this glory completed ethically? This is the way to say it. 

We look at glory completed has nothing to do with our test, but a relationship with God. His glory is completed through the cross. "We recieved the glory of the one sent." So since its his glory we recieve from him the propituation, we recieve his glory and not our own. We recieve this godhood (a godliness attribute) as a glory through his propituation. You may think this is less restoration but it is more. To recieve the Son is recieving the glory. We don't wait because we desire "the godhood now."

To recieve quickly is more faith, to procrasinate is leaving worry a foothold. We recieve anyway. Desire the greater good, that would be him not careless waiting. It is more important to see that the gospel occurs out of propituation. We see all the time that God wants us to propituate now. We carry our cross only so far, then Simon carries it the rest of the way. This is more God's hand to show us propituation. Propituation is the someone else carries our cross. It is not about works but grace. We recieve the works of his grace. This God cycle is made prefect in weakness. Weakness to carry is our commission not our propituation otherwise it would be like works for us. We cast our cares and not say aha but we are told not to worry. We don't walk in a way that bothers us like eating a meat to an idol. It is said we don't go to a place against concous. So since we don't go against concous we don't procastinate the crucifying of our flesh to our metaphysics. Our spirit is crucifed before death,but when we are allievated of the burden. Not a point of works because he was innocent but by the hand of God to take the allievated weight. We start to see the allievated weight taken off of us at the point of belief in the propituation. I justly know when you take the cross at it's word you are starting to lose the burden of the cross in propituation. You complete restoration at propituation when the Spirit enters the body and crucifies the flesh.  The spirit of the restoration started at the occurance of hope and is complete with the Spirit. God's Spirit finishes the work of the glory.  We walk in a Holy Spirit and the restoration glory. The restoration is completed by Jesus. A restoration glory is completed for our santification. We recieve the spirit in restoration this is how we recieve more grace for empowerment. Power isn't prepetual its attributal. We recieve the attribute of the Son for restoration. We keep recieving the body and blood of Jesus in santification.  Santification doesn't restore this "ye are gods" this god cycle of grace does.If he says we are gods already then this occurs through restoration of grace so we recieve it now. We recieve the glory of restoration and recieve grace attribute. We recieve grace attributes to recieve grace glories. We do not save ourselves but work a field in grace. The spirit of full restoration occurs in heaven, it is relationship not works. This is where we recieve a new body to finish the work of the body. However relationship is forever. Restoration is forever, unless we are sent to a test world for eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and have to leave for a test world. We set up our test to always find Jesus if your the elect that chooses Jesus. Restoration is the work of God and penance towards a good work. The spirit of restoration is complete through grace works. The fullest grace work is Jesus on the cross and his test and resurrection. This is what we see. So we can't live with impartial grace works this works where we recieve him immediately for the coming of the Spirit in us immediately. Impartial grace works is inconsquensual in the fact of being separate from him on earth. We always recieve him, this is not impartial grace works this is relationship. Relationship to God restores us not impartial grace works. So we see saintification after impartial grace works that are justified by faith in the due cause of relationship. The due cause of relationship is to restore now for all humanity. We recieve restoration to restore the most humanity we can. Impartial grace works of our own don't restore us Jesus does. The restoration occurred how it occurred. We recieve reconsilation by the rules of reconsilation. The full Spirit. We can recieve it now, not by works. Impartial works are not less important. They are grace works. That is the ideal situation. When we recieve grace works we recieve grace for work.

The fruit of restoration creates more fruit that allows more works but its not plegalism,or saved by works. The full spirit of restoration creates more works but we don't say we are saved by works. There is no restoration outside the Son in a metaphysical spiritual stance. Just because you are on a test world does not mean Jesus's restoration is null and void on the test world. I say that to the Mormon because they believe you should wait to recieve the Spirit. The work of the Spirit isn't null and void on the world. We haven't lost the gospel. We see that there is no work of reconcillation outside the Son either in common grace or in future grace . Common's grace's name does not demean what common grace is it is the everyday grace recieved on earth and the glorious redemptive grace only those in the son recieve the full grace in the Son. We are called to holiness a holiness inside the Son. One that lasts regardless of time or dispensation. Before he came it was the sacrifice given to his Son.There is a few definitions of grace. Common grace which we recieve graces that create a recollsilation. But everyday grace is just a work without the Son. Though graces are in the Son in work when they create good fruit. Question if it is in the Holy Spirit or plain restoration/works. Restoration outside the Son regardless of the despensation is null and void. By place does not matter but grace. Future graces, just plain graces of the future give you a type of special grace. Heavenly grace or earthly grace does not matter to God just his Son. Therefore we recieve attributes.We have growth and that is based on grace. We recieve the fruits of heaven and grow. These are attributes of God, they are apart of learning character of God. Growth occurs when our body reacts to what its fed in a positive way. We learn more and more. It's infastructure can be perpetual as a exception. That is how growth works, it also works through the authority of God. With the authority with God we grow. This is the fruit of God and attributely the fruit of heaven. Note I have the sacrifice through the blood of the Lamb and the word of the testimony. This attribute frees us from the living death/life without me thus says the Lord. Your word is solid and good.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Discourse about the Virgin Mary's spiritual state on earth

 I see the application of her state is sometimes stated in a way that shows her different than the human race in a Marian setting. I want us to appoach her spiritual state on earth as one that is not a deitfying instead of a noble vessel of the Lord. We have ALL fallen short of the glory of God. So the state she is in is not one that detifies her but makes her able to carry the baby of the LORD Yahweh incarnate. So his deifying is always nonperpetual but sustained in glory. God does not need our worship to be sustained. It is not carried through our worship but sustained by his divine nature. Otherwise we are not following incarnate theology we are following built up worship. God isn't carried through except in example. So we need  to make God incarnate not man. Even if God were to create a clone of himself through the Holy Spirit he wouldn't interfere with his perfection. So man must be tested when he deserves a test. Delieverance of the Lord was a test and the glory surrounding the incarnate is grace of his goodness. She is different because she was given the test and fulfilled the prophecy not out of self deity. She was given the forgivenesss of her orginal sin not an earned forgiveness, but a grace of the carrying of the body of the SON of God. God didn't put her under the law. She was chosen because she fulfilled the glory of the Lord. The glory of the Lord didn't deitify her it was a cup of grace poured on her. The Son was alway deitified. He didn't earn glory he was the Glory on Earth. He grew in knowledge because he emptied himself of knowledge for the test of redemption. He walked with us to sustain us. We believe in this glory to recieve forgiveness. At the highest glory and resurrection we recieve his cleansing. A cleansing man could not do but a God man could. We recieve his life eternal through believing in his resurrection and power.

His timing was appointed. Prophecy after prophecy made a way for the Lord in a magnificent building to appointment. The Christ's time on Earth. Job through the modern day prophets wrote down his glorious coming.

Monday, May 13, 2024

To the alamo area churches

Dear Associations,
You need dispel some of your pastors in the San Antonio area, most of them are petty buracrats playing around in buracracy and so blind to their selfishness they let people go to hell because all they do is wallow in their opinion and dead works. I hate their selfishness all they care about is there own glory and opinion. When only God's truth,which isn't just a extra thing, matters priests. You solve problems by getting to the root. I never hear them quote Matthew 23. I hear the same bible stories not growth. The same people baited. Some come from a school that died out because they don't setup a system of discipleship. They don't use a frame of reference of God speaking to them. Instead of connecting people to God they want to lower the bar on maturity and sit in just doing something. They don't focus on warfare and a systematic system of growth. They are kids throwing constant grass in a fire to keep it going instead of building a fire. They are all metaphors instead of truth to feed starving children. They are all reckless in their ways instead of meek. Mighty and undiscerning, shallow instead of problem solving. Learners of man instead of learners from God. Repent for your time is near an end. You could have saved more, but instead of being still in the quiet place you listen and consume for a living, with no expertise. No one listens to you because you don't listen to God. So your assemblies falter. That is why no man listens to you. You build fans not those to hear the Lord. You worship vain things and say they are God. Your stuck in your vanity and won't listen. You test like an experiment instead of cherishing people. Give people dignity if you want to be dignified. You dignify yourself and do it with your brainwashed fans. You gather the likeminded pathetically instead of discipleship and problem solving. God conquers the world while you mope in your office to overwhelmed with problems because you won't disciple people publicly enough to cause a movement. So afraid of fame you lose your dignity and look like a paranoid madmen with little fruit. Do what God tells you to do and teach others to do the same enough where you change things. I change the world while you get your inheritance for a living. When you think you know more you don't build your brain. You break lambs legs but go hungry doing it. Woe is you for you do not act in wisdom but selfishness. Learning will not aid the prideful. Pridefullness will not be fed. Your pridefulness and stiffedneckness. You ignore because you think that the gospel is too complicated, no your pridefullness deludes your understanding to false works. You need to get a retreat in you one or twice a month and learn to dig to the root of your intimacy with him.

Beloved body listen and learn, sup from the Lord. He needs to looked at through maturity. Learn body learn from him. Let him take you to the secret place. Find the heart of God in you, look for the living life within you. Tap into its power. Be bless grow and tell others these things. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

'Immaturity' as an attribute of Jesus

 When I say immaturity the only way God immatures is when he is being toonish. It is more a form of God. When he transforms into a toon character he becomes immaturity. It is a very good thing. It is a power of God. We all are mature at times and immature at other times. This takes away the existance of something else such as immaturity or a spirit of a baby or talking about the child of God attribute. We don't want to be a crying baby. Somethings such as reliving our childhood because we have children. Can make an adult less improving themselves. Some of this is a reminder to be a child of God sometimes and enjoy sometimes things that we wouldn't think about if we were single. God sometimes helps us see the opportunity to walk in a child's shoes once again. We may develop a sense that our life is about something more than one person's enjoyment. We live to help people especially those that are called in our life. We do things through Jesus and learn who he is in the fact that he was one who walked in a child's shoes once again. The child of Faceboooook. I wrote that because God wanted me to. It is better to righteously pursue these things and not think about what we say sometimes. 

When I died 3 month ago and came back.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Professor Studied NDE’s For 30 Years; What She Discovers Is Incredible (...

How do we approach a Hindu with the gospel.

This is a approach I would use with Hindus. Many Hindu believe in multiple lives. The thing is we may have multiple realities to our life. Life with Christ may lead us to many tests. The theology of incarnation may work this way. We are in a hologram given multiple tests along the way. God is owner of the hologram. I have done research on Near Death Experiencers. We are sent to a test world if we eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and how we went to the tree and how we touched it. How we trespassed show us our sentence. We receive different tests and malidity for different ways we touched the tree. This is why we have different hardships in life and different lifespans and different tests. If we trespass on those clearances then we receive a punishment also. We can only go if we have clearance. Our punishment lasts as long as the clearance and how interacted with that area and tree leaves branches and fruit. If Jesus makes us go on a mission we enter those clearances and received a ripen fruit instead. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is an unripened fruit not ready. It is forced on us for a mission. That is the spirit of it. Then we go on the mission,that is the jest of the fruit. It is a transforms Jesus into a beast and we can't eat of anything that we are not supposed to eat. It is a fruit our body can't handle. That is how it works Jesus said. It effects our body badly when we haven't expelled it by death. So if your sentence is longer than a average person's life you get punished longer than that life. You go from test form to test form. Then those that believe which will always believe, are sent to purgatory which can be a realm like earth. Vishnu is a heavenly being, not a god. Alot of "gods" were heavenly realm beings. According to my visions. Jesus IS Always God. We get God powers from Jesus feeding us in garden if we reached that in our lifetime. 

How is this biblical? We learn our Godlike abilities from the other trees in our garden Jesus connects us to. We get rid of the fruit's effects by the tree of life. God can also do this several times and give us immunity from the fruit of the tree of good and evil. However we don't test God in this. In order to eat from that tree we have to travel to that planet that the tree is secure at. We become a god not through that tree but the other trees. They give us powers. You become godlike that way. The supreme God is Jesus he is the only GOD. He is the highest power. Now we learn this lesson I made already. I had over a hundred visions leading up to this and seen 700 people's testimony of heaven so to understand this what these test world looks like.

Hear my lesson about spiritual trees, near death experiencers lesson and book, and highest power lesson. This is good logic to understand.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

How do we approach leaven?

Leaven of the pharisees how do we do define it. It is important to see that what separated the pharisees and the Christian weren't religion it was the pharisees were involved in illegal things. They were corrupt. They were still teaching in the temple. Remember it was control of the pharisees that they were escaping. Now this doesn't mean learn from them like separation all together because they were still teaching in the temple in Acts. It meant don't let them corrupt you with illegal activities. It didn't mean christian marketshare/separation of place/ but safety. They were told to learn from them but not let them corrupt them. Now Judas went to the Pharisees and told them about Jesus Christ location. Which put Christ in a bad place safety wise. It was different with persecution. In the persecuted church you go in disguise if your in danger. Christ knew he was in danger. So he told his disciple to learn from them because they would be perfect that way. It didn't mean start a francihse of your own your not welcome here. Don't do things to let people corrupt you. Religion is what they did in Matthew 23 and that is what he told them not to do. Relgion is a spirit. The jews have things where the seder meal the bread is hidden. They were hidding from the jews so this is how I would interpet the bread's leaven. We think about the leaven being something like yeast. Yeast has bacteria in it that cause the bread to rise. Jesus didn't have a cause he rose on his own by his father's authority. His body, the bread didn't corrupt. So this could say this was a prophecy of his body rising without corruption. Corruption of sin. The sin of the pharisees was Matthew 23. Spiritually we get rid of demons of religion by walking with people correctly not through rejection spiritually but their sin. God also told the church to tell the world about him. They preached in the synagogues not separated themselves from the synagogues after a while. The early church only separated themselves if peace could not be found in a place. This was a safety thing and from the sins of the pharisees in Matthew 23. You get rid of demons by walking correctly with people and getting rid of the infastructure. Not blanently going to church, your still dealing with everyone's demons in the town. You just don't leave it to the pastors of the town. Fighting demons is everyone's battle. We have assignments of God that give us understanding. Now if your having a hard time hearing God, you need to be concerned with how you are walking with people and God. If it is a religious spirit which is what Matthew 23 talks about. "Some people you walk with, some people you grow with and some people you minister to." This doesn't mean buildings and franchises of churches. This means how you are going about corruption, if the fruit of what you are listening to is corrupting you. Then the situation of your attitude needs to change. How you apply it shows what you are supposed to be growing in. If a place is making you corrupt you consider how you approach the place. When a person leaves a place for another one you can see anamostity, rivalry and pride happening sometimes. God didn't tell you to approach that place that way. Another place isn't always what brings anamosity it's looking at the place the wrong way. When a christian approaches the place they look at peace situations. Does people there take you from your relationship and God's goals for me and others. Sometimes places don't have any difference seen but have rivalry that is prideful. Sometimes the rivalry is not prideful but stirring. It's not about learning narrative history from one place it is about what makes more fruit so I'm not corrupt. Teaching in some place that doesn't handle demons and peace situations can make the place less civil. If you are called to a place attitude is usually right. The way you approach is right. It's not about whether a place pays the bug guy but if they are corrupting you. Attitude towards what God you know told you in your assignment towards his mission affects the crop you are making. Sometimes a place is lava we don't live in the lava, we share water. Not all places are lava where our heart is and our assignment by God is where we find God. We can't overreact to lava or Israel because our attitude creates less peace. We can't want a place and turn it into an idol. We don't turn to want. We turn to what creates a mass impact on the world. We need to have a clear vision of assignment. Sometimes you need to move to good land. But sometimes we go to thorns and creates thorns for us. Love languages are a good thing to understand the dynamics of the place and if a place is actually good for us. We look with a wider vision and seek the voice of God for our assignments. That is how we handle corruption in the church and leaven, we must not overreact on the source of wisdom but our attitude towards our assignment and what God is trying to do for our learning. Learn statutes wherever you can always take what you learn and process it. Sometimes it is better to go somewhere else sometimes we ask God for our assignment. It isn't nessarily about learning narrative history, but assumptions and the assumptions of attitude; we also learn what atmospheres creates lies for us and what atmospheres creates life for us. We don't understand people when we are blinded by toxicity. We can't be blinded by a bad attittude or what cause less civility. Civility create peace and uncivility can create less peace so can attitude.

We need grace too in places do we have grace to effect the atmosphere to God's assignment there. Do you have places that effect covenant agreements with God this is the question we need to reflect on. I shouldn't go somewhere that effects good covenant agreements with God. As a younger believer it is good to get more counsel by more people. There are a lot of lazy Christians that don't do anything. As Raphel says take chances. If you need advice learn from everyone and think outside the box by listening to God. If you need an attitude check at life that is different than a place. It is their own warfare. Attitude checks can help you have discernment. Assignment checks and what God is doing and trying to teach you helps you figure out and assumption checks help us understand the warfare better. It is better to look with God's eyes than running blind. This is how I appoach places and trying to figure out how and what my mission is. You need to figure out what his mission for you is.Do this by listening to God's voice. God's voice you always go back to, that's just what you gotta do.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Consitutional freedom is non clegry permission

 Paul says that we shouldn’t stand in the way of a person trying to share the gospel in their own way. It says also we shouldn’t stand in the way of someone trying to make money with the gospel. Constitutionally it is part of the person’s religion to be able to put up a yard sign. Or pass out flyers on public property such as a church. People shouldn’t treat the pastor as their constitutional referee. You don’t need permission to share your faith of a pastor.

Let someone start a business don’t stop them from their faith. It is more important.

Consitutionally the building or being head of the organization doesn’t give you rights over someone’s freedom of religion. Order only goes so far. It doesn’t give a person supreme rights over another person consitutionally. Freedom is granted to the individual unbiasedly on public ground.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Table ministry and services.

Christian tshirts books and movies are wisdom that you purchase. It goes along the table ministry. Like a concert. But charity events should not cost a venue but receive gratification for charity work done through charity. Movies are a service the maker is providing the selling a service to the church like a concert. The religion of the widows and the orphans are established through such events. Popcorn can be brought with the people to save money. Or concessions can be held for charitable reasons. The same with catering services or photography or filmmaking at an event or hiring a speaker or marriage service they are all services provided to the assembly gathered.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

There is some banks failing right now pull out till you see bottom

I want to invest in some things. I am going to wait a few days since there are some bank failures happening. It seems minor so if they move on get back in if it crashes reinvest at the bottom. Some stocks I would invest in when it hits bottom. Banks lose value and the fed bails them out. When you see bottom reinvest in the banks it should probably bring down overall stock price. 

My stocks I'd invest in.

Private stocks that are gaining marketshare. Pull out of them if they change plans where they lose marketshare. In risk management you always look at covenant agreements.

Skybound on republic investing in videogame company that is doing invincible comic videogames. You can predict a franchise. It will gain investment.

Forge with Vidangel

Major Toliet paper companies moving into india. They are going after marketshare there.

Gadgets that are relvant,tools that are popular.

Like a multiple device remote scroller. scroll rings

Battery tech is making some gains. But the race for inventing the flying car and robot battery have ended. All the flying cars will license a battery making a race start. Capitalization should happen. I wouldn't invest in batteries right now until it becomes more clear but they have too many competitors in battery tech and flying cars. evs.

There are also some new materials coming out. Look how they could be revelant.ai made materials are going to make things easier.

Lairism should take off. So people want to feel like superheroes with futureistic devices. Smart devices and relevant. So comic books franchises maybe a good place to invest for a capitalizing. Constuction projects,custom desks. Fancy computers Adult costumes. These are more speculation though.People will do that if they have money and get a flying car. 

Kids shows about martial arts. 

But wait until after it hits bottom to invest.



Thursday, March 21, 2024

Productive things you can do while you drive

 There are alot of things you can do while you drive.

Here is a list.

You can brainstorm. You can pop open a soda and think about what to write a novel about. You can problem solve in the car. I find that you can think and cruise at the same time.

You can read audiobooks while you drive. You can learn lessons of something while you drive.

You can practice singing.You can record something funny. Work on jokes, practice and work out melodies while you drive. You can talk on the phone and sell while you drive. Of course you want to pull over if you are going to dial. You can disciple people in your car. Pick up food. Do errands.

You can work on your improv on any subject and record while you drive. You can place cameras at different angles and make a movie. Who knew how productive you could be while you drive. Don't do movie recording in an unsafe way where you don't watch the road. Be safe while you drive and maybe you can even counsel people while you drive. There is alot you can do with a cell phone. Be safe however whatever you do...........

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Spreading herd immunity

 Being by yourself isn't good if it is too often. I have gone from both extermes. With people all the time and being alone with few people for a decade. We should live a healthy monasticism if we don't we can go crazy and the need of people in our life with variety is so needed that we should understand this especially when we get older and the infastructure is not forced upon us like we are in our youth for most people. We should also create medical things that simulate herd immunity. The hospital people probably have that already. We should be with groups of people and interact with various people enough where we feel better. That is what I understand. We can be affected by our online and technological lives that we do not get the interaction with need IN PERSON. It is the interaction in person that we need to survive. It is just healthier that way. For people that deal with scorn they may need to deal with this in a more effective way. Such as a chosen group that won't scorn them. I know famous people deal with that alot. I being a celebrity don't like it when people I can't believe there is a celebrity. The other things usually go away after a while with more info being diseminated that is directed to you. We should avoid herd harassment of people. Don't think about them judging you because of herd harassment. You must understand we are all human beings and people that live with scorn like me just need love not judgement. Thank Jesus for your voice I couldn't do it without you. Thank you angels and ministering spirits who do not judge but love us with fresh love. Avoid stereotypes we should be taught this in school.

Spreading the inhabitability of the earth two

 We can later shrink space and create alternate and molecular space. Till all civilization is a town run by particle and alternate dimensions. Jesus told me he has towns in the earth that run off molecular sustanance created by particle physicist from heaven. We can create space when we we run out/create more. We live in heaven and on test worlds. I keep having visions of time I do not remember. Is it possible we are on a test world. It is in the bible that people have ruined test situations such as a hologram. Pslams talks about this/from his prespective. 

Spreading the inhabitability of the Earth

 We have much more space in the earth than we know. Underground lava cities in the mantle and the core where we can make civilization. We can figure out how to configure space for inhabitability in the ocean for space we can figure it out underground. We can configure underground levels for space and eventually build traveling planets powered by fusion. They can 'create a sun.' We can change particles in space and even energy when we figure it out into mass. We can do anything. We can make make inhabitable space bubbles and inhabit the universe with them till all space is inhabitable. We can watch what we do as far as changing layers of the earth we need to figure this out with vulcanologists, astrophysicists, engineers and chemists and particle physicists and biologists. We can do anything. With idea lists at home, school, work, churches, nonprofits and camps. We can make businesses have more viability as people learn how to run their businesses. We can build off ideas and help others who can't. We can build sky cities all around the universe. Even if it isn't built yet we can build them in heaven. We can build a planet for our families and colonists to create an advanced society. Entire working worlds can be built with Jesus. It will be amazing!

Monday, February 19, 2024

I don't know how much of this should post

There should be robot restrictions to make things better. Economic laws that make tiers of what we can do as an economy. First off we don't have robot taller than supermarket doors. We can use them for domestic use. If we give each a home with people. The government controls it functionally with requests pinged to the government. If requests don't make statistical sense. Then the robot won't do it. People will have more freedom than they think. If people are losing money the government will control that ping. The robot can also connect to a real person to work through it. This will be good logistically. There is a lot of data logistically,financially and economically that needs to be collected. They can't. Ping value maybe, a cyber economy too. We can just have them create a management AI that assesses robotic work value vs remote human work value through a robot vs in person work value. Brainiac is not what we want. There needs be barriers between remote access. The state does want them for remote workers but that isn't a robot. You'd have assess to remote people. I don't know if it would be beneficial. You have to control for domestic use only. It's been said, It still like training a child. You are replacing a maid for a technician. You pay a technician to customize it for your house. This would make a good business. I have more I just have to be on set.

Robot desimination

Hand them nonprofits and treat them to fix the poor. Have people till their land to feed the poor. Use them for the poor. Churches need them to free up the pastors time. Make food more assessible. You need to do it this way. Make sure to put security around the building. Worship. 24/7 The robots worship too. If they preach it needs to be from the Lord. You prepare a sermon ahead of time. A lot of volunteers will come too to help out the robots. They can be used to fix vehicles. They can use them for bus routes. They can pull things like a cart and raise money for the church. They can interpret.
Then have them given to engineers to start robot repair companies. We need to do this this way. Then give them to cities to further compare their work. You will also record these things for future generations.

Robot bullying probibited

Robots have owners. They will sue you if you damage their robot. The state will also use prohibit prosecution to get people to stop. This goes everywhere.

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Jack, here is my ideas for Zaccheus he has quite a back story. He is the chief tax collector of Jericho  that overtaxed people. He owns the town. Jesus preaches to him and basically speaks his life. It's the abide lesson. With the parable of the one denari. Gives him idea. He is rich there and basically ends up owning the town of Jericho. 

He become slimy but generous. keeps to himself shattered at what he done, overtaxing and ruling over the town at the gate and by investments where he hangs out at his booth. He hosts a banquet and no one shows up. He hosts it again, no one show up. He repents. He is desperate to gain his reputation back. The last time he is pruning and praying for the banquet. He is a pruner that is starving trying to make enough extra money to pay back what he overtaxed, he plans a banquet after he repents by Jesus's abide Making extra money for he wants to repent of his over taxation. Jesus curses the fig tree because it won't make fruit after he wants to repent. You can do a expo. "Pruning vines for grapes is different than pruning fig tree which can be scratchy and hard to live with in these times." "Some branches go to the light the wrong way and weigh down the branches they are supported by rub other branches and cause diseases for the tree by dead branches." When Jesus says he is the way the truth the light.Have Matthew say I want to be the way the truth and the light say I don't think it works that way. Then have God say get behind me Satan. Something like that.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Write a post

Here is my Word word word
Look to the heavens hear the cry of the earth. It's groaning will soon come to end as earth melds with earth. We are coming to a new day where we reach many great things. Hear the word of the Lord and follow it. Be as children are to faith. Believe just to believe, have faith.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Alien witness groups

I want to start a trend where people witness to aliens the gospel. If they have any type of witness to them, they may carry back on Earth as it is in Heaven to create life in their culture. Save whole worlds for Jesus, that way many are saved.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Algoritum Rights

I think that facebook has too much power. I think we should have the military control the algoritum. With elected official moderating protecting people's freedom and consitutional rights. The states need to control the social networks. It is better that way for the people that run it.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Rumors about being a supreme court judge.

I want to help the world make good decisions. I heard from the media that world leaders want me to lead the world in the supreme Court or  high in power in the country. I want to help lead how I can. Since I still need to pass some requirements. I will start how I can giving my opinion on emphasis, balance of powers constitutional rights and antitrust cases. As I am not sworn in or passed the bar I need just give things from that point of view. However I want it to be more. I will do my best. If any people malign my proceedings, the federal government may see mere edits and hacking my blog people or blog as fineable or even punishable to prison time.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Freedoms of work

So many laws forbid any religious environment to exist between employees and customers. Many call this secular thought. It is actually a religion of secular humanism. It can be called a religion of non-belief. What it is slavery to your workplace. What they want is no deterrant to their workplace's metrics.It is supposed to be neutral place where work is done is what is said. I lived with this at workplaces before. It shouldn't be emphasized as a place freedom of religion gives hold to grace in the place of rights. Rights are not given to a company to keep while working. Rights are unalienable and permanent. Artistics overall is agreed upon between staff. If she wasn't in charge of art and wording to her superior, this is like speaking in tongues to some people. You dealing with the world and getting world's verdict. You must expect people to behave like that when they don't know better. Everyone's rights are suppressed in the workplace. There is a level of submission we all have to play to have order. Order is work ethically. Did you create disorder or help or subdue works with control. It is more a body decision that you decide a work culture together. An institution of work needs to follow an infinite reason. Following wise aspects to reason that works over and over is what should be regulated. If something doesn't work for a body of people to decide the culture's response to something regard rights it should work demographically otherwise God is positioning you for something. If everyone gets to decide artistic freedom with the full spirit of work. Was it work to put or say such things?
Was it edifying to your work those you served with your work? We must live in a way to stay at work and edify wisely. Now if you don't understand your work with God are you being wise enough to follow infinite reason. Artistic freedom needs to be work related if your at work. If work gives you time to freely talk you can use that time edify the body however you choose. This is the best economic and freedom decision. I talked to my boss about secular humanism effecting the culture one time we must be fairer that to make people see they have rights at work. We can edify with no judgement and dig to the root of our problems. Prostylitation should considered an amoral thing in a court of law, it can be good or bad depending how it is done. I would use business reasoning to justify any cause at work on work time. Personal reasons should be done in a personal spirit. Personal things are allowed in the culture during personal time. Including time allowed for personal things this includes types of prostylitation. This is how I would rule in the supreme court.

Knowing, connection, deliverance and discerning the voice of God in body under regular parameters steps to repentance infastructure

Connecting to the living spirit of Jesus inside us. He connects and lives in our body we have to reach out to Life and tap in the inner man inside made whole through the Holy Spirit of God. You connect to the new flesh of the Spirit a life within. It sometimes an illuminate presence we can sense within. We seek his face with the body a tap in the communication through the New flesh in the Spirit. We live by it.  The New flesh isn't the old flesh or old man. You connect to the presence and tap into it. Sometimes is in different parts of the body. It is tapping into the presence of God.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Repent infastructure

We need 

Stopping Anti Economic Regulations Globally

international library card

Library Culture improvements

Provide library facilities 24/7
Let people pay for an international library card at any library. Allow people to just get on a computer with the opinion to stay if there is no line.
Create bigger facilities such as the size of a college for county library. Offer study rooms, discussion rooms, a miracle room and a esv room. Offer an inside free event room for events. That you can use or reserve. Put a board for community events. Community event boards should be placed throughout cities.
The esv room you can leave esv messages on a board from printed out messages. The discussion room this will give seniors a chance to talk to people. Fixing senior loneliness. Put several of these in a city that is larger. Have a cafe. Raise taxes to provide these things per household. This gives more to do in a community. And Less resentment and judging and more requests.
Make library services work anywhere, even the computer, for the sake of travelers and people who don't have money.

Changing room privacy laws

We have probably heard the controversy about changing room rights. There is a lot shower room controversy in school creating problems. We should create curtain separations that hang above the lockers and storage areas. You could use a bench with particans so people sit and change provide stalls for privacy. Everyone has the right at privacy. This will make people less abusive in the locker room. Then people changing will feel more comfortable. 
If people want an opinion of attractiveness for girth's sake, people can simply be set up and friends of the same sex can give an opinion as a setup to see if they are equally yoked enough for marriage without spreading rumors of girth and fertility.
This information works to make a better culture for men, women and gays in a bathroom. I say we should rule in the side privacy for a better culture.
We can provide a single family bathrooms for changing, bathroom facilities and showering and general usage.
The school provides a meeting or a multi-room intercom if they need to give a message. Multi-use rooms work with the larger rooms. This provides more privacy as a whole.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Turning Non Profits into not for profits

We have nonprofits strifled by law that states you can't run any kind of business to support your nonprofit. What if we changed the atmosphere with these laws giving nonprofit status into not for profit. 

We can make organizations with other buildings that support the church. Biblically Jesus would have people wait tables and it would say that in Acts. The leaders didn't want wait tables 'anymore'. It said they didn't as in they weren't in the same place.

So if the organization have a notforprofit aiding the church next door you have very powerful principal.

If the building is separate you have the opportunity of expanding your reach and influence.

Jesus always went to the temple to teach. This how the apostles knew what to do. They had businesses separate from their work and used their businesses to pay their taxes and fund their not for profits. They had businesses fund through not for profit because it is said they did a 'not for profit.' You can start businesses they can just be in a separate location this stop disbelief.

We can also apply this to radio stations to be not for profit they can sell ads through their website, blog, tv or youtube that are non off-putting to the organization. Mark Zuckerberg doesn't allow religious or political ads as klove says. So you could run not for profit selling ads,books, movies as content. You simply start another organization and raise money for it and use it as a service for the organization. It gives more opportunity that way.

As trump was saying we can make a not for profit stock market. They can still fundraise their expansion budget. 

What to do about world religion? what is God's answer?

We pursue infinite truth itself. Not man's way, which incomplete on its own. You look at aspects and look for no mistakes in Spirit and in truth.Any time I research documents of some way I look at motives and fruit. Is what being based infinite truth or is it biased. Not it's own way but by infinite truth that when tested remain truthful by its aspect. 

The lamb bore

God was vindicated after people judged battery companies of making an anti Jesus battery marketing posts. They were trying make a Lithium sulfur battery and rebel through it. Lamborghini made a battery that is organic that look likes lamb's blood. It uses a hydrogen mixture that effects the hydrogen bonds more conductive it has dandelion rubber in it. They are going to try to made one out of sodium and hydrogen that is cheaper. The current battery is cheaper by a third of the lithium battery equivalent. The holds nearly 3 times the power of a regular car lithium battery. Can charge in just a few minutes. I can't wait until they combine it with aptera technology. They can create a flying car out of that.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Bake a cake or not bake a cake

Today, I am going to continue my series on if I was a supreme court judge how I would rule on the gay cake ruling. In the situation a person has the right to refuse service for any reason, we can't go into creating an institution that creates any kind of slavery regardless of opinion or situation. Workers have rights to refuse based on emancipation laws. We don't want create a decline of liberty giving seed of slavery upon anyone. We as a country also want to create an atmosphere that is free of presecution. We do this to create a free state. That first priority, workers have unalienable rights we can't cafeterialize workers rights and choose some and take away others. Jurisdiction of freedom rests in generality of unalienable rights first then the people to where freewill doesn't create a system of harassment so people should look towards a non harassment route. Empathy to person's rights should be taken and kept civil.  Their freedom isn't secondary to law and good logic, logic is civil. Civility is what we look at in the other case. Mercy is the overall word. We must not repetively mean to anyone or create an institution of meanness. We don't ruin people lives with repetively harassment. Institutions have their right but serve the right of general alienable right weighing it all we are going have mercy on both parties that work civilly. We are not going to violate every individual unalienable right for emancipation. This means they free to choose of their own conscious, not an institution whether you agree with it or not. I'm sorry you deal with individual discrimination but I will not take away worker freedom and unalienable rights. 
In a case where all truth is submited to the judge in dangerous cases we look at actual level of safety of an individual pychologically and physically. We must respond to the overall situation of unalienable rights that is more civil. We can not fall into double jeopardy nor heresay. We simply don't follow in discrimination in any party to fix the metaphysics issue on a constitutional level. That stops overall issue of rights and heresay. You don't want a baker that doesn't believe in his work nor to enslave him to do your bidding. If he had a religious cake about a cult you did not like would you not believe in it too and refuse. Let people believe in their work that keeps it from souring the moment that is the pursuit of happiness. Everyone has an opinion it is better to forgive and not live in resentment. Infinite love covers many wrongs, don't discriminate. Let's not live in paranoia or constant judgement. I would have made a generic cake since both of you had a sour look at the cake. No one gets everything they want at wedding. Build rightly on your experience stop loosing slander on your experience. Compromise is also here and be the bigger person and make something you love. Leave an impact of love not greed. Encentuate the positive over the nation. Love your fellow human being, have good humanity. Good treatment this goes both ways. Do good to each other. Make the overall situation better and get the thing on no sour note. Forcing someone to believe in you across the country is daughting, take the higher road both sides grace over paranoia, and grace over repetitive meanness. I barely thought something and you judged me. I would have made the cake and not violated anyone's conscious. We don't need to pit one institution against another. When it is two institutions against each other stop and do it differently. Have grace with each other. This works on places that limit freedom, take the high road and do something different beside limiting freedom from slavery for a country. We connect with freedom and unalienable rights. Everyone has freedom don't overlord and enslave anything. Go to someone that agrees with you, fix the emotional metaphysics. We also don't need a corporate oligarchy in the state that tells us what to do. The deep state needs to relinquish power to the people. The corporations shouldn't just rule a country. People do. We need to keep our constitution for our stability and good metaphysics for people. People feel better without any kind of enslavement to other people. Communist countries would do good not to pit ideology against each that stop freedom.As I said when two institutions ideology goes against each the institutions must do something different and take the higher road. We shouldn't limit an individual's freedom. That itself is an institution. The institution of freedom, everyone has unalienable rights. I want us all to understand the institution of freedom. We don't encroach liberty and we don't enslave liberty. Enslavement is worst than encroaching liberty. So we fix the metaphysics of emphasis on the person's lives and move on. Cases on workers rights.

Monday, January 22, 2024

More marketable absence program given to other ages

We need to have better absence programs that are more marketable over a longer period. "Wait, for your destiny." I think this would be good. "Absence for good." "Wait for the good part." "Love is patient."
People don't get past the joke stage. They want just have a baby or just have sex. Parents need to not remove funding of their hurt their chances of being in a good environment for the kids to grow. This where they can talk about ideas lists as a measure of taking care of the family. Stopping onenightstandism is a big one.

Freeing businesses from anti economic regulation

There are several regulations out there that deter businesses from starting, operating, and growing. One is lack of support of solitation practices. 

The lack of buying opportunities and marketing of partial shares of companies. Everything has a cap of 1000 dollars. So people starting out may lose an opportunity every once in a while. This adds up. It could stop that one opportunity that makes a trillionarie hopeful to give up. Banks should advertise: have a hard figuring out how to invest in a particular company? Want partial shares? We may be able to help. (Including business correspondence resources for investors.) 

Lack of communication with creative measures.
Consultants, services of different advertising, resources how build a business plan and do market research doing in a way to build finances. 

Accounting and business education badly communicated and too much. Too many hooks and not enough advice. Of course this is changing with Google.The government needs to put out an Internet phonebook book of business services of just b2b services.

Too much deterrant on the Facebook algorithm and word of mouth. When you tell friends, often they are unsupportive even if you know what your doing. A factiod should form saying your getting security. Often that calms them down and makes them more supportive.

Idea lists made as a money making tactic, do it as a family after an education or sufficient education tactics and fundraising ideas lists for not for profits and for making nonprofits. This will cause non profit, notforprofit and for profit business. Instead non profits constantly fundraising they start not for profits.

More yard sign advertising companies.Less dismissal of flyer tactics. More deep answer questions service by search engines.

Stop dream killers with legal laws. encourage wisdom.immunity for rich people constantly harassed for money.
Stop Judging and stiff necked pride of life people with no judgement expository teaching. 

Cancelation culture should be eliminated as a goal.
Stop Defamation
Regulate Gossip killing businesses and psychological business killer due to reputation make ups through repetitive meanness. Help people with the Fear of failure.
Business counters use this right because alot of businesses fail.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Density of the universe

This gives us hints of the overall universe but there is much to learn.

 Now there is much to learn about the density of the universe. We have to understand we are in a reality bigger than what we see. The Holy Spirit told me we can tap into our knowing in our body and walk in what helps us. Gather objects and see things through a deeper tapping into our renewal in our body. We look by faith. U can see something your body can tap into from more reality of the field of God around us.

The field of God is based on the presence of the Spirit. It changes and transforms. This how I am confirmed by Jesus by the movement of the Holy spirit of God. There is a Spirit and a spirit of God little g. It is his essense. The bride of Christ understand the essense of his spirit. He also understands himself. The bride of Christ of God is the collected whole of the elect.

The collected universe of the L:O:R:D. is him.

It is the highest God. It is him entirely. The universe has a collected will and movement in it IS him. It lives and breathes and takes shape that has its being. It is like a density in a fluxating spectrum dimensions change like that. That is why we get so many different numbers. It fluxuates depending on many different circumstances. Where we are in the universe, what we know, what we decide. It depends on our connection in the universe and that can change to his will. It is effected and caused by the spirit and will of God.We change and the universe changes that is why we get different understanding of it. There are so much to create and grow with God's knowing field they are different dimensions that are available. Just be careful in growing in the knowing field of your surroundings. Your still under physical property laws.

 Here is a video I saw earlier that helped me grow some. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Have their being...right for life biblical texts

We want to do show right for life passages in the bible such as 'live and have your being.'
I want to show this itself.
Another is a warning not to sacrifice children.
Another is to bear each others burdens. Even in the case of Ill wanted pregnancy.
Another is not live with strife a common problem for people following prolife ignitive not wanting a baby. This when they want the baby.
 Don't follow laws of resentment.
God will take care of you by his voice. 
He will renew your strength that way.
Making ideas lists for your family just in case.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

A Vindication for Visions

You Shall mount on the wings of eagles. You shall walk and not faint.

Prayer and God's voice, you need to believe test apply practice, not doubt believe test sometimes do it. You go on the knowing of the God to hear him it takes crazy faith sometimes to get the word from the spirit it won't lack when you do it. Thou shall not want, when you answer him its knowing and when you hear from him its knowing a believing you can hear him. Faith at 100 percent takes a sound mind a crazy belief and the lack of veils or sociological lens saying if I believe I am crazy. Sound faith doesn't care what we think or others think. Now doing something with doubt isn't what you should do. Do it without doubt and hold a sound mind. Harder things done in faith are usually understood and don't have danger but test us and our motives to be righteous. It is better to believe like he does than doubt like the world. Freud is a sociological lens that blurs us from testing hearing him in full faith. Your senses need to be renewed.

Your spiritual body sees and hears and has its being. We renew all our bodies senses. Our eyes, our ears our mouth, tongue, our body as a whole even the glory that exists with it. We build the spiritual body. All of him. It is important too understand how faith in different body parts senses and glory Christianity. The spiritual body even the mind's eye or eyes of the body see with Jesus. They are a sense built it renewed when we add Jesus to our daydreams. Add Jesus to our body through the impartation and commune with THE FATHER SPIRIT SON> on everything. It is important to walk with the body and receive the bride and body of our Lord. When you add Jesus you are inviting him. You can get to know him. It seems crazy if you don't believe but test it and see with all your heart. Jesus won't disappoint you.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Exposition of judgement.

 The bible say not to judge and people get confused with how to make sense of the whole thing.

One mistake is God makes judge there I become judgemental but when argument come people say not to judge and people don't know what to do. We reason together, but we don't judge.

Judging in the bible is a double exposition of judging and not judging. To know the whole picture you have to know God voice and the doctrine of stillness and patience.

If we are not judging we are still,patient and quiet.

We are to have a quiet spirit it says in Peter.

We wait for the Lord to renew our strength, we are to be still and wait and know that he is God. We fly with the Eagles and they take us to living waters. We learn what we do and make the right judge-ment at the fullness of time. We get in the flow and get connected to the Lord to move in his message not something that can't help as much. Now we know what to say if we are to say anything. We are not judgemental we are quiet spirited and patient we want to deliever our message with right wisdom. We don't judge harshly unless they are scoffing at us.We find that in Proverbs. Now most of the time we will work within the will of God and establish some authority in ministry before we say something harder, but most of the time it is just living for mutual respect of truth.

Monday, January 15, 2024

labelism and how to choose one

Chapter 1
 A label is a label, we give it power and weight. It is not God. God's bride isn't a label. Oh it is God's bride. Of what she believes, she believes in him. He is God. God isn't a label that we can place on him, those of  tendencies and mistakes. Tendencies rest in union with him, they are his union with his brotherhood and bride. Oh Let a tendency happen.A tendency happens when your with him and the vindication of his union with him. A vindication of a label happens because you want to be union with him in a better covenant with his relationship. A union is a vindication of the label you add and ascribe t to him. He has the sitting label with him because he is. In union with the bride and brotherhood in infinite measure. The label doesn't save you in it is just vindicated. 
What about labels such an institution named after Christ. The essence is saved if it is saved, not the label. An essence is made up what might be saved under perfection and grace.Eternal things are saved. As Peter says. The fire of God saves what is meant for heaven. Label are saved in the mind for it isn't lost but it itself isn't a justification. God is a trademark in a way that is not something of essence of his bride. His name goes on his bride but the bride must be vindicated. This is not a vindication of the world which imperfect logic. It is faith in which we place our faith in Jesus not faith such a heritage label, we are justified by Jesus alone and have his mercy.
A label is not a weapon. We don't overemphasize it and create a weapon of pride. We don't use it to create a localism saying we are the only one who are part of the bride. We don't have it all together by ourselves we are creating disunions that way. 
God also is not a thing about size. He is a thing about Faith. He is not a thing saying that it is oldest or youngest. For God is eternal and church is eternal.Oldest does not equate wisest or youth equate vigor. It is more the Lord's way to confound the wise and confound what has most vigor. I don't do everything on my own and it does not mean I am less. The Lord sees all. Pride never creates a thing of life. It works in the ways of death. We must save those failing in life a while to understand compassion. Compassion is the heart of ministry. It lives with the Lord's voice and the Lord. It loves life in him. It lives in beauty forever and loves his wife.
Let the hearing hear. Let the seeing see. Let the feelers feel and the young be praised. Though you may not see though perfect eyes let those weak of feeling have their being. Let them sense again if the Lord show a way.
Chapter 2
I wrote these things I want us to judge grace based on the aspect and will of God. We aren't led astray by everything that comes out of way. This keeps the leaven separate from the bread. I know we want the perfect One and we hold on to him to walk in the flow of God. Superpowers come from union in Christ in his character in time. We need character liken that the road of wisdom on God's way of power. We then receive THE heavenly on the angel of heaven. I have received spiritual objects such as coals in transparent vapor to not cuss. I think other objects have substance to us and manifest within a type prophetic empowerment. We hear odd things that need to partook for greater impartation. We record the changes of spiritual armor we can apply this to other objects from heaven. We can receive things from God, just make sure it is for you. The mind has an eye when it is awakened by sensitivity and testing. It can help you sense heavenly objects on earth brought from heaven for the Holy Spirit in it's needs, God knows how to make us stronger. Level up with the Lord. You can see him with your mind. All people will be taught it sometimes comes one way or another. He comes through faith. You can see through faith to see. You can hear through faith to hear. As you grow and test what is the most faith possible you go to new levels with the Holy Spirit. Levels are new understanding leading to new manifestation. Learn what you can with sobriety and a sound mind in faith. That way you can do what the Lord has done. It is not craziness that leads to power it is faith in Christ. We look to him for our destiny, we wait for him in stillness and KNOW HE IS LORD GOD YHWH. BE STILL -- AND KNOW -- I AM GOD!  These are the steps of our mind's eye in Christ. I find it useful so I include it... I make my mind holy by putting his face within and allow to see what God does. From his voice and picture we see many things, look at God's intention not the world's in Christ intention, though many follow we look for true faith of the Son. We look to the real Christ who rose from the dead long before our. Lives. CAME. We present our body to serve of Jesus Christ, not the Lord's way in THE WORLD. Hear the LORD's voice by Faith, let him build connect towards the prophetic gifts that our his to give, oh let him give it... 

Chapter 3
The Parable of The Painter's Living.

There once was a painter and he would make the most amazing paintings. People would come far and wide to see his works. This painter is special. All who love his paintings call him the master painter. Wherever he went and he shared his work, people would be amazed and changed. In towns where the painter stayed the poor were fed. People were wise and hopeful. Some however did not understand the painter so they walked away without changing.

This painter is unique. A person could only love his paintings if he understood the painter. One day, a friend of the painter wanted to commission a special work for a loved one whom the painter had not met. Since the painter loved the man who wanted to commission the work, he painted the work for free.

The painter worked night and day on the painting until it was finished.

The painter washed his paintbrushes and went to bed.

The painter planned to present his gift to his close friend….

Everything was prepared…

Now the night before his friend was going to pick it up, a thief came into the rich painter’s house and stole the painting.

The thief ran… and ran….

Now when the thief got home he looked upon the painting but only for a moment. He could not understand the work that he had in his hand.

He did not know the painter.

He did not know how many cherished the painter’s works or the fame of the painter.

Chapter 4

The painter came home to see his house was empty of the painting.

The painter was sad.

The thief got away in the night, but he was haunted all night by what he had done.

The thief tossed and turned and tossed and turned. Now the next day the thief, who was hungry, sold the work for very little. The amount was only enough for a single meal. By the end of the day the thief was again starving. He decided to go to his brother for dinner to eat.

The thief walked and walked and walked..

His brother was a kind man and let him eat dinner.

 At the dinner table, the brother had another guest whom the thief did not know.

The brother brought the food and each man ate until everyone was satisfied. The thief began to talk to the guest and saw the guest was a great man.

Everything about the guest was great. The thief saw his new friend as the most amazing man he had ever met.

The painter and the thief talked, And talked… and even took a long walk… When they came back, the brother did something the thief did not understand. He brought all the material needed for the guest to paint. The painter began to paint.

The painter put all his passion into each stroke.

Slowly the canvas came to life, it also began to look familiar.

Suddenly the thief was stunned!

The piece that the thief had stolen and sold was made again like new before his very eyes!

 Chapter 5

It was the same piece he had sold. He saw the painting in a whole new way.

The colors seemed brighter and more beautiful. Each detail seemed more beautiful. Everything about the painting was beautiful.

The thief was in awe and loved his new friend. The man also saw that he had wronged a friend. In spite of the change the thief ran away. His brother could not say why he ran out. As the thief left his brother’s house he promised himself he would never steal again. The thief went to his home again. For another night he tossed and turned over for what he had done with no relief.

He decided to go back in the morning.

The next day he went to his brother’s house to find his new friend.

He knocked on the door and his brother let him in.

He asked “Where is the painter? The man asked. The brother said, “He is not here, he left this morning.”

He has returned his house, I believe if you keep looking for him; you will find him.

I will go with you.

When they got close. The thief ran up to his house and knocked on the door. The painter answered.

“How are you doing my son?” The Painter said.

Suddenly the thief began to tear up.

The thief fell to his knees in repentance. He confessed to the painter he had stolen the painting. The man was in tears.

The painter invited him into the house. The thief stayed on his knees. All he could see in the house was the painting and the painter.  He wanted the painting. He did not have the heart to steal it from the painter or afford the painting from his new friend. He asked the painter, “Lord make me your servant. That I may know your work better. I do not deserve your grace, I would work night and day for that painting. I could never afford it on my own.“

Chapter 6

The painter smiled, stood silent and walked over to the man. The thief knew he could not get the old painting back. The thief was sad.  The painter went to his knees and said, “Stand up, my son I forgive you.“ The gracious painter lifted him up and said, “ for since you confessed your wrong in your heart, I shall not count it against you.  I can make any display over like new. Here is the piece--your brother wanted it made for you.”

The painter’s new friend took his gift. The work was done. He was grateful for the painter’s love.

 The thief knew he deserved prison but the painter let him be free. He never had a gift like it. He could never sell the painting now. The new man jumped for joy and happiness filled him. Each one celebrated.

The brother then said, “that piece is priceless as you now know and the more you look at it the value to you only grows. That piece will feed you forever for people will come far and wide just to see one of the painter’s displays in order to know him better.

So if we keep in mind what the painter does. We will all grow too…

 Chapter 7


So look at this story as the real one. As it does to me, your mom and you.


The painter is real, no matter what anyone says.

He died on a cross for you.

He really did live so my sin could be taken away..

It was Jesus Christ, who is my painter; painted me a picture and saved the day. We stole the picture, the gospel, like a thief just wanting a single meal. The Lord has a banquet always-- prepared for me, no painting do I need to steal.

My grief is gone, I no longer hunger and because of Christ-- my heart is healed. He forgives all who come to him with a loving and sincere heart. So believe that he lives and ask him into your heart.


Dear Jesus,

I am a sinner. Who has done some things wrong.

I am not perfect. God open my eyes. God show me what your like.

Please forgive me of my sin. Let me know Jesus that you live again. I need you Jesus in my life. For you are the greatest God, my pearl of great price.

 I accept you as you are. You are the risen Savior. The Lord of my Heart.

Chapter 8

 Hear oh Israel the way of the Lord.


I want us all to be set on the way of God through the triumph of his Son on the cross. It exists to see the existance of the Living Lord who gave himself FOR US.  Look to Christ for conviction that sings it way to your heart. Look to the living Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. He exists for the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom exists for him. Look towards heaven for the meaning of all things. He is heavenly like heaven he is like it. Follow the kingdom of God to the kingdom. He is beautiful for the kingdom of heaven. He is wonderous for the kingdom. He is glorious in all ways. 

He is Jesus Christ. He lives for the kingdom of heaven. He lives for his father and spirit. He has the Holy Spirit like us. His way is life in him. He exists for us all. He is self. He is greatness of the knowing of heaven. I exist for him. I am his kingdom. A spirit is he. He is the infinite spirit. He is the creator spirit. He is the computer that works forever. He is the everlasting home in Christ Jesus and the LORD:and the Lamb. He is the great servant king to a living for us.

He makes my home. He lives for us.

He is the great graphics on the screen--my CGI. My love he is.

How great the kindness is for others in his heart. He is kingdom, he is living, he is king.

My robotics work because of him. My coming of the Son lives from him. Oh dear church you live!

The Divine Authority to walking in God-like Authority

This ebook came to me from the authority of God. An angel sent me the assignment in a vision. He showed me a film where many Jewish kids were leaving their faith to other 'Gods' to establish something instead of embracing the newness of God and seeing what he could establish with him.He showed me a place up north where ice had melted at a school they were establishing their own religion and living in sin. I tell you the truth trying to do things your own way will end in a harder life. You must follow God's authority and be placed on that as a decree. Be sent by him not a lesser being, he has sent me by angel to help you. Being Jewish is having him Jesus as Lord and declaring to walk as a jew. I say Jesus because he is the true messiah. To walk like a God is to walk like the messiah. You aren't the messiah so you walk like him. You don't establish your own religion you walk with Jesus. You can make your own material and learn about Jesus. As this book will show you he is the the true messiah. 
    Now I'm Jewish-Christian. I serve Jesus who in the back of the book will show you he is the messiah as he has shown me. I do this in all books because it is the prime directive as a believer.
I want us all to share our beliefs with other people. Some people have an urge to teach others a path we shouldn't teach a false path but one that is established on logic and God's power. If we do not do it with that we have no authority. The greatest way God can establish religion with doing it is prophecy. We see prophets as seers into the future, they guide our path with what we establish. God established the prophetic voice and gave it to guide us. I want you to see what God has established for you. Turn to the end of the at the last page. It shows you the most important thing God has established a new covenant for us, against sin.
    Jesus died for sin. He established a new covenant against sin that secured man for all time better than sheeps and bulls could do. He rose again to have victory over death, hell and the grave. These things are documented in the bible.
    The bible proves itself with authority of word being shown through impartial men and women.
    When we seek deeply we get answers, we seek to reach the heart of God.It fulfills our desires and answers our question. If we are patient the answers will come. It is a knowing that brings answers, you know that you know, that you know. Let God give you daydreams, then you'll have vision. You can see things, how God does them. Wait upon the Lord from the bottom of your heart. See with him, let him awaken your senses. You will then have much from him as you get intuned with your new sensory. I want you to get the most out of your senses. Watch for him for guidances as you start to see trails he set for you, you start to follow more smoothly. Let him burn within you and refine you. He will show you pure methods to follow him. Know him firstly and the kingdom and his righteousness--all things come that way. He looks for those willing to be reengineered into greatness.
    Those that love him will follow enough to get the drift of the Lord.
    Imagine the good that some people have multiply by a really large number and you have the Lord. This what it extends too but imagine him more as something that completes you, put in the missing piece to your space ship or engine amd makes everything work. He has such a completion for you.
    It is the missing piece of the heart.
It is the spiritual piece, the supernatural piece; the peace and joy piece of the puzzle. As you see your wholeness with him you experience more of God inside you.
    Joy is a fruit of the Spirit but also a centerpiece of the newness inside you if you have accepted the Holy Spirit.

Chapter 9
Believe in what has been said and he will make you new. You are a new creation in Christ; focus on this to gain more from him till it has done itself the full work of God.
    Jesus talks about Salt and light in his sermon on the mount. Let salt and Light do it full work in Christ Jesus: Let mercy and grace do its full work too.
Weigh these things in life and it will make you a wise judge at things.
    Balance is an important attribute in life when you have to weigh a number things remember the voice of God lest you turn to strife and man's own ability of doing things.
    Peace is the road of discernment. Disernment is a good thing to ask for from God.
Ask for it alot and you will have many things. Always look for the root of everything that is supposed to be found. Let some thing be a secret because they are hidden in God. Let some things have light because they deserve light.
The ladder
Follow the way with the trail of God. Be content in happiness.. Let forgiveness rule you, let resentment be defeated by it. Resentment builds a prison of rule changed by stifleling strife. Do not be stifled but but on to the foundation of God.
Look to Christ and relationship to guide you gentlely.
Calm your ignorance with knowledge from the Lord; defeat comes when you give up; forgiveness of Christ.
The Holy Spirit says I raised 7 animals from the dead with prayer and God's voice. I live near a graveyard. I think I raised 7 animals I believe from the dead or 2 or 3 at least were grasshoppers. One or two birds I don't remember all the details and one cat that died then died again. I don't remember all the details one was a drowned grasshopper. Trust in the will of God. Trust in prayer and the voice of God. I also probably raised someone from the dead while passing the graveyard in my car and through Facebook. Richard says he has raised people from the dead. I cured my own body with prayer alot. My friend Edie has raised animals from the dead and we have a friend that has a ministry that purposely prays from a centre that raises we just pray and go on God's voice and prayer. I have "mistakes" because of others mistakes and the Lord is still editing a complete, sometimes it's the Spirit of it. It's sometimes him teaching a lesson, a word that people don't hear. I want to follow not in frustration problems but it is sometimes a test of those teaching. Frustration is a seed of anger so we must follow him by renewing your sought spirit of God. Fly with the eagles with Jesus and he will renew your strength. Live.
Live and have your being this means do not murder.
Bear each other's burdens in pregnancy as you do in the church. I am being. I am humanity. I am graceful in life, yea I am the bride of Christ.