Thursday, August 3, 2023

Best futuristic robot and how we should govern it.

 Fourier Intelligence's GR-1: Igniting a New Wave of General-Purpose Humanoid Robots - YouTube

Robotic stopping system for any robot by star link if we keep the robot population lightweight and tackle able we can prevent skynet situations. It would be controlled by different cops and militaries.

Robots can be controlled by local councils providing for the people and owned via transmission houses and routinely visit or live in the house to clean and do other household chores/maintence. They can be controlled by people needing work or given license to run businesses without disrupting the local economy. People live off of independent income credit and the robots make money for the people. Economic boards need to be made to balance the economy. Purpose boards need to be made to balance the workforce. Action boards need to be made to prevent society degradation.

new flying car, electric skateboard and atv

Really cool stuff before they magnet lift alot of surfaces.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The board game house

So here is my idea for another type of popular recreation business.  A board game house. People pay to play board games provided you pay so much a head to play if pieces are missing or board isnt return pay extra. Could serve food or combine it with other reaction. Could add puzzles too.If game take too long pay more. Could pay by hour. Could also buy games. If game has spill or damaged then there is a board replacement cost.could have fee for party joined or combine or split up ticket. Church could do this for free as a ministry or donation, or side gig of the church. Could host tournaments to make more money or preach or a guest speaker while they play or take a break. Could be an app or join with a social network or store or restaurant. Could work in a mall or event center.

Interestings Read for the ages

I am going to add a futurist website to our collection of website Cosmic Futura

A Bay Area Man’s 1953 ‘Prophecy’ Predicted Smartphones, Video Calls and Apple Watches | KQED

Thursday, July 13, 2023

How to make good education system.

 It's Bruce wilkinson's learner system+ elon musk's school he created plus cognitive memory understanding skills and being life long learner all be well loosed in good metaphysics to create good pedagogy. Education need interactive stats and accountability; to passion and purpose. Jung personality test and Chapman's psychology in motivation. Learning type psychology tests however this can change with time. Managing education metrics is important but life long learning,creativity, and problem solving. Prizes and games are important and transfer of knowledge training.Financial peace training and repetition.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Political meddling in the church

One thing we need to understand, Jesus where we get provision, gifts, connections, his mercies leave us better than us striving and doing things out of context of a holy faith. Meddling is operating on something that is not holy. It is a non holy faith. Being political to supplant or overcome opposition isn't God, God doesn't scheme he positions and makes plans. He works through redemption and weighs everything. Take a balance in your process go spend time weighing deep things WITH God. You need to weigh things WITH him. Practicing that builds your discernment. If you don't build upon experts you can't build anything. Many good wise consuelors give you success as the Proverb says. Be a Solomon wise and successful.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Meddling is a sin

 We don't realize what we do sometimes but when you meddle in a situation you are creating wrath for yourself. You shouldn't meddle it is not God's way. You have to let it be handled in God's way and timing. He knows how to handle this better than you. One reason when people meddle it is a very dangerous sin. People get into legal trouble. Defamation can be place upon them. Harrassment isn't justice. Justice is doesn't take the humanity out of a person, it just does its duty depending on what it is, what is overall justice. I want us all to walk in the desernable justice with mercy and grace accompanied in it. The process is justice with the grace gospel in mind. Justice is reformation of righteousness. We reform to righteousness first in fear, image, word, second in body, third in action the next to Christ the infinite principle. We walk in the Lordship and fear of the Lord. Reform takes place in the heart if it is lasting reform. It walks in a way that is worthy to repentance. Repentance is the way, meddling is not. Let God's justice happen, it is not foolish it is wiser. His justice is sometimes different than our perspective. He says save sometimes when we declare wrath. He says wrath sometimes when we say mercy. It is discernable. He knows the best punishment when we are bad. He knows the best for us. The same goes with the political arena. We follow the Lord in fear and trembling and follow his way. We shouldn't meddle even when we raise standards. We should be people of the grace gospel. We wait on appropriateness and timing. Otherwise, we miss things we are supposed to have in God's grace. We get placed into thing we can't evade if we are not in the place we should. Timing, appropiateness, and graces are the places we should stay, if God raises a standard even a grace and mercy standard we should listen. We should move how he moves and walk how he walks. Wrath shouldn't be taken in our own measures, but God's but death has its place but sometimes we see that it is not how it seems. As I have said and Phillip Sundar have death can be defeated. With death only lasts as long as rebellion lasts plus punishment according to Satan's sentence. He was sent away for a thousand years then sent to the lake of fire according to the book of revelation. Sometimes people are punished longer than God's will in chastisement or deed. This is when mercy is needed and grace abounds. Taking justice into our own hands is never good. It mus work through the Lord. The civil system needs edification. Let people who handle the public handle the system. The system needs to be designed that way. Peace to you, let it guide you. It is the way we see plus experience and testimony. They light the way through the dark.