Wednesday, May 18, 2022

My theory of the Big Bang: Dimensional Theory of Creation

 I have a theory that the world was displaced at the point God cursed the ground leaving us with a whole new universe. The perfect became imperfect. It also became susceptiable to outside changes. When God said let there be light could be under a perfect universe so let there be light could be suspectable to more matter that doesn't ascertain a big bang model. But an ongoing model that is bigger than our view with its numberous exceptions.

We never cover dimensions in a creation story so we don't know how dimensions work in the story. This is the closest thing to a dimension.

This also proves a manipulated world to truth so we may have more different viewpoint than we think.

How he made light could have made it different after Billions of lightyear across. We are on the cusp of seeing many things that we can not see in this time. So many questions can be answered.

You create dimension when you create something different from the perfect to the imperfect dimension. We are intradimensional beings from heavens our eyes see in different dimensions, we are given bounds to those dimensions, heaven is the perfect dimension where we are is imperfect and we are in sanctifying bodies the interact with both the perfect dimension and the imperfect dimension. 

Scripture backs this model.

Genesis 1 Let there be light,” and there was light. It is alway interpeted as something God did which could also mean something that was done and also already made or made seperately.

Ecc 3:1  To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 

Ecc 3:2  A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 

A season is done sometimes without bounds of time. A season could be done in shorter amounts of time in the perfect dimension. Time and light may correspond to different than the perfect dimension but an imperfect intradimension earth is in.

I once looked up dimensions if it was in scripture and came across it one time where they were call "dark dimensions" and another translation talked about a dimension from a heavenly prespective in another section of scripture. 

Proverbs_3:10  "Then every 'dimension' of your life will overflow with blessings from an uncontainable source of inner joy!" 

-The Passion Translation

Have anything to add that may disprove this model or show scripture more to add to this model please comment below.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Business and the Church

    Business has been a part of the church as long as Peter sailed in his boat. We all need to learn how to rule and reign in business. Jesus spent 30 years as a businessman on this earth so we need to see what it looks like to run businesses and how they correlate with the church. The church works with businesses to provide things for the church. I saw this first hand with CJClife they outsource many things like coffee supply businesses. It lightens the load and builds a bridge to companies interested in doing business with the church. They may then do business with God and serve our Lord Jesus Christ.
Outsourcing things like decorations, cleaning, catering, office supplies, morning breakfast, outreach supplies can build a culture of fellowship with those that see the church as one of their customers. We make volunteering more fun as we add more elements to it. We lighten the load for volunteers and the pastorate so they can spend their time ministering. We reach out with our places of frequent so they will come to know Christians in the area. We worship God out of the experience of volunteering and being a consumer of Christian products.

One business I was shown today was Burning Bush Coffee they operate out of a monastery. It is served at Il Mercato in Kimberly apart of the greater Green Bay area. 

Here is a newsclip of both.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Vatican Secret Archives: The History of Humanity Locked Away


 We all want to be influencers. It's important to influence with a righteous moral stance. We want to effect the next generation with good morality, clarity to God and love from our hearts. Prayer is essential to the heart of God. We meet him with a kind heart. We see him with a willing teachable spirit. We want a future that God influences things. We invite him to the party. We ask him to influence.

It is very important that he be the center and forpiece of our mind. We make him important above all things, he is the influencer of our work ahead. We love him towards us as he wants to be. It is a love filled relationship and he molds us towards him.

Make him love you, be about him and his desires just so he is pleased. That is how love works. It is better to do what the King Jesus says. Follow his majesty.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Learning to live right.

We all need to learn from God right and wrong. We need to earn a living and seek out JESUS for life abundant. Sometimes we get help from others when things are too hard. That's okay too. We need to understand when things are too hard we should get help to make things better. When we do things for the Lord we should look how it modified the air current and see how we can work out our life better.

How to do good in God.

 God teaches us all the time how to do good. He gives us things to do.

Don't worry if you got everything right. : Look for excellance yes but be his child, come close to him in intimacy. Understand he loves you and focus on the goal of Christ's love towards you. Always revert back to seeing his love for you because it is greatly there. I know we all do things, but find his love. Follow him to his depths of love. Know the covenants he placed for you to know. Follow him to the wonders of his life. Know the Lord lives and has a decency for you. A promise for you. A greatness for you the world can not match. It works greatly on your behalf; it works greatly for you, look to him ahead. See his loving-kingdom, see his ways. Walk with him.

In the days ahead there is many who will come to know him. It is a part of life they will say. It is a lifestyle we must have. It is the coming day of the Lord. It sows into the grown summit a life that keeps on growing. I see Giants in the Lord arising! I see covenant partners coming to life! I will walk with the Lord. Life is here and it is coming! It will work greatly in your hand.