Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Mindsets of Preaching: Compassion

In preaching we have several mindsets that occur. We see these in the Bible by Christ in the gospels: Compassion, Inspiration, Grace, Building Relationship in realness, Obedience, and Judgement which includes Ethics and Declarations, Speaking the Miracle, Miracles in Faith, Testimony, Prayer, Hearing the Lord, Venturing in Faith(includes seeking) and Prophecy. 

Compassion Lesson 1

We give grace on those seeking him we are led in compassion for the crowd. We give blessing to them, we give grace and counsel to them. We warn them with love from trouble. God gives us understanding and we show them we care. The world looked to Jesus as a messiah, but not in the way he was going to be for his people then. God now is a reigning messiah on high. His kind kingdom is more than we think and we wait for him to appear on the clouds of heaven to take us home. We wait in the Spirit for a word to know him. We wait for the kingdom to come. I am excited to share with compassion because that is how Jesus shared. It is very godly to share our life with compassion as he does to the crowd that seeks him. To those who seek him, he is a gentle Shephard and wants to settle things with grace to us. He takes us beyond our years and makes us new again. He is the great shephard and takes those sheep that are not prefect and bleaches their fur. He tends to his flock with such care. He tends to the sicks and lame and makes them whole. He makes the weak into the strongest Rams in the flock. Don't look at the weak as useless for they are merely learning. Look at those who grow for they are the future. Look at those who look for constant discipleship in one thing or another for they will grow like Red Oaks and be the biggest thing around them. Character outlives everything and company comes with it.

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