Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Day of Introspection

 We can put God in our head for an idea, this needs to be studied. We want everyone introspect God. That seeking God in a mediative sense. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Lauren fight this shit

 Fight these demons,lock'em up and put them in hell. Lauren needs to be loved as person have her spiritual warfare taken away. Please don't embrass her. She becomes a new creation with my help and other good people's help. Embrassment is a demon too. I locked up 14 demons. She more a bitter woman. Bitternance was one of them. Immaturity demon, backbiting, paranoia, Offense and distaste fight,rudeness,(trying too hard) mustering,negativity.scondral spirit (grace diminishing spirit),emotional witchcraft. corruption. subconcious I stopped around 2 demon of pride. strife. I'll also give her a way to break an oppressive spell off you. Adultery spirit. Lieing spirit and doubt. deception, jezebel and lavaithan, lewdness, Have faith in Jesus Lauren. Her dad did national level ministry. I think they didn't have training in that area. I studied with people that lock up demons. Then fight against bad covenant agreements you made and lies you said about yourself. Undo spells Lauren. Don't use your emotions on someone to win arguments that's witchcraft. Lock up legion. I locked it up before I do it again.Nerfherder spirit go away. Scoffing go away.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Scientists Just Created a Potential Cure For Diabetes - Breakthrough Exp...

This effects things more than the cure. 
This makes people eat more junk food. It effects things more positively. Maybe more health problems from not having the resilience of people not getting diabetes as bad. Its still a problem. Less people going to the gym, curtail this by bring down judgement in working reforce the workout judgement free movement this helps thing maybe a movie of a fat guy and a trainer falling in love with a legalistic fat guy who had a lot of rejection falling in love with his trainer who discipled him. FCA maybe.A good movie that motivates to work out. Maybe a few movies like that maybe a secular movie and different demographic.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Ways to appease countries

Send them energy instead of a loan to bring down costs. Give them money. Let them claim planetary objects far away. Remote workers to build gifts to their country. "Robots build gifts." I could always use more gifts. Now countries give more culture other places.Millions of robots building gifts all over the world. Your welcome. Now I'm Santa. "By garbage, robot make gift." "Go my robotic elf minions make me gifts out of garbage."

nutating air engine energy system

If you can make this bigger and light or use a rotating. You can create turbine.even goo light substance that turn could be turbine. For an air turning system. A kinetic substance. A silicon substance like I heard president trump say this week.if is in silicon fluid and elastic turbine could be possible. Something that turns faster or moves water better.e pi beta eat pie beta maybe removing parts of a a wifi induction motor. A magnetic air induction pie slice remover induction run by several directions at once we have a lot of ai working the air current or fluid current.

Ways to end the war

Indoctrinate, bribed alien invasion,ground won, giving useless land as bribery tactic. I mayke they can co own land Ukraine and Russia certain places on the ocean and share food. Or Russian owned highway leading to the ocean. Name it after President Putin-Wilkinson highway. Start a third country together with the conquered territory that both can use name on onearthasitinheaven. Then both side feels like heaven and people don't want to do wrong. Also it goes with Putin's argument which help Putin stop the war by saying he fixed the corruption problem. People will think there was corrupt because you emphasize on earthasinheaven. 'Let it rain.' lol There's a Ukrainian farmer joke. It develops a better culture for the world.Problem solved. It heals everyone and it a good place. Better and better. Ideaideal calmcoolcollected discipled land.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Nutating Disk Air Engine - Why's Nobody Making This Yet?

An early concept of an air disk powered motor. can lift 14 grams but you could apply a better version to a drone or flying car and have free flight. Maybe attach lighter propellers or ones that don't make noise or use ionization or magnets and batteries or all of the above to cause more lift. Using different materials for the air disk pusher. you maybe able to lift more. You could do this with liquid fluid pusher too. Maybe one that trades off. Maybe one that uses magnets.The thing about pushing an object you get low power in most cases. I think it is better to get different disk and pusher design going with different pulls for power you probably end up with a starter rotor.