Monday, January 22, 2024

Freeing businesses from anti economic regulation

There are several regulations out there that deter businesses from starting, operating, and growing. One is lack of support of solitation practices. 

The lack of buying opportunities and marketing of partial shares of companies. Everything has a cap of 1000 dollars. So people starting out may lose an opportunity every once in a while. This adds up. It could stop that one opportunity that makes a trillionarie hopeful to give up. Banks should advertise: have a hard figuring out how to invest in a particular company? Want partial shares? We may be able to help. (Including business correspondence resources for investors.) 

Lack of communication with creative measures.
Consultants, services of different advertising, resources how build a business plan and do market research doing in a way to build finances. 

Accounting and business education badly communicated and too much. Too many hooks and not enough advice. Of course this is changing with Google.The government needs to put out an Internet phonebook book of business services of just b2b services.

Too much deterrant on the Facebook algorithm and word of mouth. When you tell friends, often they are unsupportive even if you know what your doing. A factiod should form saying your getting security. Often that calms them down and makes them more supportive.

Idea lists made as a money making tactic, do it as a family after an education or sufficient education tactics and fundraising ideas lists for not for profits and for making nonprofits. This will cause non profit, notforprofit and for profit business. Instead non profits constantly fundraising they start not for profits.

More yard sign advertising companies.Less dismissal of flyer tactics. More deep answer questions service by search engines.

Stop dream killers with legal laws. encourage wisdom.immunity for rich people constantly harassed for money.
Stop Judging and stiff necked pride of life people with no judgement expository teaching. 

Cancelation culture should be eliminated as a goal.
Stop Defamation
Regulate Gossip killing businesses and psychological business killer due to reputation make ups through repetitive meanness. Help people with the Fear of failure.
Business counters use this right because alot of businesses fail.

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