Sunday, November 26, 2017

The law of degrees of inheritance

We want to understand what we will get when we go to heaven. Recieve the Lord first and then ask him about your inheritance he will tell you. We want to understand the Lord.
We need an organization that records near-death experiences. We want something to understand the justice system of heaven. We want to understand what we can enter and what we can't enter. We want to understand what a perfect being means by heaven and hell. We don't want to test God for the word says that Lazarus went to heaven and the bad rich man went to hell. And Satan gets thrown into the Lake of Fire forever. God's word is final in the word. We want to follow God all the way. He has eternal inheritance for us if we do. We don't understand sentencing, but we know the Lord's character if we repent we go to heaven. It is not worth risking eternal hell fire. God wants us. Forever at his side. Don't worry anymore and be a person that repents. God has so much for you. We may not understand all the Lands of heaven and the degrees things are. But we must trust God that he is just, he is good and he is right in his ways.(originally posted on facebook)

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