Thursday, November 12, 2020

Hear the word resound, hear what God has to say

 I hear the word when I wait intently for him deep in my heart. There is greatness in him I see the resounding nature of God moving in the natural. I see great things in the hymn, the purity of the children, the love of the Father, tidbits of the sermon. Greatness resounds it's own meaning. It is important to see and hear what God does around us as he sees the things to come. I look and hear and see what the angel has to say: the Lord cometh hear what things he has to say. He resounds in all seasons, how great is the Lord to come, we can see the Lord a boy who is of humble heart. The Lord will work on him and make him great. Because he wants to see what is real in the natural and wants to know the truth he will see the unnatural and grow greatly in the sight of man. What he does will astound them, only God can do these things. In an hour man does not know they will be revealed to all who see him. In that hour man will say he is great. He will know it in humility for the Lord has made him beautiful in his sight. It is humility that he will carry a word of the Lord, it is beautiful in the sight of thy Lord. Though he was just a boy he came to his Father's hour and astounded them. Though we talk of man growing we spread the message of Christ and his coming. Though words of great appear small, they will see the outcome and know what God does. It appears to be him but it was God moving throughout the building and throughout the earth and through all things to come and be. The man can't say it is him for who outlasts God? God can say all things he wants. We know it is him. It is beautiful in his sight, why say such things. It is to grow. I wait and I patiently grow. Here he comes in the fullness of the Lord. Wait and see what the Lord will do with a people ready for him. It is greater than the Earth for the Earth sits void without human touch. It is further work we will say. Sitting on the Greatness of the Lord. Light is the touch and great are the things of the Lord I say 'The Almighty'. In the sound of angels it moves. I know the things to come says the Lord of Godly Dwelling let it be the truth of the LORD of Hosts who dwells deeply within. No action is too meager to the Lord, he sees the inward heart, it is beautiful For all to see in him for the beauty of the Lord. Look at MY HANDS AND SEE ME! The BATTLE is the LORD AND I WILL SURELY BATTLE IT THUS SAY YOU AND THE LORD OF HOSTS TOGETHER. "IT IS OUR BATTLE THUS SAYS THE LORD OF HEAVEN. I will move as you desire for all things happen in their time. I can't wait to see a mature audience who knows the righteousness of God.

The Mindsets of Preaching: Obedience

The Mindsets in Preaching

In preaching we have several mindsets that occur. We see these in the Bible by Christ in the gospels: Compassion, Inspiration, Grace, Building Relationship in realness, Obedience, and Judgement which includes Ethics and Declarations, Speaking the Miracle, Miracles in Faith, Testimony, Prayer, Hearing the Lord, Venturing in Faith(includes seeking) and Prophecy. 

Lesson 5 Obedience

Obedience: Following an act of faith towards the Word of God that serves God's mandate for the pleasure of God and all parties involved.

We look to Christ and obey him gladly for what he is telling us. He washed their feet and they remained his disciples. I want us all to follow Jesus with their heart and let him train the mind to great levels of understanding. We learn from him whenever we obey. He teaches us as we open our hearts to him. It is important to listen to the teacher to be taught. I see through these lessons we must obey God's words no matter what criticism we get from others online. I hope you see the importance of Christ our Savior for you in your life. I and this is more than 'me,' we listen to the testimonies of others and Christ visits our minds to learn great things.These great things, O what great things they are, are not little. They are beautiful and abundant. If we did not see others moving in this as well our testimony would be incomplete. It is something we reach out to others for in the wholeness of truth. Then we are confirmed by their faith. It is important to lean on his faith in the truth of the abundance that he is for everyone who know the unchanging truth. I am healed by the truth that comes from others. It is truth to my bones. We learn from him great things let us seek the truth with greatness in mind for it is a completion of our faith. The Lord is great therefore he makes us into greatness. We listen to their truth to being faith to others. In him we move and come to the festival of light. It is truth we reach out for and we so surely will get it. Seek the Lord for truth on that day and we will see all the truth that the festival brings to us.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Mindsets of Preaching: Building a Relationship in Realness

 In preaching we have several mindsets that occur. We see these in the Bible by Christ in the gospels: Compassion, Inspiration, Grace, Building Relationship in realness, Obedience, and Judgement which includes Ethics and Declarations, Speaking the Miracle, Miracles in Faith, Testimony, Prayer, Hearing the Lord, Venturing in Faith(includes seeking) and Prophecy. 

It is important to build relationship especially in realness. God wants intimacy with you for the most relational and real relationship that can be made. It is important to keep love sincere and authentic. God loves the real thing coming to life. It is important to have the whole thing in Jesus. We go into the depths for him because he is a God that makes us better as we give everything to him. He is a good God he does take advantage of he works with us for great thing. He knows how to bring us out of deep to the full pleasure of God. He does this prophetically seeing his goodness that can forgive you for anything you may have done. He heals and guides us to a beautiful destiny. As we learn to be like him, others can be changed because they had an encounter with the real Jesus inside of you. God changes and looks for relationship to change us in the measure of righteousness. He made us unique and wants to pull your uniqueness out for all to enjoy. He loves you all and all and helps us with things we don't know how to handle. He goes to his father in heaven to heal you and bring you to new life. He hears from him and tells you things the Father says. He loves you and we should seek the father like him for things so we help people. The Son shows you what is needed to witness to the lost and mend the broken hearted. I want to ask you to receive him so you see the goodness of the Father for you. Look into the heavenly realm and experience heaven by asking Jesus to come into your heart. Say dear Jesus, forgive me of my sins, come into my heart. I make you Lord and Savior. God will show you mighty things wait with him for the word and he will make you very great in his kingdom.

The Mindsets of Preaching: Grace

  In preaching we have several mindsets that occur. We see these in the Bible by Christ in the gospels: Compassion, Inspiration, Grace, Building Relationship in realness, Obedience, and Judgement which includes Ethics and Declarations, Speaking the Miracle, Miracles in Faith, Testimony, Prayer, Hearing the Lord, Venturing in Faith(includes seeking) and Prophecy. 

Grace Lesson 3

We are given everything in the time of the Lord. Grace is beautiful to give. It is redeeming and glorious. It is more beautiful and geared towards redemption, deliverance and mending us. He does a beautiful work when we let him. He heals us and let us see wonders. I can't wait to see him face to face we say in awe. It's an awesome majesty we see from him. Revival sprouts from grace. I love him we say when he makes the world just right. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

The Mindsets of Preaching: Inspiration

 In preaching we have several mindsets that occur. We see these in the Bible by Christ in the gospels: Compassion, Inspiration, Grace, Building Relationship in realness, Obedience, and Judgement which includes Ethics and Declarations, Speaking the Miracle, Miracles in Faith, Testimony, Prayer, Hearing the Lord, Venturing in Faith(includes seeking) and Prophecy. 

Lesson 2 Inspiration

Inspiration being impressed by situation or thing to speak about it for further instruction. Some time we get more about the situation or thing by witnessing it lifted up to God. It is important we see what God has for it and not just man. It is very important to know Jesus and see how Jesus moves in a situation. Many things come about as we dwell with him and watch his movement. God gives his counsel in multiple ways and we need to be open to his answer. It usually permeates our lives with the answer given to us supernaturally. It is important to follow God in his answer and not lean anywhere else. That is not follow something that is foolish, but lean on good things. The Lord is graceous in his heart we must lean on him. Follow his path that he has made for us, he knows best for us. So trust in the message of the Lord and see his insight in it. Don't worry about it, but take into consideration good wisdom. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Mindsets of Preaching: Compassion

In preaching we have several mindsets that occur. We see these in the Bible by Christ in the gospels: Compassion, Inspiration, Grace, Building Relationship in realness, Obedience, and Judgement which includes Ethics and Declarations, Speaking the Miracle, Miracles in Faith, Testimony, Prayer, Hearing the Lord, Venturing in Faith(includes seeking) and Prophecy. 

Compassion Lesson 1

We give grace on those seeking him we are led in compassion for the crowd. We give blessing to them, we give grace and counsel to them. We warn them with love from trouble. God gives us understanding and we show them we care. The world looked to Jesus as a messiah, but not in the way he was going to be for his people then. God now is a reigning messiah on high. His kind kingdom is more than we think and we wait for him to appear on the clouds of heaven to take us home. We wait in the Spirit for a word to know him. We wait for the kingdom to come. I am excited to share with compassion because that is how Jesus shared. It is very godly to share our life with compassion as he does to the crowd that seeks him. To those who seek him, he is a gentle Shephard and wants to settle things with grace to us. He takes us beyond our years and makes us new again. He is the great shephard and takes those sheep that are not prefect and bleaches their fur. He tends to his flock with such care. He tends to the sicks and lame and makes them whole. He makes the weak into the strongest Rams in the flock. Don't look at the weak as useless for they are merely learning. Look at those who grow for they are the future. Look at those who look for constant discipleship in one thing or another for they will grow like Red Oaks and be the biggest thing around them. Character outlives everything and company comes with it.