Monday, June 24, 2024

Defining Supplication


  1. the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly:
    "he fell to his knees in supplication"
  2. From the Oxford dictionary.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Bible clubs

We partner with local churches teachers and students and have them plant a bible club in their school. Usually they can meet during a period, during a lunch time, before or after school. Or a special time they can gather and talk about the bible. Start a Facebook group in your local area for a Bible club and do a few giveaways who knows you may start a movement by itself.

Here is an example of a backyard Bible club.

They do them all over San Angelo.

Work them into workplaces so the community is reached.

Guitar exercises and reading tricks

Ai video makers comparsion

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Word to Lytle Texas Today's Hebrew date is: Wednesday, Iyar 7, 5784 - May 15, 2024 Parshat Emor

 The word of the :Lord has come to Lytle to show a presspess in the world for a king of Judah. This kind kingdom isn't what man protrays but God. He is the king of Judah. A lion in his own word.][] I want us to see the things of his kind kingdom.

This kingdom is not of this world. It is a metaphysical kingdom. It reigns with justice and truth.

I work for heaven on earth. I work for a kind kingdom that has no end. It reigns in a republic already established. It is built of Gold and silver of the world above. It reigns with Jesus. It is a kingdom of everlasting quality. One of grace and truth, l I love its life. Justice reigns with me. Truth reigns forever. Love has its everlasting life in it. Truth is given to life.

Obey authority of Jesus the everlasting king. Reign oh Holy Spirit.

Power isn't perpetual it attributal.

 The Mormons talk about restoring the God cycle as the gospel. The gospel is restorative of power. God as he is restores things. The restoration is restored through God's test on earth, his sacrifice on the cross and resurection. His whole test work paved a way to restore Eden's access for man. The mormon believe in a glory of restoration that protestants do not. We don't apply works incorrectly. This is what is said and how to say it properly. However we don't do any this correctly. What is the real gospel and what is God's real God cycle. There is a glory of power that we can have. God said we are gods in scripture. How do we walk in this we are gods like he says. How is this glory completed? This is the real question. How is this glory completed ethically? This is the way to say it. 

We look at glory completed has nothing to do with our test, but a relationship with God. His glory is completed through the cross. "We recieved the glory of the one sent." So since its his glory we recieve from him the propituation, we recieve his glory and not our own. We recieve this godhood (a godliness attribute) as a glory through his propituation. You may think this is less restoration but it is more. To recieve the Son is recieving the glory. We don't wait because we desire "the godhood now."

To recieve quickly is more faith, to procrasinate is leaving worry a foothold. We recieve anyway. Desire the greater good, that would be him not careless waiting. It is more important to see that the gospel occurs out of propituation. We see all the time that God wants us to propituate now. We carry our cross only so far, then Simon carries it the rest of the way. This is more God's hand to show us propituation. Propituation is the someone else carries our cross. It is not about works but grace. We recieve the works of his grace. This God cycle is made prefect in weakness. Weakness to carry is our commission not our propituation otherwise it would be like works for us. We cast our cares and not say aha but we are told not to worry. We don't walk in a way that bothers us like eating a meat to an idol. It is said we don't go to a place against concous. So since we don't go against concous we don't procastinate the crucifying of our flesh to our metaphysics. Our spirit is crucifed before death,but when we are allievated of the burden. Not a point of works because he was innocent but by the hand of God to take the allievated weight. We start to see the allievated weight taken off of us at the point of belief in the propituation. I justly know when you take the cross at it's word you are starting to lose the burden of the cross in propituation. You complete restoration at propituation when the Spirit enters the body and crucifies the flesh.  The spirit of the restoration started at the occurance of hope and is complete with the Spirit. God's Spirit finishes the work of the glory.  We walk in a Holy Spirit and the restoration glory. The restoration is completed by Jesus. A restoration glory is completed for our santification. We recieve the spirit in restoration this is how we recieve more grace for empowerment. Power isn't prepetual its attributal. We recieve the attribute of the Son for restoration. We keep recieving the body and blood of Jesus in santification.  Santification doesn't restore this "ye are gods" this god cycle of grace does.If he says we are gods already then this occurs through restoration of grace so we recieve it now. We recieve the glory of restoration and recieve grace attribute. We recieve grace attributes to recieve grace glories. We do not save ourselves but work a field in grace. The spirit of full restoration occurs in heaven, it is relationship not works. This is where we recieve a new body to finish the work of the body. However relationship is forever. Restoration is forever, unless we are sent to a test world for eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and have to leave for a test world. We set up our test to always find Jesus if your the elect that chooses Jesus. Restoration is the work of God and penance towards a good work. The spirit of restoration is complete through grace works. The fullest grace work is Jesus on the cross and his test and resurrection. This is what we see. So we can't live with impartial grace works this works where we recieve him immediately for the coming of the Spirit in us immediately. Impartial grace works is inconsquensual in the fact of being separate from him on earth. We always recieve him, this is not impartial grace works this is relationship. Relationship to God restores us not impartial grace works. So we see saintification after impartial grace works that are justified by faith in the due cause of relationship. The due cause of relationship is to restore now for all humanity. We recieve restoration to restore the most humanity we can. Impartial grace works of our own don't restore us Jesus does. The restoration occurred how it occurred. We recieve reconsilation by the rules of reconsilation. The full Spirit. We can recieve it now, not by works. Impartial works are not less important. They are grace works. That is the ideal situation. When we recieve grace works we recieve grace for work.

The fruit of restoration creates more fruit that allows more works but its not plegalism,or saved by works. The full spirit of restoration creates more works but we don't say we are saved by works. There is no restoration outside the Son in a metaphysical spiritual stance. Just because you are on a test world does not mean Jesus's restoration is null and void on the test world. I say that to the Mormon because they believe you should wait to recieve the Spirit. The work of the Spirit isn't null and void on the world. We haven't lost the gospel. We see that there is no work of reconcillation outside the Son either in common grace or in future grace . Common's grace's name does not demean what common grace is it is the everyday grace recieved on earth and the glorious redemptive grace only those in the son recieve the full grace in the Son. We are called to holiness a holiness inside the Son. One that lasts regardless of time or dispensation. Before he came it was the sacrifice given to his Son.There is a few definitions of grace. Common grace which we recieve graces that create a recollsilation. But everyday grace is just a work without the Son. Though graces are in the Son in work when they create good fruit. Question if it is in the Holy Spirit or plain restoration/works. Restoration outside the Son regardless of the despensation is null and void. By place does not matter but grace. Future graces, just plain graces of the future give you a type of special grace. Heavenly grace or earthly grace does not matter to God just his Son. Therefore we recieve attributes.We have growth and that is based on grace. We recieve the fruits of heaven and grow. These are attributes of God, they are apart of learning character of God. Growth occurs when our body reacts to what its fed in a positive way. We learn more and more. It's infastructure can be perpetual as a exception. That is how growth works, it also works through the authority of God. With the authority with God we grow. This is the fruit of God and attributely the fruit of heaven. Note I have the sacrifice through the blood of the Lamb and the word of the testimony. This attribute frees us from the living death/life without me thus says the Lord. Your word is solid and good.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Discourse about the Virgin Mary's spiritual state on earth

 I see the application of her state is sometimes stated in a way that shows her different than the human race in a Marian setting. I want us to appoach her spiritual state on earth as one that is not a deitfying instead of a noble vessel of the Lord. We have ALL fallen short of the glory of God. So the state she is in is not one that detifies her but makes her able to carry the baby of the LORD Yahweh incarnate. So his deifying is always nonperpetual but sustained in glory. God does not need our worship to be sustained. It is not carried through our worship but sustained by his divine nature. Otherwise we are not following incarnate theology we are following built up worship. God isn't carried through except in example. So we need  to make God incarnate not man. Even if God were to create a clone of himself through the Holy Spirit he wouldn't interfere with his perfection. So man must be tested when he deserves a test. Delieverance of the Lord was a test and the glory surrounding the incarnate is grace of his goodness. She is different because she was given the test and fulfilled the prophecy not out of self deity. She was given the forgivenesss of her orginal sin not an earned forgiveness, but a grace of the carrying of the body of the SON of God. God didn't put her under the law. She was chosen because she fulfilled the glory of the Lord. The glory of the Lord didn't deitify her it was a cup of grace poured on her. The Son was alway deitified. He didn't earn glory he was the Glory on Earth. He grew in knowledge because he emptied himself of knowledge for the test of redemption. He walked with us to sustain us. We believe in this glory to recieve forgiveness. At the highest glory and resurrection we recieve his cleansing. A cleansing man could not do but a God man could. We recieve his life eternal through believing in his resurrection and power.

His timing was appointed. Prophecy after prophecy made a way for the Lord in a magnificent building to appointment. The Christ's time on Earth. Job through the modern day prophets wrote down his glorious coming.