First voice of the Lord to guide the message, then a personal word. Then a message then we see there is more to it than what we think through the confirming presence of God.
We look at inspireinc that way, God told me to use it after I wanted it but it is being looked at as a take over site. I am sweet to people, but I don't let them disrespect me or take my property; I want us to look in a deeper way at the message. I am going to use some examples to show how we talk about interpetation. I think it is important to use examples in Revelation to to do this. The Lord first is personal and we need to get to know him. Although we know what God does as a person. A person in the highest depth and height has personage reflecting God. This is understanding the aspect of types of character. We learn types of character by learning the literal types. This isn't based on us learning character yet, this is based on different types that are used. God is a God. So need to see him as not only the high power but the height depth width and breath. God's will we can understand with life itself. God brings lifting to us.We lift things to him and he shows us what it is. We are like building a computer. We start with a line of code, it is one qubit of information. As we lift things to the height,depth, width and breath. We start to see what we are lifting towards. Then we can see the spirit to it and understand if we are talking to the highest power.
We connect with this lifting however this lifting works to God he then shows us the real thing. The height width breath depth. This showing how we can have an answer rules out a pantheistic view of God stating he is real but doesn't do much with society. We need to understand we are viewing with an infinite structure of grace and faith. We have to approach it with this in order to understand the very nature of it.
We come about things with aspects figured out and we also have things we know that are facts and a lens we view things through. History has lifted things up and created many things through the height and depth width and breath. Some are created but not based on the highest power. Highest power is something that exist in an infinite. Otherwise we are getting to a place that doesn't have everything. It can exist everywhere and be powerful. It's presence can show itself and people will see it and feel it. It is more than discipline. Discipline is a combined construct by presence.
We see the spirit of a person's discipline by their assumption to the song and dance of their life. Why they are doing and what they are doing are two different questions. These questions make us ask better questions with their assumptions of construct if they are best assumptions based on the height and depth width and breath of an infinte highest power. To say height and breath width depth gives us meaning of the God we are assuming. God can have many forms because he is infinite. These forms are based on infinite construct, they have life to them even if they were destroyed.
So we go back to our computer lines of code, each time we lift we get understanding. We lift something to the height depth width and breath look for light and how to make light in this dark world. The whole mantra of how to figure out if an elephant is real. We then want to entertain evil sometimes when we shouldn't because it isn't good for us. So can't imagine the wrong type of animal or whether it will step on us. It's an elephant aftercall we say or is it another animal. This how we figure out the spirit of something. We learn consequences, cause and effects, and reactions to chemistry involved. We want to unleash the SUPERMAN inside us. We want the infinite. So we learn with life's lesson how to be the strongest person we can be. We want to be the strong man. Or just strong. Infinite strength is based on an infinite construct not on lifting calories. We don't hold the worlds together. But have to say where is the absolute. It is finding God. God is the answer to the question it is the highest power's definition.
As we grow we get definition and find out what we can stand and can't stand. What we can handle and learn what to put in our assumptions of God book. We have learn general consensuses and see if they hold an infinite construct. One thing is a general consensus is Freudian assumptions to not test assumptions where you get an understanding of what animal you dealing with or let's say spirit your dealing with makes us understand the whole nature of the being it is. So an active faith is needed. We want to understand our spirit if it is perfect or not. We want to understand if the Spirit that we are pursuing. The Spirit is the Highest Power. It is the breath the height, the width and depth we are pursuing. We seek it's Word. We want to know the Word made flesh. So we find the Perfect Word from the Perfect Spirit.
I want us to look at the computer again. As we build the lines of code we see we have built the program. As we pray to the Perfect Spirit we begin to get more lines of code and build bits to our computer.So we keep going back to our relationship with this Prefect Spirit. I want to add one more thing Holiness if the Perfect is Holy it is set apart from others. So we have the Holy Spirit. It is perfect infinitely and Holy infinitely it needs no man to say so. Sound familar. I hope so. So we want this Holiness to dwell within us and be in use. We want it's perfection to be in us as part of its Holiness, since we are growing with this Being then we grow with it. What it is preminates us.
If man is imperfect we can't see without what the light exists then we need the light or else we are destroyed by our own mistakes. Prefection by spirit require practice and so an imperfect man will require learning from the Highest Prefect Power to have everything. The qubits need to be built in till the Highest Power work in us is done to be prefect. Thus Saintification.
This saintification process come about from knowing God in whatever his height breath, width and breath is. Thus we are in a probationary state. That is how we are made since we are not made in the way need to be made for ourselves.
How do we read THE Word and Learn from the Spirit?
One mistake that people make is they study through a sociological lens. They put their beliefs from what is man's way instead of God's way. They find something close instead of what is God and growing a relationship with God. People defend the label confusing people when it isn't the label its the God. We read general information The relationship with God helps us to see the perfect even when we use imperfect lenses to look at a label, We don't deny the GOD we deny the label. We deny the sin or the imperfect as that perfect work is completed in us. We then deny the sin by giving it to highest power for forgiveness.
We study with faithful anticipation, discernment and dying of our old self. We don't destroy ourself or others. We do get rid of old agreements that are not as good as other agreement to be like the HIGHEST POWER. From this we get our meaning from the infinite construct. The infinite construct has all vibrancy to it all life.
One socialogical mistake is people put their mistakes before their God without understanding God is a God of grace and love. He can help us out of the darkness into the glorious life. Another is putting our beliefs before our God instead of putting our God before our beliefs. We put our relationship first socialogically when we build laws for ourself as we study the world looking for the Highest Power's Work. We want to be confirmed we need to be confirmed by his confirming system and God's Voice. His confirming system is his work. It points us to THE WAY. Sound familar.
When people want to understand God they want to hear his voice we need to have faith we can hear his voice and learn his character. We learn this by the Holy Spirit inside us he teaches us about the types animals we deal with in life. We learn to make our religion off of God's voice. Not our own.
Another socialogical mistake is putting our tradition before God instead of putting our God in front of our tradition. We want the vibrancy and the season of life to not lose it salt. Ceremony built by our tradition shouldn't be the centerpiece of our walk. We walk the good walk.
We find that as we build the qubits to our computer we see we learn from others and the highest power uses others. He wants us to seek wisdom and figure it out. This is what is shown by the God that is everywhere. We look everywhere for his presence and when we see the pattern of his living word then We see personal revelation. The pattern of his living word is more than trends but the perfect's pattern of character and the connection to his word and voice. We see it this way as we build our computer into a server or supercomputer. It grows from this connection to the One highest power. As others connect and build prefect connection to the higher power the ultimate server (an internet of the ONE) takes to life. It is the enlightenment we look for and we receive it by a connection to the one. Jesus Christ.
God has more than everyone and we record and remember the time.
As see the true light, we light up the world.
Concept to New Reality
We become a new reality, we see how real the reality is with the light of the ultimate power, it shines brightly and changes the world. This Power is a person the ultimate person Jesus Christ. He brought new reality by dying and fixing the world for truth, path and the way. Our old reality is there but we are of newness now. As the newness sets in we lose the old. Made in the newness of life itself. Our newness gets renewed as we connect to newness of life. Our old self leaves as we connect with the resurrection. As the higher power died on the cross as the way and resurrected. Though people did not recognize it. We see it plainly now. Our dead spirit was resurrected. Our body is old so we are being built a new one. As we learn these principals we see that the Apostle Paul was right in the life he lived about Jesus Christ. We can believe. We can build the world after the infinite construct.
Reality is a supernatural universe with an eternal timeline. We learn this in the bible it is merely a room of heaven and we are seen in it forever. We need to believe into the new reality. The reality of the newness of life in the universe. His newness never gets old as we are connected to him. Jesus is the ultimate life. He is the infinite construct. This construct has not to do with secrets of masonic order. It is not a physical building that we need to build. It is a universe we are connecting to, heaven is the greater universe. We saintify this universe to be connected with his universe. This is how we make the world better. As we learn what his reality and his conception do to us we learn grace forever. His reality is greater and more wonderous to ours and their is infinite connection to his universe. I say it is their because it has full meaning as their universe and we can live in it. He is the Lord of the universe. Now also need to know living with grammar and music. Does not change the perfect way it is discernment. It is a way of learning which can effect a system of thought it is a covenant agreement so be careful in the world what you agree to it makes us better to be connected with playful interactions but it does equate to all truth. This is what we need God for. I highly suggest you read the bible and learn all about it to figure out interpetation. Use the bible to figure out the bible.
Topical understanding
The one way I go to build a computer that acts like God is topical word selection in the bible. You take all same words and look at the whole meaning. You can then gather the meaning. It is very important to mediate over these things. It shows you how real it is in his reality.
What Reality does to us
It is the santifying walk
A whole new level.
I got a ton of thoughts flooding in. Feel free to share messages in the chat. Our sharing needs to be seasoned with salt. Otherwise people start to be tested in pride. Much word brings pride. I missed all of you and this. I need to focus on this too sometimes. Sharing isn't to become an idol while we share too controversally just to infurate people and cause havok. This when we are following an idol and its not widosom. It becomes thing of chasing the world and finding the devil. We don't just chase sums we follow Jesus with wisdom. Wisdom not the wide roads of the world. Let no evil thing be on your tongue be blameless and not controversial. It is a socialogical error to think we chase controversy and conspiracy and the pride of life and think we are following the straight and narrow. Let God subdue with leaning upon him with fasting prayer and stillness. Stillness is an attribute like prayer as well I say that help you understand God's mercy. You subdue the earth, not fight with others over their destiny which between them with God. Subduing others isn't dominion. That is a road of sin. I want us to see him and don't follow Freud who put of sociological walls to test for God's still small voice. Or socialogical barriers with putting works, beliefs above the still small voice of Jesus. Jesus is our compass, the way of light of true nature to follow..
You don't entertain Satan and get the prize.