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Monday, January 30, 2023
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Fixed the website with a new brand InspireInc.net
Church Planting
We are forming a program to plant churches all over the world with our apparel company partnering in church planting.
Bible Clubs
We partner with local churches teachers and students and have them plant a bible club in their school. Usually they can meet during a period, during a lunch time, before or after school. Or a special time they can gather and talk about the bible. Start a Facebook group in your local area for a Bible club and do a few giveaways who knows you may start a movement by itself.
Current things I need: Seo work can drastically bring more people to the Lord, plus I'll show you how to do that which gives you a major skill for your own website or content. Since I have started doing Seo work on just a few articles and videos. My website views have quadrupled in just a month.
Also Catalog Work improve our catalog which will be seen by many as we witness door to door.
Modeling Work: want to be included in a catalog? Buy one of our products on https://www.inspireinc.net and send us pictures. Be expressive and creative, we will see if we can include you in the next catalog. Contact us if you want to be included at MikeWilkinson767@gmail.com
Photo Shoot Work preparers such as make-up artists and hair, site preparation and camera work.
Web Development
We have Christian games we want to develop.
As well as website development, author relations and web ministry.
We also do fundraisers for your Local Church recruit your local church to raise money for camp sponsorship, retreats, mission trips,and mission work. We can also raise money for entertainment purposes such as skiing, camping, fishing, hiking trips for example.
Fundraiser Materials made upon request. Win amazon gift cards for multiple orders made!
Looking for Pure Commission Sales team to sale clothing door to door. Must get permits. Each piece of clothing you sell you get 4 dollars per item. Then must input money into website: to get paid. Please contact me before starting. Contact me with your email, MikeWilkinson767@gmail.com or call me at 1(830) 444-8433.
This is something I am listing because we all need help from time to time:
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
on July 2022 a number 988 will be available. They have lines for Spanish, Deaf and hard of hearing.
Crisis Text Line: Text Hello to 741741
YouthLine: Text teen2teen to 839863, or call 1-877-968-8491
Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline: call or text 1-800-422-4453
Available in 170 languages
National Domestic Violence Hotline: Text "START" to 88788 or call 1-800-799-7233 24/7 170 languages
The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network's hotline 1-800-656-4673
Substance Abuse and Mental Health line: 1-800-662-4357
Homeless Resource Guide for San Antonio
Email me so we can setup a time and date.
Books are currently being reformatted for sale to a larger audience so they are not available.
Facebook Group Link
(main group)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/FreeEncouragement.org/Generation Changers Prayer Group
Bible Club Planters Organization (outreach group)
If you ever tried to witness door to door. One thing you need to be prepared. Make sure to do door to door marketing, to have something for them to do or look at. I got this from Phil Taylor.
If you are door knocking with a church.
Hi we (come from such and such church) and we are assessing the needs in the community are you in need of anything or do you need prayer? Some will say yes right off the bat. So pray for them and hand them a pamphlet. Go in a large group for each neighborhood. Stay outside don't go in.
If you are selling something.
Hi I'm a clothing salesman we are looking for people interested in ordering from our catalogue so we are selling door to door. This is the catalogue, would you like to take a look? Let them study it and see the first page, let them soak in the message. After a minute or when they hand it back ask them would you like to buy from the catalogue? Any products interest you? Ask probing questions to figure out how to work with the customer. See if they are a Christian, or ask them if they would like to know more about Jesus. Remember to stay outside and not take any food or drink from them. If they are sick or hurt pray for them. Do what Jesus told you to do. That is main thing, we don't want to go against what Jesus is saying.
Partner with local churches to bring people to be interested in believing in God and going to church. Pray for revival in the area as you go door to door. Usually after 2 or 3 hours of doing things door to door you see that a lot of people maybe interested in what you have to say. Some will catch the vision pretty quick, understand and want to help.
How to sell on Facebook:
Connect with pastors and laymen groups on Facebook about the 'evangelism program' you have this pretty effective in turning hearts and you would like to partner with them to help their church grow and win souls.
You show the catalog through email then ask them if they want to order and take their info over the phone that way your sells count.
You can also sell with buy and sell groups on Facebook where you post pictures and leave a phone number that they can reach you at to buy then sell through the phone so your sells count.
You can also start a blogger account to have a website where you show others wearing the apparel and write about the testimonies that you have it may mean alot to you and others wearing the shirts. It only takes a few minutes to set up and use it as a launch pad to make sells. Then point them to the number to call and get more sells that way.
Franchise Agents if you want to sell in pop ups go ahead. That using a canopy and a table(s) to sell. There is a price reduction in shipping with Teespring if you buy in bulk it cost less, you can sell the customer in person what they would pay on the site. You can also use the site at the pop up store to get your sells that way. Look online for trade show lists, open air markets and Christian concerts.
If you would like to be a franchisee agent: call me at (830) 444-8433.
Saturday, January 28, 2023
You can write to us and partner with us to change the world. Send your checks to:
Mike Wilkinson Ministries
P.O. Box 1554
Lytle, TX 78052
Write them out to Mike Wilkinson Ministries.
or Donate via Paypal button below.
Help your non English friends see the gospel.
We have included a translation number on our website so you can easily translate the site in your preferred language. Add the number to your site so you can serve more people with the gospel. You can view it next to google translate on the site.
Friday, January 27, 2023
FreeEncouragement.org now inspireinc.net blog
The Father told me to switch website names now everything goes under the inspireinc.net flag, the landing page will be under the clothing store and the blog link is at the bottom of the store links. I also put a translation number you can call in 150 languages. It does cost money from AT&T but it gives more chances for people to hear the gospel through the translation number. It maybe good for all ministries to use something like that. I'm not sure how good it is from Google, but I imagine it has gotten better since our ministry implemented it. I still have to figure out how to connect freeencouragement dot org traffic to the website. So tell your friends we switched sites. We also added a charity part to the website. We also took down some of the links to make it flow easier on the website.
3 ways to help the poor and the economy
1.'A bike giving culture'
Now as a man who didn't have a car for a while, I can empathize with those with little money to buy a car. I have come up with a government program we should consider. If a person is without a mode of transportation for a while it makes them hard to get another job, access resources, socialize, shop and run their lives in a very productive way. Economically more free time gives people more resources. It makes a better economy. So those without a mode of transportation for a long period of time could be helped with a bicycle with an engine.
2.Additionally we should add routes for buses 40 miles out from a major town to give poor people the chance to move closer to work. This creates a lot of possibilities for the poor.
Statistically this raises the economy in a positive way.
We can help the poor this way.
3.We also need to keep remote positions available as they offer more possibilities and help the economy.
Statistics are positive.
Make these things apart of affirmative action for the poor. Keep remote jobs as a way to help the poor.
This stops travel trauma. People that don't have a car can have travel trauma.
A cheaper electric bike should be the goal climately. So we can transition to a more planet healthy bike.
Bike should have solid rubber tires to stop from constant flats that people on bicycle get. Make the engines real durable. We need to make transportation without problems for a cheap price. They should be subsidized transportation.
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Events get us out of the recession.
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
'Proselytism is not Christianity' How do we presuade?
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Updates on the website
We updated the site, we connected a new apparel website on the site called https://www.inspireinc.net we also added a charity link to sponsor a children through a partnership we have with CJClife church.
We did away with the forum link under community as we use that in Facebook and reorganized some of the links for quicker use. Let me know you guys need anything.
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Looking for a grant writer volunteer-we can budget in compensation
I am looking for someone to help me fill out grants. I feel I am supposed to do this with someone else. If you can help me I will try and compensate you well and it could help lead to a better position.
Retractions instead of seeing the point
I think a lot of times we retract somethings because of judgement of sin. I think we have to be careful of judging. I don't totally like his debt view on the previous video. I don't believe in debt. Debt can be bad and a distraction. We have to see what God wants us to do and he may give you solutions for handling a loan but usually I am not at all a debt man. I am more showing the ingenious pragmatism of the rest of the video that you should do your research on how to develop a company quicker that could pay out.