Monday, May 13, 2024

To the alamo area churches

Dear Associations,
You need dispel some of your pastors in the San Antonio area, most of them are petty buracrats playing around in buracracy and so blind to their selfishness they let people go to hell because all they do is wallow in their opinion and dead works. I hate their selfishness all they care about is there own glory and opinion. When only God's truth,which isn't just a extra thing, matters priests. You solve problems by getting to the root. I never hear them quote Matthew 23. I hear the same bible stories not growth. The same people baited. Some come from a school that died out because they don't setup a system of discipleship. They don't use a frame of reference of God speaking to them. Instead of connecting people to God they want to lower the bar on maturity and sit in just doing something. They don't focus on warfare and a systematic system of growth. They are kids throwing constant grass in a fire to keep it going instead of building a fire. They are all metaphors instead of truth to feed starving children. They are all reckless in their ways instead of meek. Mighty and undiscerning, shallow instead of problem solving. Learners of man instead of learners from God. Repent for your time is near an end. You could have saved more, but instead of being still in the quiet place you listen and consume for a living, with no expertise. No one listens to you because you don't listen to God. So your assemblies falter. That is why no man listens to you. You build fans not those to hear the Lord. You worship vain things and say they are God. Your stuck in your vanity and won't listen. You test like an experiment instead of cherishing people. Give people dignity if you want to be dignified. You dignify yourself and do it with your brainwashed fans. You gather the likeminded pathetically instead of discipleship and problem solving. God conquers the world while you mope in your office to overwhelmed with problems because you won't disciple people publicly enough to cause a movement. So afraid of fame you lose your dignity and look like a paranoid madmen with little fruit. Do what God tells you to do and teach others to do the same enough where you change things. I change the world while you get your inheritance for a living. When you think you know more you don't build your brain. You break lambs legs but go hungry doing it. Woe is you for you do not act in wisdom but selfishness. Learning will not aid the prideful. Pridefullness will not be fed. Your pridefulness and stiffedneckness. You ignore because you think that the gospel is too complicated, no your pridefullness deludes your understanding to false works. You need to get a retreat in you one or twice a month and learn to dig to the root of your intimacy with him.

Beloved body listen and learn, sup from the Lord. He needs to looked at through maturity. Learn body learn from him. Let him take you to the secret place. Find the heart of God in you, look for the living life within you. Tap into its power. Be bless grow and tell others these things. 

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