Friday, December 29, 2017

Be cunning like Jacob,seek the Lord when things change

The cunningness of man has no way in God, it takes a humble heart to please him. Look to his way in cunning. His way makes everything work in you. Let his greatness work, it is a great work for us all. Let you be cunning like Jacob and be blessed like a child of a king. He blesses those whose ask for it. Look to me and blessed wrestle for it. You shall win a prize.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Endue me with kindness

King Jesus make me new. Show me a new freshness of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Ignite me up in the Lord, give me a passion that can't be quenched. Stir my passions for your kingdom. Ennoble me in your favor, show me the way of truth. Lift me up like a Son before his father. Endue me with strong strengths. God is with us, make us strong in your knightly ways. Give us nobility as a Son. You are good. All you do is good. Enrich me with your favor on high, you love greater than all things combined for God is love. Lift me up with your kindness, your words mean everything to us. God is love.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The law of degrees of inheritance

We want to understand what we will get when we go to heaven. Recieve the Lord first and then ask him about your inheritance he will tell you. We want to understand the Lord.
We need an organization that records near-death experiences. We want something to understand the justice system of heaven. We want to understand what we can enter and what we can't enter. We want to understand what a perfect being means by heaven and hell. We don't want to test God for the word says that Lazarus went to heaven and the bad rich man went to hell. And Satan gets thrown into the Lake of Fire forever. God's word is final in the word. We want to follow God all the way. He has eternal inheritance for us if we do. We don't understand sentencing, but we know the Lord's character if we repent we go to heaven. It is not worth risking eternal hell fire. God wants us. Forever at his side. Don't worry anymore and be a person that repents. God has so much for you. We may not understand all the Lands of heaven and the degrees things are. But we must trust God that he is just, he is good and he is right in his ways.(originally posted on facebook)

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

A Biblical Communion

The Lord told me that only the church of christ seem do communion right. I realize that as a strong word of rebuke to the church. United Methodist Church use leavened bread, catholics use fermented wine. I think this gets people in drinking over time. Also I have seen Catholics not letting non catholic christian partake in communion which I think is a bad practice. I think that the Lord meant it this way that he left a biblical blueprint in the bible how to do communion and church of christ are the only ones that get their whole ceremony out of the bible. I think some churches are too laxadazical it comes to communion for they partook it on the first day of the week in the bible. The Lord wants us to take communion every week that is what Jesus told me last week. It is an impartation that is important to the Lord. It follows the Law. The only thing that you could add is music which okay, do this in rememberance of me. There is a spirit of remembrance and a spirit of resurrection. We remember his death and live his resurrection. We carry this together.His body and blood we partake through the euchurist. The body is the bread and his blood the fruit of the vine.The fruit of the vine is the juice from the vine.I think it is best to get welches with homemade unleavened bread. I found this gives such a great service to the Lord. I think we can find these things in a catolog. It makes the service special and we must keep it special. We shouldn’t take it in vain. We must take it and examine our walk with him. Walk with the living savior.I feel his presence and his touch sometimes like the brush of angel wings happening to me. We serve even though he is in the invisible, but alive and visiting. He shares impartation with us, we must look for them.
Watch how he communes with us and fellowships with us. Alway fellowship with the Lord and never take him for granted.
Here are the verses of a biblical communion.
The impartation is compared to an inheritance. Eph 1:3-14

The instructions Matthew 26:26-30, Mark 14:12-26 John 15:1 Acts 20:7-8

Monday, November 20, 2017

The Best Decision for You Tract

After many years of walking with the Lord, I can affirm that a relationship with God is the best decision.I can see that the Lord's way is for you not against you. You have a lot of grace with God the more you understand his character. He loves you, very much. Wait upon the Lord and he will give you strength to see great things come. Look to him in strength and he will give you a noble thing to accomplish that will wow you and accomplish you greatly. Look to him in his justice and you will be rewarded, it is a noble task. God has a revival for you to preach. Wait and it will come. I feel it coming like a mighty ocean crashing into a continent, it is as big as the world and mighty as him who takes it. I hold the oceans thus says the Lord. It is great. Heartless men will be blinded then come to the cross. In their heart their eyes can't see the ocean but feel its affect and sound. Look the eyes of God trembling within you, ready to see ready to shine ready to focus up its journey.I have it the journey for you thus says the Lord. 

"I am ready to give it to you. Wait for it and Go, hear me and come. Wait and see what I do. It will astound you! Focus on him and pant as the air of God goes about in justice for me on its way, her the church seeks you out. I will be there for you. I will show you the way. Look to him and Go and you will come to me and know the way. It is beautiful and lovely and great. My song will come out, it is the song of salvation. I will save many and they will come. They will know me and be with me forever. I have great numbers for you to save. It will work for you not against you. Who I put in your fold I will walk with you. Don't worry about the crowd I have your way thus says the Lord I am the way. I am the Truth and the Light. Those that come to the father know me come to father and be one as I am one. Look to my son and be a son as I am one. Look to Spirit be the Spirit. I have it all for you in my walk with you."

I want you to understand this a message from God. Hold in grace as it was for my ministry I share it for you to know for Jesus gave it to me ; let on him/let on him inside he will show you greatness like never before. This is the message let him come on your body and saturate you like never before. His saturation is spiritual let him work in you like never before and show his wholeness in grace.You will be astonished by the love he has. Take Jesus in his Spirit believe and receive Jesus as Savior. He will come in you and bless you.