Friday, July 24, 2020

To him

Close your eyes................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Let him show you the future or work something out of your heart.
King Jesus reigns, let him show you something
Read the dots slowly and wait on him.
He can heal you, give you something real.
Wait upon him.
There you go....................................

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Acts 23:5

Acts 23:1  Paul fixed his eyes on the members of the council and said, “My brothers, up to this day I have lived my life before God with a perfectly clear conscience.” 
Acts 23:2  At that moment, Ananias the high priest ordered those standing near Paul to strike him in the mouth. 
Acts 23:3  Paul responded, “God is going to strike you, you corrupt pretender! For you sit there judging me according to the law, yet you broke the law when you ordered me to be struck.” 
Acts 23:4  Those standing near Paul said to him, “Do you dare insult the high priest of God?” 
Acts 23:5  Paul answered, “I had no idea, brothers, that he was the high priest. For the Scriptures say, ‘Do not curse the ruler of your people.’” The Passion Translation
This passage tells us something about how we treat our leaders.We need to turn the other cheek with leaders in high authority. We do not curse them because God defends them. We should always respect the position they have. This brings me to President Trump, do we respect him like God respects him? He is cursed by many people and we shouldn't add to his burden. God loves him. So we share love in the end. I cherish the man to humility by him. May God save him.

'Chance' the movie

I watched this movie the other day it was about this baseball team and one of it's leaders chance and his life. It was a tearjerker. The baseball coach sets an amazing example for the boys from tee ball through high school. Now I don't want to ruin the movie for you. The ministry of the coach is really good despite some of the decisions of the players. The coach reminds me of God helping us through every step of our lives and it shows the blueprint of a powerful ministry. The story is focused on one character mainly Chance his lead player. God knows better than we do with our mistakes, he helps us when we let him help us. God overcomes our obstacles and gives us words of knowledge to learn the road ahead. I hope my future kids have a coach like him.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Hearing from the heavenly father

We all want to hear from Jesus and Father God. To Mormons the closest thing to God is Heavenly Father and the closest thing to being saved is exaltation now. We both believe in the bible. God wants you exalted now. He wants to lift you up out of the miry clay. God wants you to have 100 percent intimacy. We can have intimacy with Father God now. God made access through Jesus. We can hear him if we humble our selves and pray, seek his face and turn from our wicked ways. Seeking heavenly fathers face is simple you open your ears and wait. Sometimes there is obstacles, for example 1 Kings 19 to the still small voice. 

1Ki 19:11  And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: 
1Ki 19:12  And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. 
Go past the obstacles and seek Christ's face in your mind, he is just like the father. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you, receive him. Wait longer with your ears open so you can hear from heavenly father and he will tell you the truth about everything.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Heresies of Mormonism

God's mandate for us Part 2

Last time I talked about being fruitful and multiplying. This time I talk about discipleship. Discipleship works when we look for skill in something we want to learn. It is more know as apprenticeship in some cases. We should be up for learning in something almost all the time. Even watching TV can be learning. Self improvement is important to God and it is to us. We learn about spiritual things and that should be important. We also learn about skill. Also work in those skills so they become great talents or discipline. This is more inspiration led for me, discipline takes character to handle right. We avoid idolatry. When your led by God he creates in you passion. Passion is needed to handle right. We are led by the best. Grow with those who have skill and minister to those who want our skill. We also grow with the Lord, we let him lead us. Find time for spiritual growth and skill growth. Sometimes it is review that helps you the most. Maintain your skills so that the Lord can make good use of them.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

God's mandate for us Part 1

It is very important to be fruitful and multiply. It is what God told us to do first. So emphasis in our daily lives should include this aspects. I think that God would emphasize it more often than somethings we put important in the bible. Form yourself a wife and make babies, is more than what we think when being fruitful. Multiplicity is more than getting our wives to have lots of children. It is discipleship, it is spreading the word to the world. I can't imagine spreading the word without being fruitful. God means character most of all when he means fruitful. The fruit in the Holy Spirit is part of that. We can look throughout the New Testament for character. God wants us smart with him. He guides us better than we guide ourselves. We are made for him to guide us. We pass on character to others and wisdom from God. It is important to follow Christ, he leads us to good fruit. We can gain with Christ not only character but wisdom and skill. God brings us spiritual food to digest and skill to gain. He is the skill maker. I often go in pray and ask him to increase my skill, I also look to and fro for it. God can grow you in it by heavenly means. He also places knowledge in front of us with books and messages. So set yourself to be a good learner from the Lord and see what he can bless you with,he is made to advise you. Thank God for him. To the Lord of all you love us towards your kingdom and as a good father you give us gifts of wisdom, skill and character. You do this in so many ways, we can't thank you enough for what you do for us. You are the greatest of all and we need you Jesus. May we learn from you good teacher. Thank God for you Jesus.