Friday, January 27, 2023 now blog

 The Father told me to switch website names now everything goes under the flag, the landing page will be under the clothing store and the blog link is at the bottom of the store links. I also put a translation number you can call in 150 languages. It does cost money from AT&T but it gives more chances for people to hear the gospel through the translation number. It maybe good for all ministries to use something like that. I'm not sure how good it is from Google, but I imagine it has gotten better since our ministry implemented it. I still have to figure out how to connect freeencouragement dot org traffic to the website. So tell your friends we switched sites. We also added a charity part to the website. We also took down some of the links to make it flow easier on the website.

3 ways to help the poor and the economy

 1.'A bike giving culture'

Now as a man who didn't have a car for a while, I can empathize with those with little money to buy a car. I have come up with a government program we should consider. If a person is without a mode of transportation for a while it makes them hard to get another job, access resources, socialize, shop and run their lives in a very productive way. Economically more free time gives people more resources. It makes a better economy. So those without a mode of transportation for a long period of time could be helped with a bicycle with an engine. 

2.Additionally we should add routes for buses 40 miles out from a major town to give poor people the chance to move closer to work. This creates a lot of possibilities for the poor.

Statistically this raises the economy in a positive way.

We can help the poor this way. 

3.We also need to keep remote positions available as they offer more possibilities and help the economy.

Statistics are positive.

Make these things apart of affirmative action for the poor. Keep remote jobs as a way to help the poor.

This stops travel trauma. People that don't have a car can have travel trauma.

A cheaper electric bike should be the goal climately. So we can transition to a more planet healthy bike.

Bike should have solid rubber tires to stop from constant flats that people on bicycle get. Make the engines real durable. We need to make transportation without problems for a cheap price. They should be subsidized transportation.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Events get us out of the recession.

Today I did what I normally do, look at something to do. I went to eat and looked at movies. I already watched all the ones I liked at the movie theater. So I looked at events on my phone. I realized I hadn't looked at events in a while. But all these events were on and one of the last things of Covid conquered no more in my routine. Needless to say I went to a few events before that but all the fairs, conferences and concerts that had been canceled were starting to happen again on the online calendars. They did not ignore covid, covid simply didn't happen and regular events were back. If online all has their events back in person then the recession will end. Businesses will get more sales, investors, customers and money if all the events are back that normally take place. This infusion will get us out of the recession.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

'Proselytism is not Christianity' How do we presuade?

"Proselytism is not Christianity" is what Pope Francis said in an Europa press article. Pope on Dnipro attack: «The images and testimonies are a strong appeal to all consciences». (

 It says in the word something pretty similar, here is the christian/catholic view: not hard might striving and sticklerism but general love and peace discernment. You should be at peace with everyone you can and we don't work legalistically. We work with excellence and love. We build friendship based on grace and God's will. We greet everyone and try to see things with a big picture. This is how we persuade people, as salt and light. Not through mighty exasperation. 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Updates on the website

We updated the site, we connected a new apparel website on the site called we also added a charity link to sponsor a children through a partnership we have with CJClife church. 

We did away with the forum link under community as we use that in Facebook and reorganized some of the links for quicker use. Let me know you guys need anything.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Looking for a grant writer volunteer-we can budget in compensation

I am looking for someone to help me fill out grants. I feel I am supposed to do this with someone else. If you can help me I will try and compensate you well and it could help lead to a better position.

Retractions instead of seeing the point

 I think a lot of times we retract somethings because of judgement of sin. I think we have to be careful of judging. I don't totally like his debt view on the previous video. I don't believe in debt. Debt can be bad and a distraction. We have to see what God wants us to do and he may give you solutions for handling a loan but usually I am not at all a debt man. I am more showing the ingenious pragmatism of the rest of the video that you should do your research on how to develop a company quicker that could pay out.