Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Exposition of judgement.

 The bible say not to judge and people get confused with how to make sense of the whole thing.

One mistake is God makes judge there I become judgemental but when argument come people say not to judge and people don't know what to do. We reason together, but we don't judge.

Judging in the bible is a double exposition of judging and not judging. To know the whole picture you have to know God voice and the doctrine of stillness and patience.

If we are not judging we are still,patient and quiet.

We are to have a quiet spirit it says in Peter.

We wait for the Lord to renew our strength, we are to be still and wait and know that he is God. We fly with the Eagles and they take us to living waters. We learn what we do and make the right judge-ment at the fullness of time. We get in the flow and get connected to the Lord to move in his message not something that can't help as much. Now we know what to say if we are to say anything. We are not judgemental we are quiet spirited and patient we want to deliever our message with right wisdom. We don't judge harshly unless they are scoffing at us.We find that in Proverbs. Now most of the time we will work within the will of God and establish some authority in ministry before we say something harder, but most of the time it is just living for mutual respect of truth.

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