Thursday, July 21, 2016

I am coming out the closet. I am a Prophet.

No, I'm not gay. I think it is important to come out of the closet and become a prophet. It is part of boldness, especially after a while when you see your prophecies are always right. I want us to have pride in our prophetness. It brings the world together. I propose a yearly prophet pride parade where prophets show up and have a parade and put it on tv. It would give us more of a say in the world and show that we are not alone and they world needs to come to an understanding that we are actually out there. We are more in number than people think, we are several denominations. We are in several denominations waiting to arise. It is more learning who is fulfilling prophecy accurately all the time. We need to listen to these people to shape the world into what God wants. It is what we all need and search for. I have a dvd that is coming out soon that will explain this further. Please pray that I can get it out.

Let's Throw it Down

I had a dream that Obama called my dad to ask me to speak or pray at a Lytle Ceremony he was visiting.
Here is what I'd say at the ceremony:
"Let's throw it down."
Let's pray:
Dear God we ask for a blessing for your nation like no other. It is grace we long for from heaven. Pour out a blessing on this nation for new revelation, new ideas, new technological breakthroughs, new wisdom, and new faith to get us to a great destiny. You are truely beautiful God, like no other. You give us our identity Jesus Christ and you make us great. We talk to you Jesus and you bring us to new worlds of greatness. We talk to you and you show us emotional revival, spiritual revival, heavenly revival and you breakforth a new day. We pray for the celebrities and the rich that their security problems would go away. We pray for a free world. We thank you Jesus Christ for your conquering power. We thank you for your love most of all. In you we pray Jesus Christ the one who died on the cross 2000 years ago and rose again. Amen!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Someone should start an In Vitro Ministry Clinic

A couple of friend's of mine who are in ministry that I love very deeply are having a hard time having a baby. It makes me sad for them and I want to see them have many children. Church planters are some of the most beautiful people I know. They make charities for the world and help society against injustice. They bring hope and free counseling to people. I deeply believe helping these people helps us all. I would love to see some prophetic ministries pay for some in vitro clinics for church planters. Where these people get free In Vitro for the good of the world. I want to see the things of this world become helpers for society.  The gospel is so important to the revivalization of the world. God Bless the Jew and God Bless Church Planters.

Friday, July 15, 2016

We have more grace than we joke about

We should take God seriously. He gives us so much love as we come to understand him. God isn't a joke at a bar. He is a life-giver. This life-giver drained all his blood on the table for us. He took his life to save ours. He is really like that, when we look at the cross and the growing pains people have at the faithfullness to his resurrection. We see him not as an archaic chaotic religion but a friend who loves us. When we look to the friend we receive so much life. He is a lover lost in the grace filled message to save us. He sings it as his lovely melody of his heart, he gives so much to us every day. The sun, the air, the stars bow and worship him in awe singing their song of love to him. The rocks grow to mountains to praise him. The seas sink in the sea to love him. The ocean breathes life in the air to exalt him. We see the movement of the birds and the fish who long to see him come back to the earth to worship him all the more. It is an excited world for him as we see his spirit enliven the hearts of men. It is a beautiful world we live and breathe in every day. The Atheist can't see the beauty and purpose that will come upon us as we see the financial breakthroughs, the emotional breakthroughs, the spiritual enlightenment that brings everything everyone really desires. They just need to see Jesus as who he is... LOVE. Then BAM EVERYTHING IS SO EMPOWERED, EVERYTHING IS SO PURPOSEFULLED! The Color, the beauty, the life of God is so magnified of LIFE IT SELF! As we see the realness of life in Jesus it brings us more and more. You feel so alive!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Maker

The Maker is God he designs us, built us for life. From the dust we are formed. Jubliently we were created to be fruitful and multiply and have dominion of what have been given to us. I believe there are some things we misunderstand about sexuality in heaven. It is a mystery that we make assumptions to per verses we see in the bible. Angels have sex. Genesis 6:4 Yet Jesus says to legalistic people Matthew 22:30 At the resurrection people will neither be married or given in marriage. (NIV) It says at the resurrection so it could be a time where this does not happen. It's not really clear. It So did the tree of knowledge destory our ability to be all we can be sexually or is going to heaven now a new covenant due to the fall in accordance to marriage relations. Marriage relations between animals is thought more as two mates procreating for the glory of God. Will it go back to that? Will our multiplication be redeemed in such a way that we will mate like the animals? Our relationship will be like the animals to each other? We don't say two dogs are married that's awkward we just mate them together. They aren't really given in a marriage nor married. Will sex be the same way? Innocent and for multipicity like God designed. These are assumptions. We make assumptions saying only angels that are fallen have sex when everything else God created has sex. Now faithfulness and marriage are important don't get me wrong. I kinda hope that I can get married in heaven after a certain time. It won't matter though. I believe God has given special instuctions to us enter a covenant of marriage due to the effects of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Is this why the early generations had multiple wives and concubines because marriage was thought more as how the beasts create? Now I'm only going to have one wife and I think that it hinders jealousy in unperfect world.

To say that the spiritual condition of the animals and the angels aren't the same means that angels have sex. Genesis 6:4 And we are like the angels. Do I think fallen angels created the Nephilim in the Old Testament? Yes. Do I think it was wrong, yes it was of a different spirit. This is where sin comes in because there is no unity in something of a different spirit. When a man comes together with a woman they are one spirit. Now I'm not a polygamist I am a monogamist I just think we become like the beasts again. Although we are very smart with our new bodies. The tree of knowledge of good and evil effects will be taken away with our new bodies. All beasts of the same kind are of the same spirit but people have individual spirits. We can partake in our spirits other people's spirits but not sexually in other speices which have a different spirit or with someone of the same sex. I saw my male dog humping my male cat. I asked the Lord and he said he was just trying to get dominance. So things aren't always how we think. He said he was innocent. Marriage between man and woman is a covenant that is beautiful and meant for earth. Animals aren't fallen yet they die. Do they sin? No. It is a mystery not a contradiction. The tree frog has multiple partners at the same time and certain birds kill the eggs of another female of the same species. Yet are they fallen? Some animals have several eggs that are desiminated by several partners and are they in sin for multiplying with several partners? Are they fallen? No. The Fruit of the Spirit can not create the fruit of the flesh. It is up to God to judge. So it is with sex. The carnal flesh does not produce righteousness. For none are righteous no not one. That of non carnal flesh creates of pure variety in that it lives by the spirit. Man in the spirit of God overtakes the flesh. God wrestles against evil. God lives only for the good. Man should not have orgies or kill one another. We should cleave to our wives and husbands loving them as they are designed by God. Some things are things of earth, somethings are things of heaven. Know what is for earth and think about heaven. The soul ties of marriage are desolved so that way we become fully one flesh with Jesus Christ. If God decides to allow covenants of marriage in heaven then glory to God. If not glory to God.

A wife in heaven is different than on earth. We are married to God and God is married to the church. Whatever the answer is to this mystery in Ephesians 5 that we are compared to in relationship know that God will satisfy all your needs. The joy and the comparsion of pleasure is like no other in heaven. It will be so satisfying what can we do without it. I can't wait for the ecstasy of the heavenly realm when our joy is complete. Oh what pleasure the kingdom will be!!

King Jesus Ministry

I want to show you a good ministry event.

Check it out.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Imparting with Heaven

God has an abundance in heaven waiting for us. He has land, mansions, good fruit, treasures of everlasting life. Our inheritance is a right to reign and rule, God can create now for you ways to intercept these treasures on earth. We want to rend in the inheritance share in the glory of its place. We want to impart from those above to send treasures of God’s abundance to us. Let your savings overflow and be used for the kingdom glory of our eternal life. I ask God to open now new fianances for us to use for the kingdom. Let spiritual power fall from the heavens to earth to bring more of heaven’s impartation into the heaven’s realm in earth realm. Let us impart deeply, may great transmission flow from the heavenly rulers to those on the earth. We want the heaven realm on earth. It is good to have more of heaven.
I have been feeling more and more delieverance from the heavenly places. It’s glory is being released. It’s fruit is coming to me and I feel it delieverance. Recieve fruit from the heavenly realm, impart with it spiritually. It can change you to be greater on earth. It shall manifest inside of you. You shall feel its power being released from you in later times for the day is coming when the works of heaven will be done on earth. The earth will shine bringing in a new day. It is will be brighter than the sun. I love the earth in full glory, let us see it’s glory.
I give you a way to transmit from the heavens to earth. Partake in it. Be sealed in it. Come to Christ in it. See the kingdom of heaven come alive in your eyes. Glory laughter joy shall be your heart. It is a great way too. You will know him. Come to his faith, his living faith. Have faith you will be in him forever. I can see his coming soon. It will be like a light burning forever in the noon day time. It will come like a storm in the night, woken by the dawn and its sun. You don’t know when the awakening happens though many prepare for it you may wake sooner or later. It happens quicker than the quickest can take you there.  It happens slower than me. It happens quicker than me. It quickens me.
If you would like to give to this ministry please send your checks to Mike Wilkinson Ministries at P.O Box 1554 Lytle TX 78052.

I appreciate your partnership in the gospel.