Wednesday, May 8, 2024

How do we approach leaven?

Leaven of the pharisees how do we do define it. It is important to see that what separated the pharisees and the Christian weren't religion it was the pharisees were involved in illegal things. They were corrupt. They were still teaching in the temple. Remember it was control of the pharisees that they were escaping. Now this doesn't mean learn from them like separation all together because they were still teaching in the temple in Acts. It meant don't let them corrupt you with illegal activities. It didn't mean christian marketshare/separation of place/ but safety. They were told to learn from them but not let them corrupt them. Now Judas went to the Pharisees and told them about Jesus Christ location. Which put Christ in a bad place safety wise. It was different with persecution. In the persecuted church you go in disguise if your in danger. Christ knew he was in danger. So he told his disciple to learn from them because they would be perfect that way. It didn't mean start a francihse of your own your not welcome here. Don't do things to let people corrupt you. Religion is what they did in Matthew 23 and that is what he told them not to do. Relgion is a spirit. The jews have things where the seder meal the bread is hidden. They were hidding from the jews so this is how I would interpet the bread's leaven. We think about the leaven being something like yeast. Yeast has bacteria in it that cause the bread to rise. Jesus didn't have a cause he rose on his own by his father's authority. His body, the bread didn't corrupt. So this could say this was a prophecy of his body rising without corruption. Corruption of sin. The sin of the pharisees was Matthew 23. Spiritually we get rid of demons of religion by walking with people correctly not through rejection spiritually but their sin. God also told the church to tell the world about him. They preached in the synagogues not separated themselves from the synagogues after a while. The early church only separated themselves if peace could not be found in a place. This was a safety thing and from the sins of the pharisees in Matthew 23. You get rid of demons by walking correctly with people and getting rid of the infastructure. Not blanently going to church, your still dealing with everyone's demons in the town. You just don't leave it to the pastors of the town. Fighting demons is everyone's battle. We have assignments of God that give us understanding. Now if your having a hard time hearing God, you need to be concerned with how you are walking with people and God. If it is a religious spirit which is what Matthew 23 talks about. "Some people you walk with, some people you grow with and some people you minister to." This doesn't mean buildings and franchises of churches. This means how you are going about corruption, if the fruit of what you are listening to is corrupting you. Then the situation of your attitude needs to change. How you apply it shows what you are supposed to be growing in. If a place is making you corrupt you consider how you approach the place. When a person leaves a place for another one you can see anamostity, rivalry and pride happening sometimes. God didn't tell you to approach that place that way. Another place isn't always what brings anamosity it's looking at the place the wrong way. When a christian approaches the place they look at peace situations. Does people there take you from your relationship and God's goals for me and others. Sometimes places don't have any difference seen but have rivalry that is prideful. Sometimes the rivalry is not prideful but stirring. It's not about learning narrative history from one place it is about what makes more fruit so I'm not corrupt. Teaching in some place that doesn't handle demons and peace situations can make the place less civil. If you are called to a place attitude is usually right. The way you approach is right. It's not about whether a place pays the bug guy but if they are corrupting you. Attitude towards what God you know told you in your assignment towards his mission affects the crop you are making. Sometimes a place is lava we don't live in the lava, we share water. Not all places are lava where our heart is and our assignment by God is where we find God. We can't overreact to lava or Israel because our attitude creates less peace. We can't want a place and turn it into an idol. We don't turn to want. We turn to what creates a mass impact on the world. We need to have a clear vision of assignment. Sometimes you need to move to good land. But sometimes we go to thorns and creates thorns for us. Love languages are a good thing to understand the dynamics of the place and if a place is actually good for us. We look with a wider vision and seek the voice of God for our assignments. That is how we handle corruption in the church and leaven, we must not overreact on the source of wisdom but our attitude towards our assignment and what God is trying to do for our learning. Learn statutes wherever you can always take what you learn and process it. Sometimes it is better to go somewhere else sometimes we ask God for our assignment. It isn't nessarily about learning narrative history, but assumptions and the assumptions of attitude; we also learn what atmospheres creates lies for us and what atmospheres creates life for us. We don't understand people when we are blinded by toxicity. We can't be blinded by a bad attittude or what cause less civility. Civility create peace and uncivility can create less peace so can attitude.

We need grace too in places do we have grace to effect the atmosphere to God's assignment there. Do you have places that effect covenant agreements with God this is the question we need to reflect on. I shouldn't go somewhere that effects good covenant agreements with God. As a younger believer it is good to get more counsel by more people. There are a lot of lazy Christians that don't do anything. As Raphel says take chances. If you need advice learn from everyone and think outside the box by listening to God. If you need an attitude check at life that is different than a place. It is their own warfare. Attitude checks can help you have discernment. Assignment checks and what God is doing and trying to teach you helps you figure out and assumption checks help us understand the warfare better. It is better to look with God's eyes than running blind. This is how I appoach places and trying to figure out how and what my mission is. You need to figure out what his mission for you is.Do this by listening to God's voice. God's voice you always go back to, that's just what you gotta do.

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