Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Perfection's culture

In heaven's measure we have vindication that leads us seeing God as perfect in the best way. His actions show us how in a pure humble way how Jesus makes up eternal things to be called the eternal one. He makes these things seem the best way possible because they are humble. He shows us what vindication work into protraying a perfect God. It all works to his glory and perfect in his way. Heaven abounds to his calm perfection. He is perfect in humility we must remember. It is full of life. The way of his glory astounds us all. It astounds in every sense. He is glory. He is astounding in all things. So we worship him for every way of perfection. He deserves the perfect work of his glory. It is always meaningful, full of life and salt of his kingdom. It never ends his life giving work. It's glory goes through the ages an everlasting measure of himself perfectly displayed forever as it is seen. A perfect work it is, let us be balanced in his perfect work.

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