Friday, December 13, 2024

Nutating Disk Air Engine - Why's Nobody Making This Yet?

An early concept of an air disk powered motor. can lift 14 grams but you could apply a better version to a drone or flying car and have free flight. Maybe attach lighter propellers or ones that don't make noise or use ionization or magnets and batteries or all of the above to cause more lift. Using different materials for the air disk pusher. you maybe able to lift more. You could do this with liquid fluid pusher too. Maybe one that trades off. Maybe one that uses magnets.The thing about pushing an object you get low power in most cases. I think it is better to get different disk and pusher design going with different pulls for power you probably end up with a starter rotor.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

How to have game with women.

Pet therapy

 I saw this neat idea. People get like thirty pets in a room and allow to share an mini petting zoo, with the pets. They can split this into sessions. People with a lot of animals can treat it as a start up.  Allergies may cause problems. But you could essentially start a zoo that way. You can also turn pet adoption places into animal therapy and adoption centers. Charging for the therapy and getting adoption rates to go up.