Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Prayer Walker's and Visitation Shirt Line

I have some new shirts a visitation line and prayer walkers which is a guiding shirt how to do visitation besides those that visit your church. It is a really great, I also added Visitation shirts for those who do that regularly with their church. These shirts spur revival wherever they go. Join the Movement and start prayer walking visitation every 3 months from your church to pray for the city and the spiritual infrastructure. Make a movement out of it and find some souls in the kingdom that need the savior. We got a lot of people needing him remember to do it with your church. Check out the Store for the T-Shirts! Buy a Visitation Shirt for your Elder Team as a gift or your hard working laymen.

Monday, May 8, 2017

New! Greeter's Shirts

We are adding some products to our store. We plan to start a Greeter's Shirt Ministry. Sometimes people don't reach out enough. Jesus in scripture greeted everyone. We must follow in Jesus's example.  So to boost greeting we are going sell shirts to fulfill this need in ministries today.

Buy Your Shirt Now

Thursday, July 21, 2016

I am coming out the closet. I am a Prophet.

No, I'm not gay. I think it is important to come out of the closet and become a prophet. It is part of boldness, especially after a while when you see your prophecies are always right. I want us to have pride in our prophetness. It brings the world together. I propose a yearly prophet pride parade where prophets show up and have a parade and put it on tv. It would give us more of a say in the world and show that we are not alone and they world needs to come to an understanding that we are actually out there. We are more in number than people think, we are several denominations. We are in several denominations waiting to arise. It is more learning who is fulfilling prophecy accurately all the time. We need to listen to these people to shape the world into what God wants. It is what we all need and search for. I have a dvd that is coming out soon that will explain this further. Please pray that I can get it out.

Let's Throw it Down

I had a dream that Obama called my dad to ask me to speak or pray at a Lytle Ceremony he was visiting.
Here is what I'd say at the ceremony:
"Let's throw it down."
Let's pray:
Dear God we ask for a blessing for your nation like no other. It is grace we long for from heaven. Pour out a blessing on this nation for new revelation, new ideas, new technological breakthroughs, new wisdom, and new faith to get us to a great destiny. You are truely beautiful God, like no other. You give us our identity Jesus Christ and you make us great. We talk to you Jesus and you bring us to new worlds of greatness. We talk to you and you show us emotional revival, spiritual revival, heavenly revival and you breakforth a new day. We pray for the celebrities and the rich that their security problems would go away. We pray for a free world. We thank you Jesus Christ for your conquering power. We thank you for your love most of all. In you we pray Jesus Christ the one who died on the cross 2000 years ago and rose again. Amen!