Friday, January 26, 2024

Stopping Anti Economic Regulations Globally

international library card

Library Culture improvements

Provide library facilities 24/7
Let people pay for an international library card at any library. Allow people to just get on a computer with the opinion to stay if there is no line.
Create bigger facilities such as the size of a college for county library. Offer study rooms, discussion rooms, a miracle room and a esv room. Offer an inside free event room for events. That you can use or reserve. Put a board for community events. Community event boards should be placed throughout cities.
The esv room you can leave esv messages on a board from printed out messages. The discussion room this will give seniors a chance to talk to people. Fixing senior loneliness. Put several of these in a city that is larger. Have a cafe. Raise taxes to provide these things per household. This gives more to do in a community. And Less resentment and judging and more requests.
Make library services work anywhere, even the computer, for the sake of travelers and people who don't have money.

Changing room privacy laws

We have probably heard the controversy about changing room rights. There is a lot shower room controversy in school creating problems. We should create curtain separations that hang above the lockers and storage areas. You could use a bench with particans so people sit and change provide stalls for privacy. Everyone has the right at privacy. This will make people less abusive in the locker room. Then people changing will feel more comfortable. 
If people want an opinion of attractiveness for girth's sake, people can simply be set up and friends of the same sex can give an opinion as a setup to see if they are equally yoked enough for marriage without spreading rumors of girth and fertility.
This information works to make a better culture for men, women and gays in a bathroom. I say we should rule in the side privacy for a better culture.
We can provide a single family bathrooms for changing, bathroom facilities and showering and general usage.
The school provides a meeting or a multi-room intercom if they need to give a message. Multi-use rooms work with the larger rooms. This provides more privacy as a whole.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Turning Non Profits into not for profits

We have nonprofits strifled by law that states you can't run any kind of business to support your nonprofit. What if we changed the atmosphere with these laws giving nonprofit status into not for profit. 

We can make organizations with other buildings that support the church. Biblically Jesus would have people wait tables and it would say that in Acts. The leaders didn't want wait tables 'anymore'. It said they didn't as in they weren't in the same place.

So if the organization have a notforprofit aiding the church next door you have very powerful principal.

If the building is separate you have the opportunity of expanding your reach and influence.

Jesus always went to the temple to teach. This how the apostles knew what to do. They had businesses separate from their work and used their businesses to pay their taxes and fund their not for profits. They had businesses fund through not for profit because it is said they did a 'not for profit.' You can start businesses they can just be in a separate location this stop disbelief.

We can also apply this to radio stations to be not for profit they can sell ads through their website, blog, tv or youtube that are non off-putting to the organization. Mark Zuckerberg doesn't allow religious or political ads as klove says. So you could run not for profit selling ads,books, movies as content. You simply start another organization and raise money for it and use it as a service for the organization. It gives more opportunity that way.

As trump was saying we can make a not for profit stock market. They can still fundraise their expansion budget. 

What to do about world religion? what is God's answer?

We pursue infinite truth itself. Not man's way, which incomplete on its own. You look at aspects and look for no mistakes in Spirit and in truth.Any time I research documents of some way I look at motives and fruit. Is what being based infinite truth or is it biased. Not it's own way but by infinite truth that when tested remain truthful by its aspect. 

The lamb bore

God was vindicated after people judged battery companies of making an anti Jesus battery marketing posts. They were trying make a Lithium sulfur battery and rebel through it. Lamborghini made a battery that is organic that look likes lamb's blood. It uses a hydrogen mixture that effects the hydrogen bonds more conductive it has dandelion rubber in it. They are going to try to made one out of sodium and hydrogen that is cheaper. The current battery is cheaper by a third of the lithium battery equivalent. The holds nearly 3 times the power of a regular car lithium battery. Can charge in just a few minutes. I can't wait until they combine it with aptera technology. They can create a flying car out of that.