Saturday, November 11, 2023


I am calling my next girlfriend monkey as a cute thing although if you use it badly it may be not understood. Words can build affection, if you send the right understanding. I'm sorry if I'm misunderstood.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Somethings to think about.

The argument that they don't use instruments in Jesus's day, is wrong historically. If a tradition of music in worship throughout the Psalm is carried through holy festivals I imagine they would be used. I imagine it would. be used in worship. Such as Psalms 150 where full expression of every kind of holy worship is encouraged. Acapella is still a ministry. Should we seclude it or eliminate it absolutely not. But variety in worship should be encouraged instead.

However order or heart isn't always there. Sometimes we deal with being religious in skill or knowledge of music. God doesn't like a prideful divatisium. I repent of prideful divatisium. We all shouldn't be disrespectful or consider others better than ourselves. We shouldn't boast or glorify ourselves. We shouldn't shove knowledge down someone's throat. Musical instruments add an additional order when done right and take away awkward pauses. We also shouldn't overemphasize order but put the music on the screen having it move with programming and give the overemphasis to the Lord. I'd like to do Acapella with a karaoke set up with 4 part singers. One thing is mainstream doesn't do much acapella so we sing mainstream christian music acapella. Or a gazebo impromptu spontaneous worship where one person starts singing a song sings it through then the audience joins in.Then when it is over a one of the audience person starts the next one.  God has led in both impromptu acapella and impromptu with instruments and singing. I have had miracles where piano and guitars tuned automatically. Music being heard that angels sang and hearing the angels harmony with spiritual ears and the crowd join in their harmony. I've had long sets of songs made in just one recording. If I wrote more music, I wants see God move someone's hands to write music. With guys like Mozart they heard music. They may have heard music by angels.
I have also wrote a theology to baptist baptisizing differently. Look at the age to come to see that Jesus is more than meaning.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Instruments in church why and why not

I have some biblical reason people choose to use instruments. Here are first some texts to consider. Ephesians 5:6-21
Let love be genuine.
Instruments are included throughout the bible.
I played the flute for you and did not dance. You sang a durge and you did not mourn is Jesus's words.
Psalm 150. 
Numerous times in the old testament there is mentioned playing instruments in worship.
Numerous passages mention instruments in revelation.
On earth as it is in heaven rules.
Near death experiences in heaven have instrument and no instrument.
God wants expressivity in the highest form in genuine love.
Sanitification is never said to change instrumentally. Psalm 150 to non instrumental. 
The church has over a thousands of instrumental service before and after the reformation. Jamming out with instruments in worship has been around for 10000 years. 
Pitch pipes are an instrument. 
God talks about clap offerings.
God did not undo offerings in the law.
A Capella is a form of worship not the only kind of worship.
Why Acapella may have been popular in the early church: presecution. 
God tells people to add instruments to their music.
Words in the global christian church consistently worship with and without instruments. God does not change Psalm 150 was suitable worship.
Worship in the first century was jamming out polyphonic and monophonic on paper. Polyphonic on paper isn't recorded till centuries later, yet we use polyphonic on paper.
Restriction in worship isn't the point, expressivity is. Let love be genuine.
National leaders in the church endorses psalms 150.
The papal order endorses both. The general church has used both the whole time. The mic,sound systems,radio computer midi, CDs, records are included as instrumentation. Shape notes and solfest were invented later.
Jewish synagogues that were christian included things such rams horn playing before reading Scripture in the synagogue.
Music in all forms is amoral it does not have morals attached to it. Worship is a heart matter to God preference. Christianity is not based on labelism but belief. Anything that makes sound can be considered an instrument. What God created is considered good.
Preferences are not considered law.
Arguments it is a sensual spirit to include instruments. Sensuality is not talked about in Psalm 150 it is expressivity with your whole heart. A high in worship isn't sensuality it is euphoria. A high spiritual euphoria is a deep presence of God even resulting in miracle revivals healings and creative miracles such as spontaneous worship. This is what is known as spiritual songs and worship in it most pure form. When even things are created by the Holy Spirit. The voice of the Lord is presence. The voice of the Lord creates. People get slain in the power of God. They fall under the power changing them the flesh is subdued and people do things by God's power such as miracles, messages, and deliverance miracles.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

I am not transgender I had a medication side effect

My chest is slightly misshapen due to my meds side effect. I look normal more now that I lost some weight. I actually look quite sexy though.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Fame Harassment should result in fines

If a famous person wants to attend a church or organization without harassment of being used in games by a leader, lay person staff or members. The pastor should be fined for harassment if people treat them badly over several Sundays if they simply want to attend. Them being antagonistic,repetitive, constantly making attention of that person,plots to get them to leave the church alone or other organizations they should fine them. Looks. Selfies with asking with in it. Spying on the person or persons, stalking, the FCC should fine them and give some of the money. I've been on Noovie and local commerical I'm sick of it. People shouldn't be used by people for attention. This isn't godly behavior and some people are going to be fined. Verbal abuse won't be tolerated. No condemnation either!!

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

 Self Validation : Dialectical Behavior Therapy

I have been going to group therapy for a while. This website is helpful on so many levels. Diving into psychology can be so interesting.

I can see that hospital group therapy is helpful. It also gives you people you can give advice too. I just also got in a relationship! I'm so excited.