Sunday, April 11, 2021

Test Kits for Christianity

 I want people to understand my faith, so I had a dream last night of material I use to help people test their faith from where they are at. It gave me example of how people can come to the knowledge of Jesus by different material in the past that I have used. I give different material for different circumstances. This is so that people will see my faith helps you where you are at. It is more intimacy with Jesus that people look towards though. I want them to know Christ at heart and I also I want them to also work their brain to see Christ to have peace. An active brain is a good thing.

People want answers so I lead them to Christ. He has the answers. If you doubt ask Christ to answer your questions. I think that you can have the most from God. My material is more customized to where they are at.

If your Mormon I use Evidence Ministries ministries material to show you how the bible is supreme over any other book.

If your Jehovah Witness they have similar material you can check out.

Here is some material you can get if your doubting.

If your Atheist or Agnostic I recommend reading A Reason for God by Tim Keller and looking for a book that talks about God's voice. You more need to be an expert on God's Voice. One works your brain the other shows you him. These will get you see things through another perceptive. Mere Christianity is a good one as well and this dvd:  

If you are another religion seeking God's voice it is a good thing. We want to see what is supreme in the universe. It is important to see what is more prevalent. We want what controls everything as our source. 

In that case and I do this with all my students. I show them the walk of Emmaus. Which shows them how real the prophecy of the bible is with Christ. I show them the shirt I sell that gives all this information about the prophecy Christ. When they see how real it is they can see Christ.

If they are suffering there is nothing better than a relationship with Christ that connects to his voice. I give them the Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. Also counseling set a appointment on the website or connect with us in the Facebook group.

If your something else connect with me. I'd like to hear from you.

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