Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Discourse about the Virgin Mary's spiritual state on earth

 I see the application of her state is sometimes stated in a way that shows her different than the human race in a Marian setting. I want us to appoach her spiritual state on earth as one that is not a deitfying instead of a noble vessel of the Lord. We have ALL fallen short of the glory of God. So the state she is in is not one that detifies her but makes her able to carry the baby of the LORD Yahweh incarnate. So his deifying is always nonperpetual but sustained in glory. God does not need our worship to be sustained. It is not carried through our worship but sustained by his divine nature. Otherwise we are not following incarnate theology we are following built up worship. God isn't carried through except in example. So we need  to make God incarnate not man. Even if God were to create a clone of himself through the Holy Spirit he wouldn't interfere with his perfection. So man must be tested when he deserves a test. Delieverance of the Lord was a test and the glory surrounding the incarnate is grace of his goodness. She is different because she was given the test and fulfilled the prophecy not out of self deity. She was given the forgivenesss of her orginal sin not an earned forgiveness, but a grace of the carrying of the body of the SON of God. God didn't put her under the law. She was chosen because she fulfilled the glory of the Lord. The glory of the Lord didn't deitify her it was a cup of grace poured on her. The Son was alway deitified. He didn't earn glory he was the Glory on Earth. He grew in knowledge because he emptied himself of knowledge for the test of redemption. He walked with us to sustain us. We believe in this glory to recieve forgiveness. At the highest glory and resurrection we recieve his cleansing. A cleansing man could not do but a God man could. We recieve his life eternal through believing in his resurrection and power.

His timing was appointed. Prophecy after prophecy made a way for the Lord in a magnificent building to appointment. The Christ's time on Earth. Job through the modern day prophets wrote down his glorious coming.

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