Friday, September 22, 2023

Remote rebuilding

As I stated last time we can rebuild societies after destruction of any kind by remote access work robots around the world.. Take the unemployed around the world and put them to work. Imagine whole countries being built up by unemployed in other countries.

Prevention methods to stop fatalities from comets ,asteriods and other disasters.

As Biden said on Fox and I have thought too. We can prevent many disaster fatalities by building multi disaster proof facilities underground and also develop cities underground. We can start an underground culture by making facilities like schools big business have underground. For underground make them earthquake,ocean,levy, ocean covering proof, gas, bacteria, hurricane, asteriod proof and blast proof,fireproof,cold proof, nuclear proof,space proof,sun proof, radiation proof, hunger proof and suffocation proof, We can solve these problems multiple ways. Later on we can make depository place for all animals,insects, plants,seeds, robots,rocks, medical, culture, religion and information. If we ever had to start over with a small population, we would rebuild the world with robots,cell phones,Internet,emergency services and defense. We can also build shields eventually that will stop other things.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

What to do if ice melts around the world or the poles shift.

What to do if the glaciers and Antarctica melts badly
 A while back I found a video on flooding senerios to understand what to do. I spent time studying the bible, with God and thought greatly a long fun. There is 5 things we have to prepare for in this situation. First Drowning and our stuff.
Deadly fumes after and other melting waves from refreezing and melting and fumes. It said in the bible that Noah had to seal his ark so it wouldn't breath the air for 40 days. The deadly fumes caused by death of organisms can be fought by some type filter to breath the air or some type of cure to the fumes. We could also build big ships that are sealed or build long wear floating containment  suits you can eat drink water from with some type floating containment tent you could seal off you build for food for people to use that is sealed off. It says in revelation to go to the mountains and we could also build sealed rooms in high places but I can't predict how high how long and how much food and water we would need on hand. We also afterward find the amount that would be resended or flood again if things melt freeze remelt and cause another deadly fumes cycle potentially until the earth restablizes itself. The flood didn't cause gravity changes to the earth. This could also be a problem we could solve if the poles shifted quickly and cause glacier or Antarctica to melt. Then we might have earthquakes, sunammes,high waves hit the shore,flooding fumes melting and remelting then more glaciers due to more or less ice. Earthquake proof high places sealed off that can grow food preserve livestock people seeds, varieties of food and supplies resperators that are sealed off from fumes. They should make oxygen maker resperators too for any conoravirus or other places that may happen from the dead. I hope these things don't happen but we always could prepare.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

imperfect,finite,growing, and God interdimenionalism

As we have talked before on interdimensionalism I am going to elaborate on body interdimensionalism. We are infinite interdimensionalists. Our body on a world can take multiple forms with how we are designed. If we are created by God. We have attributes that we are like him and a created likeness that is just our limit for design. God knows the limit of our design. Limited interdimensionalism, unlimited interdimensionalism, fluctuating interdimensionalism.
We probably fluctuate as we grow as we change and it effects us dimensionally. People may be based in a simulation with a fluctuating presence based out of some kind of continuums. Heaven is a fluctuating multicontinuum. Continuums are made out of attributes like time,space, any kind of feature is a type of programming in the continuum. God owns the continuum and is a continuum itself.Growth causes the continuum to change. We need a continuum sensor to see the continuum. The Holy Spirit is our continuum sensor. If we are in a continuum sensor we are connected to God's fluctuations.Ufos could be visitors outside our continuum. Heaven could own the hologram and Jesus God the head of the hologram and we have follow his rules. Our Father in heaven may not find us with a distortion we need to be by asking Jesus to save us. No religion has this understanding without the sensor. To be continued...

Monday, September 18, 2023

Making artificial gravity

I talked about it a little last time. We may strengthen the strong force and the weak force with a bacteria that creates creates a suction or magnetic force field that creates a force field around the person or object that creates a surface pressure or gravitational force or gravitational weakening measured by an ai for a stable gravitation. I think with this people can control gravity and even fly even really fast. Magnetic force fields may work to create flight.That is all. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

how we could make a planet best in the solar system

This is theoretical due to gravitation effects changes. If we combined resources from other parts of the solar system like Titan, Enceladus, and the Asteroid belt with Mars. We could make things work for earth two much better, but if we changed the masses too much it could make them move differently. We could probably keep them good exchanging the masses where it doesn't effect gravitation. The chemistry and mass exchange,gravitation calibrations could be catastrophic could be hard for terraforming the earth. We should only do it in uninhabited systems. Unless we move everything offworld and terraform the system to fit more livable planets.Even adding atmosphere to the moon could catastrophic. With a  small biodome more than few miles with artificial gravity we can even add a skylight. Nano gravitation may be the way to do that. We may just cause suction at till we balance the suction downward. We may also need to wear magnetic shoes. Doing this needs to be figured out and calibrated at small scale because it could affect the earth gravitation so physicists and sustainability mathematicians may be needed.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Biggest breakthrough against aging since Jesus

This may stop some forms of blindness. David Sinclair and  his company life biosciences located in Boston, Massachusetts. Watch above.