Wednesday, May 1, 2024

There is some banks failing right now pull out till you see bottom

I want to invest in some things. I am going to wait a few days since there are some bank failures happening. It seems minor so if they move on get back in if it crashes reinvest at the bottom. Some stocks I would invest in when it hits bottom. Banks lose value and the fed bails them out. When you see bottom reinvest in the banks it should probably bring down overall stock price. 

My stocks I'd invest in.

Private stocks that are gaining marketshare. Pull out of them if they change plans where they lose marketshare. In risk management you always look at covenant agreements.

Skybound on republic investing in videogame company that is doing invincible comic videogames. You can predict a franchise. It will gain investment.

Forge with Vidangel

Major Toliet paper companies moving into india. They are going after marketshare there.

Gadgets that are relvant,tools that are popular.

Like a multiple device remote scroller. scroll rings

Battery tech is making some gains. But the race for inventing the flying car and robot battery have ended. All the flying cars will license a battery making a race start. Capitalization should happen. I wouldn't invest in batteries right now until it becomes more clear but they have too many competitors in battery tech and flying cars. evs.

There are also some new materials coming out. Look how they could be made materials are going to make things easier.

Lairism should take off. So people want to feel like superheroes with futureistic devices. Smart devices and relevant. So comic books franchises maybe a good place to invest for a capitalizing. Constuction projects,custom desks. Fancy computers Adult costumes. These are more speculation though.People will do that if they have money and get a flying car. 

Kids shows about martial arts. 

But wait until after it hits bottom to invest.



Thursday, March 21, 2024

Productive things you can do while you drive

 There are alot of things you can do while you drive.

Here is a list.

You can brainstorm. You can pop open a soda and think about what to write a novel about. You can problem solve in the car. I find that you can think and cruise at the same time.

You can read audiobooks while you drive. You can learn lessons of something while you drive.

You can practice singing.You can record something funny. Work on jokes, practice and work out melodies while you drive. You can talk on the phone and sell while you drive. Of course you want to pull over if you are going to dial. You can disciple people in your car. Pick up food. Do errands.

You can work on your improv on any subject and record while you drive. You can place cameras at different angles and make a movie. Who knew how productive you could be while you drive. Don't do movie recording in an unsafe way where you don't watch the road. Be safe while you drive and maybe you can even counsel people while you drive. There is alot you can do with a cell phone. Be safe however whatever you do...........

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Spreading herd immunity

 Being by yourself isn't good if it is too often. I have gone from both extermes. With people all the time and being alone with few people for a decade. We should live a healthy monasticism if we don't we can go crazy and the need of people in our life with variety is so needed that we should understand this especially when we get older and the infastructure is not forced upon us like we are in our youth for most people. We should also create medical things that simulate herd immunity. The hospital people probably have that already. We should be with groups of people and interact with various people enough where we feel better. That is what I understand. We can be affected by our online and technological lives that we do not get the interaction with need IN PERSON. It is the interaction in person that we need to survive. It is just healthier that way. For people that deal with scorn they may need to deal with this in a more effective way. Such as a chosen group that won't scorn them. I know famous people deal with that alot. I being a celebrity don't like it when people I can't believe there is a celebrity. The other things usually go away after a while with more info being diseminated that is directed to you. We should avoid herd harassment of people. Don't think about them judging you because of herd harassment. You must understand we are all human beings and people that live with scorn like me just need love not judgement. Thank Jesus for your voice I couldn't do it without you. Thank you angels and ministering spirits who do not judge but love us with fresh love. Avoid stereotypes we should be taught this in school.

Spreading the inhabitability of the earth two

 We can later shrink space and create alternate and molecular space. Till all civilization is a town run by particle and alternate dimensions. Jesus told me he has towns in the earth that run off molecular sustanance created by particle physicist from heaven. We can create space when we we run out/create more. We live in heaven and on test worlds. I keep having visions of time I do not remember. Is it possible we are on a test world. It is in the bible that people have ruined test situations such as a hologram. Pslams talks about this/from his prespective. 

Spreading the inhabitability of the Earth

 We have much more space in the earth than we know. Underground lava cities in the mantle and the core where we can make civilization. We can figure out how to configure space for inhabitability in the ocean for space we can figure it out underground. We can configure underground levels for space and eventually build traveling planets powered by fusion. They can 'create a sun.' We can change particles in space and even energy when we figure it out into mass. We can do anything. We can make make inhabitable space bubbles and inhabit the universe with them till all space is inhabitable. We can watch what we do as far as changing layers of the earth we need to figure this out with vulcanologists, astrophysicists, engineers and chemists and particle physicists and biologists. We can do anything. With idea lists at home, school, work, churches, nonprofits and camps. We can make businesses have more viability as people learn how to run their businesses. We can build off ideas and help others who can't. We can build sky cities all around the universe. Even if it isn't built yet we can build them in heaven. We can build a planet for our families and colonists to create an advanced society. Entire working worlds can be built with Jesus. It will be amazing!

Monday, February 19, 2024

I don't know how much of this should post

There should be robot restrictions to make things better. Economic laws that make tiers of what we can do as an economy. First off we don't have robot taller than supermarket doors. We can use them for domestic use. If we give each a home with people. The government controls it functionally with requests pinged to the government. If requests don't make statistical sense. Then the robot won't do it. People will have more freedom than they think. If people are losing money the government will control that ping. The robot can also connect to a real person to work through it. This will be good logistically. There is a lot of data logistically,financially and economically that needs to be collected. They can't. Ping value maybe, a cyber economy too. We can just have them create a management AI that assesses robotic work value vs remote human work value through a robot vs in person work value. Brainiac is not what we want. There needs be barriers between remote access. The state does want them for remote workers but that isn't a robot. You'd have assess to remote people. I don't know if it would be beneficial. You have to control for domestic use only. It's been said, It still like training a child. You are replacing a maid for a technician. You pay a technician to customize it for your house. This would make a good business. I have more I just have to be on set.

Robot desimination

Hand them nonprofits and treat them to fix the poor. Have people till their land to feed the poor. Use them for the poor. Churches need them to free up the pastors time. Make food more assessible. You need to do it this way. Make sure to put security around the building. Worship. 24/7 The robots worship too. If they preach it needs to be from the Lord. You prepare a sermon ahead of time. A lot of volunteers will come too to help out the robots. They can be used to fix vehicles. They can use them for bus routes. They can pull things like a cart and raise money for the church. They can interpret.
Then have them given to engineers to start robot repair companies. We need to do this this way. Then give them to cities to further compare their work. You will also record these things for future generations.