Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Haven't seen me

John 20:29  Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. (KJV)

We are blessed to know God at all. We are blessed by the Lord for not being ones who saw him walk his footsteps, although we wish we could go in the past and see his steps. How great are they that believe in him and haven't seen.

I want you to know you are special and have come in such a time as this. You have meaning in the century your in, it is God's time for you to receive his Son. You would have seen him the same as now. His miracles would have astounded you or you would have been as hard as the Pharisees. Those that investigate enough to know the man will say he is great among means, deserving honor and praise. He did the miracles and he heals today. See the whole man of Jesus and you will know how great he is. Be inspired by him and believe.

If you never believed in Jesus before receive him now as Lord and Savior. Say dear Jesus, come into my heart, I make you my Lord and Savior. If you said that prayer, join a bible believing Christ and learn the whole man of God.

Monday, July 6, 2020

It is me is about him

As I talk about ME I talk about him. GOD is the subject. God is not vain and has no vanity about i, he is humble in every way. I use the little i for a purpose because his attitude towards himself is the little i. Go to him and see, he is completely humble, he is not insecure to boast about himself. I want you to see.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Get down from there

This is what I tell my cat constantly who has so much curiosity she would have died twice.
I don't know what to do with her. My mother keeps her from hunting like a regular cat so she is constantly staring out the window. My mother doesn't want her wandering off due to her charm to be taken in by another owner. She constantly wants out she is definitely a FreeEn. kitty. She constantly tests us for more freedom to climb anywhere in the household. It's what Millie does. 
So much is God like the parent telling us not climb without his permission because he knows better. When we don't know self control, God stops us and shows us why if we ask. He doesn't want us hurt so he tells through the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit telling us yes or no. He does want us to have children but not on the first date. Things take steps so follow his steps. Be wise kitty.

It's about Me.

The LORD is important and deserves praise and is worthy of all honor. It is important to praise him as we go about our day. I am talking about the LORD GOD. We should always worship the LORD GOD even when he points to someone else to give praise. When we praise someone for something we should always open them to the LORD GOD. IT IS WHERE THE PRAISE COMES FROM, IT IS POWERFUL AND NEEDING COMPLETION--for us to grow. I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT BUT, it is from him. As we go up the ladder in glories we understand that the highest glories get praise. 

Friday, July 3, 2020

Happy July 4th!

Happy Independence Day!
Enjoy the day!

Cloning People and Spiritually

I heard on Facebook this argument whether cloning is still God's creation. I firmly believe that they are. They are made by God's sovereignity. They may have had a different birthing process than most human beings, but they are still birthed. God has made Christ special in birth and so there is exceptions. The clones father is the one who was made first and so he begat him by those means back to Adam so that is their tree. Who knows how long they survive. The clones only last a few years when I first heard about it. I suppose it could be longer by now. Human cloning is illegal in some countries but I imagine their may have happened in secret elsewhere. I believe they have soul and spirits as well. They are also needing a Savior like us. Clones may have different personalities. Not everything is genes some of it is environment. But we must have grace for them even though they were born different, sometime differences help us thrive as a civilization.