Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Big Tech Antitrust Hearing My thoughts

 I was listening to the radio and they mentioned they will be ruling on how big tech treats information.

Here is what I think...

We can not let big tech treat info with too much customization and influence. Too much customization focuses too much on activities of the account holder or searcher. Searchers want an unbias search not with influence of the thoughts of another person giving their opinion about the search or content placement. I feel an undertone of what I think is being scrutinized by big tech and manipulated to its placement on their network.

Too much THEIR network and not enough of a sea of the internet. I miss the days before massive customization and behind my back monetization of my actions. I feel big tech doesn't compete with big companies it competes too much with small companies. These big companies are their friends too and their network need constructive competition that give smaller business more advantages.

We are drawn to certain networks and don't know why. They control us too well to stay on their website and see posts when they want you to see it. I feel many becoming too dependant on one source of information instead of surfing we are on the boogie ban at Sclitterbahn. Things like papers on science tend to be way down in information surfing. Surfing needs to feel unbiased. We don't want it just on youtube's selection of videos, or google or microsoft's thoughts mixed in our search. We don't want to surf the facebook newsfeed all day and eventually find something that is worth while. It all used to be worth while as we surfed different engines. The newness of the internet has gone away now it is control. Not everyone want to feel these are the way I surf the internet. People want to surf on their own and find something unique but this experience has been buried over by big tech. Too much overtaking technology. Why can't they form something else that makes money like a restaurants get some recipes and form something less invasive. You don't have rule over every internet thing or technology. We are sick of hearing about one focused thing that you guys do. You have made an impact, let others do that as well. You don't need all the attention. . Do something less invasive. Be unbiased news sources stop making it about what you think. You have made your impact let someone else do that. Diversify your internet hold and do something different for growth don't consume every wave of internet. Let them grow.

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