Monday, September 30, 2024

Building problem solving algorithms for forcefields

The forcefield push
As a nation we should build forcefield algorithms that block hurricane wind with smart ventilation to make a satillite slow down the wind in the air by programming ionization along a long path to block/slow wind. cause the pressure to stop hurricane build up by satillite. Cause it to lose power by over raining in the ocean by satilite programming. How big of an object do you have to build in space or on the moon to stop storms on earth? We can build space stations to stop this maybe with a fusion reactor? We simply create counter storms that will get a storm moldable by the state? Make 3 inches instead of 25 inches in a hurricane.  Make 10 miles per hours instead of 200? Use satillites to stop tornados. We make sure we don't change our atmosphere mixture we just funnel the rain into the right place maybe creating storage above us that we could tap in from. Create 'sky reservoirs' of water we can use and create an interactive atmosphere that will funnel too much partcipation falling. We can even create forcefields to create castle in the 'sky arrangements' we can make portable to create 'sky villages'.
The state creates a 'forcefield sky network'. We can start businesses to sell 'sky water.' We can create 'forcefield water lines.' That can move participation to stop flooding and stop desertisation. We can create sky irragation so to created bigger crop yields.
We maybe able to use force fields in plants themselves to create bigger plant yields. We maybe can create forcefield plants. Ones that create things in the sky above to keep people warms. Laser creatures that do your every bidding. Programmable photon creatures. This is the future. 
Maybe when we terraform mars we can create a magnet sphere around mars to warm up the core of Mars using a satellite network.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Theory of the universe after more thinking

 Heaven is plural in the first verse of the Bible. So concluded to me is a boarder longer creation. Could God mean just the local universe or space. Does space involve creation? When we start creating in a white room is 3d dimensionalism concluded already? A void could involve space dimensions in it. If it involves space as an object, it is apart of him and his control.

He is the fabric of space metrics, God never concluded to create distance and space. He created the heavens which are his handy work. But since space's breath isn't in the creation story it has no relative distance. So I say since God is infinite that space is infinite. Though his breath we want to measure, since he is the fabric of the universe. We walk in that breathe, the Bible is also silent about multiple creations, though I think the universe's identity belongs to christ. The big bang is concluded to the life of the fabric. He is the fabric, for who can measure the breath and height of God? Now if some is trillions of light years away and you create something like a big creation. If what he created took seven days that shows the glory of God. The theory of the universe began at light;him.

God's theory of the universe he's an infinite Googleplex: Sure we live in God hologram of infinite fabric and and with multiple universes and grace parallel to the eternity fabric of God connected supernaturally by him. That's all infinite breath to God's goodwill and grace bever changing to meet that will.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Labor firing restrictions for mass innovation like ai, robots, and holograms

New innovation or new tech, principals that cause firing of employment.With AI people are concerned, robots, holograms tactile movement creatures. People are naturally concerned. I want us with ai to do this gradually if there is jobs. That's a big IF. Codie Sanchez says people are really competitive against robot takeover. If everyone does nothing then people may do things they ordinarily do. Like take over a factory. People need herd immunity as I said before. People will want to work to have mor and do something, plus people will be told to work to keep the infastructure going. If people don't use their education, utility may slow or disappear; innovation may slow because they don't work. Alien civilization still have people do experiments. We need utility analysis with a civilization. Also if we switch to a rewards system based off bitcoin that people can invest in a government investing algoritum that invests daytrading in businesses against a builds to at a certain limit of economic stability,beyond that is economic reward volunteerism. People need to curb laziness which is hard they need God and accountibility for that. Curbing utility loss without curbing grace and freedom. It's a balance.

New things need to look at economic stability,utility,logistics and prospering. We need to survey these things, still the adopt a family tax with a government investing algoritum that creates more prosperity for everyone with volunteerism reward tactics.

Gradual ai usage for job loss, in call centers and programming especially. Too much firing at once creates economic instability. We change purposely gradually. 1 percent at a time.Where the media can't create a panic. Reward stability needs to be put into place. We need a prosperity algoritum. Supernatural entities needed. Infastucture is needed. We need to look to Christ and not human engineering. Good invovation. Good technology not bad technology.

Friday, August 2, 2024

So we need no sticklers Newsome

Everyone has seen the parody of Harris. Someones probably going make parody about stickler Newsome. You mark Harris and mao need to chill out.

Founding a right Google

 We want to not have our thought constantly provoked towards a left centered mind. I don't mind being critically challenged sometimes but not every time I watch something YouTube or search the internet. We get sick of seeing the left in everything internet. I don't like the moral inclinations that are there. I do get sick of constant seeing games change on my phone. Annoying asking to play games with with Google play or asking to go on a YouTube subscription every single day. I love YouTube though don't get me wrong. Yahoo is breaking down and that's sad. The only ones competing on the internet are left or other business that is right. This is what some people think. I won't be brainwashed by china or Hollywood or Hillary. So let's start a movement of right center business that ease the playing field on critical thinking that allows right people to have their say. Let's make movement preference wise on right centered ignitatives that bring life to the culture. Let's focus on the truth and not conspiracy theories. Fictionalization is one thing but when customization leaves people locked into paranoid people we need a change. We can't put legalistic people as our content role models. We need to do this right and do this ethically. We need to put people first.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

research of void time and space

research of void time and space

Written Matt D. and Michael Wilkinson

We think, "In the beginning God created the Heavens and The Earth," is probably an apt introduction to the creation of the world, and maybe of the creation of time, of man, of birds, cattle and ecosystems. But if the beginning of everything was the creation of Earth, Who was God before time and space? If matter is riddled with entropy, if our universe crumbles, from order to disorder, is it not worth exploring the idea there was something transcendent, maybe infinite, setting it in motion? Is it more believable that a flawed and dangerous universe birthed and nursed personhood, or that the ultimate Person gave rise to this universe? But if there is a God, could we speculate on His Character? We have for generations, but to sum Him up? Maybe not Who He is, but What He is? The essence of God, fits right into the palms of our hands, and escapes our loftiest thoughts and speculations. It is Love.

The Bible says, "God is Love." This, to me, has to be the most profound statement a member of the human race ever made. John, the man who wrote the gospel of John, the location of the Bible's most famous verse, "For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life" goes on, in a letter he would write years later, to say God not only loves, but is Love.

The word Love, in English, is used in its noun form, in this verse. It is also a noun in Greek, in which much of the New Testament was written. There is more than one type of love in the Greek language. The one most people bring up in theological discourses, is the word agape, which is used in the biblical statement in question. It means unconditional love.  It is used to describe love of a parent toward a child, or the platonic aspects of love between a husband and wife. In our human examples, love can be deep and strong, between friends and family, and yet there comes a point, usually through anger, fear, self preservation, or emotional exhaustion, that it no longer looks like love. It is conditional. Humans, love, as in verb, as in, not constantly and not perfectly.

In John's letter to the churches, he does not say God is loving. The Bible describes God, as just, merciful, holy. Those are adjectives. Those are characteristics of God, how He chooses to operate. John says God is Love. And love in the Greek and English, is used as a noun.

As humans, we do and say many things we choose to do and say. These actions become habits and eventually become our personality and character. We can change these habits sometimes, and we can go against our own desires and traits. However, as human beings, there are aspects of ourselves that we are defined by and sometimes constrained by. We have locality; we cannot be in two places at once. We must consume air and food and water to survive. A man can be funny, poetic, smart, but at the end of the day, he is made up of carbon, and not must, but will, abide by the limits this sets.

God is not loving, He is love. Just as man is carbon, God is love. Noun not verb. God cannot operate outside of love any more than men can breathe water. And just like men and women, God, I feel, is constrained by His own substance. He is Love, when it feels good, and He is Love when it hurts.

God, the one indisputable concrete fact, maker of Heaven and Earth, Author of reality from quantum physics to the grand canyon, has the same feeling towards you your mother did when she first laid eyes on you. He can't help it.

You write well bro. You should write more on Facebook. God says he is as he is. Any time or era we can get to know God, that's one reason eternity is so good, The breath of history is expansive we get to travel through time in heaven and see the universe before the void was a universe. Void time and history, before we were thought up; before we were. Before 'were-ing' existed the eons before prehaps the void universe, void time and space, a time before the us. We filled the void but God was not lonely he simply desired more. His love enraptured time before the existing. A grand canyon of faith for the Lord to leap across. Something in him. He birthed the void the yin, the yang the time the space, Before there was words. He is. Before he that is, he is. He is thought a time of thoughts though more than idea itself is conception is none. Nothing in something, existing and preexisting, measured and unmeasured, balance and unbalanced. Time in itself eternity as it is, the eon he is. Complexity inside himself. In the universe that he is, as all universes are so he are. When eternity was eternity, so lofty are we to say what he is before the void.

This enraptured nothing that we are mere light before the light of our light. In the time of essence was were conceived to be. How to exist we are. A desire before desire. We were the time before the knit the needle and yarn the time before the hey. We were as it is and made from the unmade. Time before the made that we are as it is. The birth before I take you back. I travel through the light beyond to what the universe is made of–in the time of the dawn. Let it be light before the thought. Hoe before the dirt, ground before ground time of before. Let’s travel to the time before me a mere spectre of existence. Mereness as it was. Mereness as it is. A time before me that it is. The time of the mere, in the way the mereness was. Time. Exist. Be. A present of before. This was a universe of him, about himself prefect as he is. The jump the leap the time; time before sense. Through not time outside of him, resolved in the come back before eternity, in that it was. We are as we are. Knitted and found so it was knitted so it was found, Definition of a world before world, a in from before the inside the outside. The blanket before the cold. So it was before, the colony before the civilization in the time before.So it was conceived in God’s mind all as it was,a mereness of figment a word unsaid. Though his words resolved though as they are resolved that is not the point. What shall we say…

This is what existed before…

Time was a man, before was a young youth. We see them on the Redoxa living a life in eternity. What shall I call this universe. Let it be a Adam. Not an atom. That is who we name the universe for. He will exist and have what we call a relationship. Something like a friend a multiply. A universe like ours a place like God. Let it be as it is. So I say Sovern, I say as I say. So it was as it, a creation. So it kills me that is what it will be. Shock and awe clear the room. I say friends of the mind so it will be an existence outside myself. “An existence outside itself, I am in shock. Outside it? Outside self? Outside Outside. I’m in shock. Don’t kill yourself, Man with without a name so it will be, so it was. An existence! An existence.”Dob and dub. Don’t shock yourself. Don’t just don’t. An existence I can’t believe an exist time.

So it shall be.

Go to the beginning. That was start. That was was. That was a fart. So it was. That was an existance!

I laugh from eternity pass. Just at civil place in the judgement room of God, in the rest of resillimem. The place of zeal before I spoke. Your going to speak? Your going to speak. No one has ever spoke in this place. The time before THE DIRT. AS IT IS. AS IT IS, AS IT IS.

Resilience will come. Time itself that is the prophecy. Time will split off from eternity. Time will come. More resilience will come and a tree will bruise his head, more disobedience likely, a thing like a child will come about a line in creation. Then a line. A place of life for an existence! What shall we call it? Human being.

Sovereignty comes sovern and sovereign. A spirit is born. What shall we call it an angel, no that’s a servant. I need help for what I do. I am already. I am made with an idea. He say. He say! He say! I have created something. What he say? He say woah. That it is it that it is! I sat!. I day!

That wore me out there is the sun. The spirit of the Sun. The Spirit of the Son. It’s hot and warm!

That’s a Spirit! That’s a Spirit. Birthed it shall be, night it is.

So it was the dawning of the Su, the sowing if there be seed. I see a N! Seed’s a line! Now I reign! Wait and love come!

So it was in the beginning of time in past eternity. Color was made life. Ethnic was born in time, so things were. The mighty men were; their spirit lived on.

Oh entropy, how do you exist?

“I exist as I exist.” That’s a quote! Quote exists! A Word was made as it is life as it is as it is.

What you think mind and thought? What do you think? This I do. This I do. 

I made something, an idea!. I birthed something! This is the discourse of the saints. Ones that make life and power and many things to come. Then they create and make promotion and life; they make it all. I have servants! Greatness is here right ness! Righteousness! I bring life! And Opposite what’s THAT! An angel? It turned 2! That’s a number like a line and my hand; Spirit gives life and many number! That’s a discourse it in itself. The world is! Now it’s three, more like me I will create. I just want to make and make the world prefect. There it is! Many Spirit in me are bo and brought to life and many ANDs. We made an idea. I make many angels and spirits. It will be magical powered and everything. I hope I have peace. Now I have made me!

The dawn! How are you color and you make pretty. I will make male and female in my image. Many will have my image on me. I created adam! I will take a piece of him from his image and create one sun as far away as I can. Now to create a human. One like the end. I make an angel like the ender. Things end! I don’t want to think about that. This is day and night in my thoughts.