Showing posts with label infastructure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label infastructure. Show all posts

Friday, September 22, 2023

Prevention methods to stop fatalities from comets ,asteriods and other disasters.

As Biden said on Fox and I have thought too. We can prevent many disaster fatalities by building multi disaster proof facilities underground and also develop cities underground. We can start an underground culture by making facilities like schools big business have underground. For underground make them earthquake,ocean,levy, ocean covering proof, gas, bacteria, hurricane, asteriod proof and blast proof,fireproof,cold proof, nuclear proof,space proof,sun proof, radiation proof, hunger proof and suffocation proof, We can solve these problems multiple ways. Later on we can make depository place for all animals,insects, plants,seeds, robots,rocks, medical, culture, religion and information. If we ever had to start over with a small population, we would rebuild the world with robots,cell phones,Internet,emergency services and defense. We can also build shields eventually that will stop other things.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Prophet infastrucuture today

Prophets have different functions in the overall infastrucuture of the church. Joel Osteen helps suicidal people with Hope to believe God can transform their lives. Others are scholars with books that provide infastrucuture for different topics so angelic strongholds can be there to support good character for the body of Christ and holiness. Not all ministries have to have scholarly patterns that are all conventionally or similar pattern to most churches. As people study ministries many are creatively unconventional,where as "churches" are conventional and unfortunately buracratic sometimes. Sticking to tradition so much in function that  becoming man's church instead of God's church. Although not churches fall into this category with time. Intimacy with God keeps the church member alive. My ministry focuses on justice, innovation,and intimacy of the overall superstructure of the  church. Prosperity isn't evil. Dominion isn't greed. Healing is faith but not about trying harder but less doubt. Authority is more faith filled prayer. When we understand a very complex culture we know why it does the things it does. Then we are seeing from a better perspective. 'Prophetic' culture is very complex your not going figure it out without Christ's intimacy, pray and fast for it. Ask what it looks like to have connection to Christ, you'll probably do the same as the top of the ladder. Their stuff will surprise you.