Showing posts with label marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marketing. Show all posts

Sunday, March 5, 2023

To and frow marketing part 3

God is moving more in ministry for us to think out of the box. Like yesterday I was passing an outdoor baseball game. I thought why can't we pass a tract to those watching? I also thought what other outdoor event could I pass out tracts? The parks in the area. Where can I go to spread the gospel? The university? Asbury? Make nonreligious ones like the movie Jesus Revolution, that show love. Something to think about.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

To and frow marketing

Hey @everyone people are getting saved right and left. Https:// is doing some miracles with its layout to save people. With 15 dollars I can reach alot of people on Pinterest. Join in shopping with us and also if you don't know got moved to, to get to the blog site simply scroll down to the bottom of eCommerce store, it loads alot of products so keep scrolling down to bottom.
Today's lesson is moving with revival. We must move on the heart of God. We plant seeds when we can but do we do so on purpose.The word says: God looks to and grow throughout the earth for a heart to be used by him. We must be using things that help us see longing for God. We witness where there is interest, longing and hunger. I have designed a shirt that asks people if they have interest in God, prayer or the bible to talk to the person wearing the shirt. It gives people interested people. Remarketing helps. We also shouldn't be offend by tracts, it is just another flyer you don't  get offended by them. You shouldn't get offended by a tract. It is more than a mere flyer it is salvation to someone. I pass out coupons/ business cards that are ways of getting people saved when they view the site. When they view the site, the apologetic shirts, some people get saved. We must be constantly looking where there is interest. Let those that long for salvation get it. Those that party, let them party with the Lord. We can't give up on people, but do we treat them like someone to spam or someone to build a relationship with? To be continued....