Friday, January 27, 2023

3 ways to help the poor and the economy

 1.'A bike giving culture'

Now as a man who didn't have a car for a while, I can empathize with those with little money to buy a car. I have come up with a government program we should consider. If a person is without a mode of transportation for a while it makes them hard to get another job, access resources, socialize, shop and run their lives in a very productive way. Economically more free time gives people more resources. It makes a better economy. So those without a mode of transportation for a long period of time could be helped with a bicycle with an engine. 

2.Additionally we should add routes for buses 40 miles out from a major town to give poor people the chance to move closer to work. This creates a lot of possibilities for the poor.

Statistically this raises the economy in a positive way.

We can help the poor this way. 

3.We also need to keep remote positions available as they offer more possibilities and help the economy.

Statistics are positive.

Make these things apart of affirmative action for the poor. Keep remote jobs as a way to help the poor.

This stops travel trauma. People that don't have a car can have travel trauma.

A cheaper electric bike should be the goal climately. So we can transition to a more planet healthy bike.

Bike should have solid rubber tires to stop from constant flats that people on bicycle get. Make the engines real durable. We need to make transportation without problems for a cheap price. They should be subsidized transportation.

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