Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Take me somewhere special

Lord show your children a good time. May we spend time with you and see you as you are. I had visions on the fourth of July about picnicing with Jesus.He cut up fruit and gave it to me. I felt the fruit as I ate it from his hand. It was beautiful to experience a picnic with the Lord.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

An Offering

I take an offering for working on this blog to provide spiritual substanance every day. Please help you help me. God has plans for further ministry but we need your help. 

Send your checks to Michael Wilkinson P.O. Box 1554 Lytle, TX 78052.

Monday, July 13, 2020

I hate to do this but...

Me Me Me Me. I hear this all the time.It is God in the Me's. I am him sometimes other times I'm not. We are all searching for our true selves. It seems we get it sometimes. God knows our true selves he can rightly divide when we are ourselves or not. 

Here is some ways to see your real self.

1. Be yourself is the first level. 
You don't need to try hard at this. No experimentation. Just be yourself. 
2.Then crucify the flesh. Let God mold you and get rid of the lies off of you that you believe and submit yourself to the Lord.
3.Build your senses for the Lord.
4. Work through deliverance to get rid of strongholds, that keep you from seeing you.
5. Keep in submission to God.

If you want to know yourself start a journey with God, he can help you becoming the best person you can be.

Say this prayer to join God's transforming process. Say dear Jesus, I repent of sin, come into my heart, I make you my Lord and Savior. Get plugged into our group we are happy to help you further discover who are as God's son. God will help you in the journey.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

I've got it

I think we all rejoice when a sinner gives up his sin for the cross. It is beautiful to see and we all rejoice. Let us pray for the harvest right now to come he said, "there is always a harvest with you." Look for good fruit to pick, like the fruit of the spirit and look how you can bring other character forward. Let others embrace in the fruit and grow.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

That's it don't do anymore right now

You need to wait... Stop right there, they are scared. You made them mad. We all seen this before when witnessing. Go as far as the Lord goes. He goes further with them by their selves sometimes. It's best to work to breakthrough, be simple and nice and get to emotional roots of anger or fear.Ask them politely and listen to the Lord carefully. He knows when to stop and go. People get locked in their mind during an argument, they think and miss things so take it slow see why and give an answer. If you don't get to the root you don't know how to serve them. It could be they were approached wrong or never heard grace. Develop a friendship so they know what your about you lead by example. Take them fishing a couple times and have a few long conversations.

Friday, July 10, 2020

5 REASONS Why the Apocrypha is NOT INSPIRED and Should be REJECTED!

To each is his own again

I want each of you to go back to a friend you may had an argument about the gospel and try again. If you had not gotten to the root and let them choose Christ try again. Pray to get to the root of the argument. It's important to reach out when you can. I want you to try. Bring it up politely and share what you know. Meet their needs and try your best to show them the way.