Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Bake a cake or not bake a cake

Today, I am going to continue my series on if I was a supreme court judge how I would rule on the gay cake ruling. In the situation a person has the right to refuse service for any reason, we can't go into creating an institution that creates any kind of slavery regardless of opinion or situation. Workers have rights to refuse based on emancipation laws. We don't want create a decline of liberty giving seed of slavery upon anyone. We as a country also want to create an atmosphere that is free of presecution. We do this to create a free state. That first priority, workers have unalienable rights we can't cafeterialize workers rights and choose some and take away others. Jurisdiction of freedom rests in generality of unalienable rights first then the people to where freewill doesn't create a system of harassment so people should look towards a non harassment route. Empathy to person's rights should be taken and kept civil.  Their freedom isn't secondary to law and good logic, logic is civil. Civility is what we look at in the other case. Mercy is the overall word. We must not repetively mean to anyone or create an institution of meanness. We don't ruin people lives with repetively harassment. Institutions have their right but serve the right of general alienable right weighing it all we are going have mercy on both parties that work civilly. We are not going to violate every individual unalienable right for emancipation. This means they free to choose of their own conscious, not an institution whether you agree with it or not. I'm sorry you deal with individual discrimination but I will not take away worker freedom and unalienable rights. 
In a case where all truth is submited to the judge in dangerous cases we look at actual level of safety of an individual pychologically and physically. We must respond to the overall situation of unalienable rights that is more civil. We can not fall into double jeopardy nor heresay. We simply don't follow in discrimination in any party to fix the metaphysics issue on a constitutional level. That stops overall issue of rights and heresay. You don't want a baker that doesn't believe in his work nor to enslave him to do your bidding. If he had a religious cake about a cult you did not like would you not believe in it too and refuse. Let people believe in their work that keeps it from souring the moment that is the pursuit of happiness. Everyone has an opinion it is better to forgive and not live in resentment. Infinite love covers many wrongs, don't discriminate. Let's not live in paranoia or constant judgement. I would have made a generic cake since both of you had a sour look at the cake. No one gets everything they want at wedding. Build rightly on your experience stop loosing slander on your experience. Compromise is also here and be the bigger person and make something you love. Leave an impact of love not greed. Encentuate the positive over the nation. Love your fellow human being, have good humanity. Good treatment this goes both ways. Do good to each other. Make the overall situation better and get the thing on no sour note. Forcing someone to believe in you across the country is daughting, take the higher road both sides grace over paranoia, and grace over repetitive meanness. I barely thought something and you judged me. I would have made the cake and not violated anyone's conscious. We don't need to pit one institution against another. When it is two institutions against each other stop and do it differently. Have grace with each other. This works on places that limit freedom, take the high road and do something different beside limiting freedom from slavery for a country. We connect with freedom and unalienable rights. Everyone has freedom don't overlord and enslave anything. Go to someone that agrees with you, fix the emotional metaphysics. We also don't need a corporate oligarchy in the state that tells us what to do. The deep state needs to relinquish power to the people. The corporations shouldn't just rule a country. People do. We need to keep our constitution for our stability and good metaphysics for people. People feel better without any kind of enslavement to other people. Communist countries would do good not to pit ideology against each that stop freedom.As I said when two institutions ideology goes against each the institutions must do something different and take the higher road. We shouldn't limit an individual's freedom. That itself is an institution. The institution of freedom, everyone has unalienable rights. I want us all to understand the institution of freedom. We don't encroach liberty and we don't enslave liberty. Enslavement is worst than encroaching liberty. So we fix the metaphysics of emphasis on the person's lives and move on. Cases on workers rights.

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