Thursday, June 23, 2022

Second Amendment and the Bible-Thought at a Glance

Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weakling say, “I am a warrior.” — Joel 3:10 

This verse hit me today.

I was listening to Christian radio about the second amendment. Everyone should have some type of weapon to defend themselves. Something that makes them strong instead of weak.

We should all learn to fight in one way or another. We are given by God a right to bear arms and at times when we need to defend ourselves we have those things at our disposal. If you do a deep look at the bible and defence we see we are supposed to be well prepared. A country that is not well prepared will cease to be a country.In Sweden people are taught about guns and given one. It has caused better things to happen. Countries who take the weapons of its people tend to have it overthrown or invaded in just a few years.

Let us be a strong and humble country to the Lord.

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