Friday, July 1, 2022


 I ran into something on the web that the web would be symbiotic emotionally and intellegently. We do not need to becomes cyborgs. We sure can improve ourselves but we do not need to put unreliable technology in our body unless it is life or death or severely improving our way of life. We do not need to take something grace filled outside of us and put something into a hole of the body and ruin what we are about. Now I believe in pacemakers and life saving surgeries. They wouldn't have been created for us to not use them and die from the lack of use. It is beautiful to merge yourself with something state of the art that will save a life. Artificial organs are God's grace to us. So we shouldn't neglect them if we need them. God would rather see us live than die. New technology used in the right way is a grace to humankind.

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