Wednesday, September 20, 2023

imperfect,finite,growing, and God interdimenionalism

As we have talked before on interdimensionalism I am going to elaborate on body interdimensionalism. We are infinite interdimensionalists. Our body on a world can take multiple forms with how we are designed. If we are created by God. We have attributes that we are like him and a created likeness that is just our limit for design. God knows the limit of our design. Limited interdimensionalism, unlimited interdimensionalism, fluctuating interdimensionalism.
We probably fluctuate as we grow as we change and it effects us dimensionally. People may be based in a simulation with a fluctuating presence based out of some kind of continuums. Heaven is a fluctuating multicontinuum. Continuums are made out of attributes like time,space, any kind of feature is a type of programming in the continuum. God owns the continuum and is a continuum itself.Growth causes the continuum to change. We need a continuum sensor to see the continuum. The Holy Spirit is our continuum sensor. If we are in a continuum sensor we are connected to God's fluctuations.Ufos could be visitors outside our continuum. Heaven could own the hologram and Jesus God the head of the hologram and we have follow his rules. Our Father in heaven may not find us with a distortion we need to be by asking Jesus to save us. No religion has this understanding without the sensor. To be continued...

Monday, September 18, 2023

Making artificial gravity

I talked about it a little last time. We may strengthen the strong force and the weak force with a bacteria that creates creates a suction or magnetic force field that creates a force field around the person or object that creates a surface pressure or gravitational force or gravitational weakening measured by an ai for a stable gravitation. I think with this people can control gravity and even fly even really fast. Magnetic force fields may work to create flight.That is all. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

how we could make a planet best in the solar system

This is theoretical due to gravitation effects changes. If we combined resources from other parts of the solar system like Titan, Enceladus, and the Asteroid belt with Mars. We could make things work for earth two much better, but if we changed the masses too much it could make them move differently. We could probably keep them good exchanging the masses where it doesn't effect gravitation. The chemistry and mass exchange,gravitation calibrations could be catastrophic could be hard for terraforming the earth. We should only do it in uninhabited systems. Unless we move everything offworld and terraform the system to fit more livable planets.Even adding atmosphere to the moon could catastrophic. With a  small biodome more than few miles with artificial gravity we can even add a skylight. Nano gravitation may be the way to do that. We may just cause suction at till we balance the suction downward. We may also need to wear magnetic shoes. Doing this needs to be figured out and calibrated at small scale because it could affect the earth gravitation so physicists and sustainability mathematicians may be needed.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Biggest breakthrough against aging since Jesus

This may stop some forms of blindness. David Sinclair and  his company life biosciences located in Boston, Massachusetts. Watch above.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

How to defeat the Borg or Borglike situations

We all see the Borg and wonder how do we stop assimilating situations. Borg if you don't know are a cross-alien race that is obsessed with assimilating by technology. It is known from the Star Trek universe. The Borg go through this process. They find a place or ship in space they can assimilate and they conquer, study, and add their distinctiveness to their own. Borg also adapt and maturate more Borg through technological insemination with their technological processes. Borg have implants and technology throughout their bodies.

We have to create an assimilating thing that stops their assimilating and causes them to assimilate themselves to freedom and an exponential stopping of the Borg race. 

Fight one exponentiality with another exponentiality that will eventually stop. 

You stop the assimilationism in the Borg by an temporary exponentiality. 

This could work with mark of the beast.

If its tech, its a comic book. 

You simply defeat them by Jesus and tech. Repentance and forgiveness defeats everything in God.

With God all things are possible. 

Nanotech is slowly prevading our life and is slowly being used to solve more even stopping assimilationism. We fight the flesh world to ameliorate the lost. We do what God wants and never depart. We save from the knowledge of the lost.

Current controversy- We are the Lord's and we can not be unbought no matter. The covid shot brought controversy throughout the Christian world. People didn't do the shot for religious reasons and died. I had a teaching from Jesus about the mark and knew it wasn't although I had terrible warfare with shot staying faithful even though I took the vaccine. I knew it wasn't the mark which is a spiritual mark by Satan and forces that turns you into a drone. Even though people in the future put more and more nanobots in their body for innovation. That in itself isn't the mark either. The spiritual mark doesn't come through magic someone either. People can fight technology with more technology or miracles of God.  People choose hell but they can repent. The mark electronically doesn't mean God can't change people back or rescue repentant people from hell. By his stripes we are healed. The "proposed" mark this time which has been called for different shots. Measles and covid shots got this which isn't a mark on the hand or head. Conspiracy theorists came up with it and the Lord says not to listen to conspiracy. So its not the mark if we keep to repentance we shall recieve heaven I'd just take the medicine we are supposed to take to survive like moderna instead of phizer. Jesus told me to take moderna.