Tuesday, July 19, 2022

If I was a consitutional judge series

 I have been told I would be a good constitutional lawyer for Christian rights. I am going to start giving a ruling on somethings that need judgement for so the government has vision for a just ruling and direction. The outcome isn't a theocracy's, as some liberals say. It is fair ruling for Christian rights everywhere. I want fair rule that matches the wisdom of the bible and the Lord's voice. It will outdo any rulings on earth done by man's way which is not usually the best way. Understand you look for wisdom everywhere and you find something eternal then you can rest on that ruling. I want us to be able to not face scutiny for christian leaders running for places of power in this country. We want equal rights for all so there is face judgement in the land. I have given judgements before from this blog. I want to leave a good impact on society so I will give my best theological answer that gives vision to the country for rulings that we want to create a better society with in the worlds we will live in. We will look at what is eternal and what will last. It very important to decide these things and make a good judgement for truth in this hearing.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Vessels of heaven

 We probably have read through Revelation and seen the passages on bowls of wrath or read the story of Christ in the garden where he talks about the cup of suffering. Or the passover feast where Jesus talks about the body and blood of Jesus. None the less we can grow through understanding that different things happen that stir up heaven that effect the earth. I am going to explain what the cups,vessels and bowls are in heaven. We can split the bowls,vessels and cups. From what I see he has cups for people, vessels of honorable and ignoble use and bowls for countries. Sometimes he pours out bowls for people as well. He anoints people with oil too. I have experienced and seen people getting bowls of anointing for big tasks. I also see that Christ says his cup runneth over. When God gives a spiritual anointing he uses the best vessel possible for the situation.

I want us all to remember the Eucharist. We partake in the cup and meal of remembrance, the body and blood of Christ. We do this to remember him and are given impartations and graces of heaven.We also walk in obedience to recieve graces from heaven. When we walk in obedience the bowls of wrath are subsided.Countries are given blessing when they walk in obedience. They will come to righteousness and the bowls of wrath will not fill and his blessing will be on his people.

When are disobedient, bowls of wrath fill and plagues go on the earth, people lose everything. We do not want bowls of wrath. We want over flowing cups of grace, this bring blessings, miracles and healthy land and people. We are often given things by angels different anointings and impartations. We should always recognize in the natural these things and be about the impartations and anointings from heaven and use them on earth. It encourages the angels when we are about the anointings,miracles and healings like heaven. They share light to all mankind. They are blessing things. We should never go away from them without love and practice.

Heaven has all sorts of things to bless us. Let us be willing children to learn about them like it were a technology. They spread blessing everywhere by the cross of Christ mandating them in our homes and places we meet;work, church, places of commerce. We must spread these things like they are supposed to be spread or it might not be a place of blessing but of suffering and we must make things right in the best way to have the full outpouring God offers. We do not need bad things being poured out to make us respect God's law and work. It is very important we get the gifts God want to give with the seasons that have manfested these cups, vessels and bowls.

Pray for an outpouring like no other. Let us still pray for an awakening to come!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Glory poetry

May God's glory become.

May God's glory rest.

May God's glory rest in him.

May you do things like him. More and more.

May his glory work, deeply among us.

May his glory fill all vestiges of society and be revivaled they may be, in everything.

Friday, July 1, 2022


 I ran into something on the web that the web would be symbiotic emotionally and intellegently. We do not need to becomes cyborgs. We sure can improve ourselves but we do not need to put unreliable technology in our body unless it is life or death or severely improving our way of life. We do not need to take something grace filled outside of us and put something into a hole of the body and ruin what we are about. Now I believe in pacemakers and life saving surgeries. They wouldn't have been created for us to not use them and die from the lack of use. It is beautiful to merge yourself with something state of the art that will save a life. Artificial organs are God's grace to us. So we shouldn't neglect them if we need them. God would rather see us live than die. New technology used in the right way is a grace to humankind.

Web AI revolution

 Now I am not sure what web point-o we are on but a new thing is emerging from the web companies that their major product is an ai service. Sure ai has been around for years but now we not only solve problems and now they do our work. OpenAI is now available and people are flocking in droves to see what the ai can do for them. Already people are looking how avoid work for an AI and take up new art with the AI like DALLES is doing. Also writing with OpenAI. New creative blogging techniques and writing will be started by ai. I think that many will figure out with Open AI new niches and products to create. Kids will need accountability with it as they do their homework, new checkers will have to be used. Now AI or robots should never replace education in any country. It makes our utility less without education offered. So I think if the AI just solve writers block and give entrepreneurs new business ideas to make a business work then good for everyone and everything. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Second Amendment and the Bible-Thought at a Glance

Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weakling say, “I am a warrior.” — Joel 3:10 

This verse hit me today.

I was listening to Christian radio about the second amendment. Everyone should have some type of weapon to defend themselves. Something that makes them strong instead of weak.

We should all learn to fight in one way or another. We are given by God a right to bear arms and at times when we need to defend ourselves we have those things at our disposal. If you do a deep look at the bible and defence we see we are supposed to be well prepared. A country that is not well prepared will cease to be a country.In Sweden people are taught about guns and given one. It has caused better things to happen. Countries who take the weapons of its people tend to have it overthrown or invaded in just a few years.

Let us be a strong and humble country to the Lord.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Being Against Gay 'Pride' Month

Now I am not trying to cancel culture. I am not for any prideful sexuality. It is not a good thing. Not all for gay pride are sexually prideful. But I think this route could cause riots. People thinking about pride, gives them habits of pride. I mean the regular sin pride. Thus causing riots. It is simply too long, metaphysics wise. Now I don't know exactly why I am on a noovie gay lesbian promo, not by choice someone stole my facebook image and put it in there.

I am thought as a speaker on pride because I invented Holy Spirit Pride Day.

I want people to feel safe and do the right things. Understand gay people are looking for rights to be gay and do things as gay people. I think that people have the rights but should heed warnings from God. Having people have rights is different from spreading a pride. I understand some people are dealing with mental disorders: gender dysphoria which the cause of attractions being off, but Jesus can heal them. 

People can also get turned straight by medication or surgery.  
Some become gay because of people's lack of sensitivity or give up on regular love because heartache.
Those with Gender Dysphoria needs to look at the mind, heart and soul. 

From what I gather it is a mental disorder, or someone needing therapy, just as sexual addiction is. People walk a path towards gayness or body manipulation. If you walk a path towards something you can walk a path away from something. Jesus can heal you from addiction, he can heal other things like gender dysphoria. You must seek a healer of God. 

Now understand I have a few friends that are following a path of gayness. Be nice and befriend them share life with them, be a real friend. If you are able to solve their problems good, ask God how to solve their problems and show them he loves them. God is a loving God that can change their dysphoria over time sometimes. Look at the root of their path maybe one you can help them with what is going on. Now I want us to replace this month with humility whether you follow God or not or your straight gay or other labels. Humility solves problems pride creates problems, the word pride creates bad connotations. That is one reason why I didn't do Holy Spirit Pride Day. Because of the word 'pride.'

So I think making a month about pride will cause many to fall and that is why I don't want the month. 

It is replacing it with something better that won't cause riots. That is why I say that.

Some people want to be celebrating Holy Spirit Pride Day, I will let them know to be humble and loving to everyone. Since I don't know what will happen and I like Jesus.

I will celebrate a Holy Spirit Pride Month instead. Christian people tend to be gentle anyway.

I have to trust a perfect God, if he wants a Holy Spirit Pride Day then he will have it.