Saturday, August 5, 2023

How to defeat the Borg or Borglike situations

We all see the Borg and wonder how do we stop assimilating situations. Borg if you don't know are a cross-alien race that is obsessed with assimilating by technology. It is known from the Star Trek universe. The Borg go through this process. They find a place or ship in space they can assimilate and they conquer, study, and add their distinctiveness to their own. Borg also adapt and maturate more Borg through technological insemination with their technological processes. Borg have implants and technology throughout their bodies.

We have to create an assimilating thing that stops their assimilating and causes them to assimilate themselves to freedom and an exponential stopping of the Borg race. 

Fight one exponentiality with another exponentiality that will eventually stop. 

You stop the assimilationism in the Borg by an temporary exponentiality. 

This could work with mark of the beast.

If its tech, its a comic book. 

You simply defeat them by Jesus and tech. Repentance and forgiveness defeats everything in God.

With God all things are possible. 

Nanotech is slowly prevading our life and is slowly being used to solve more even stopping assimilationism. We fight the flesh world to ameliorate the lost. We do what God wants and never depart. We save from the knowledge of the lost.

Current controversy- We are the Lord's and we can not be unbought no matter. The covid shot brought controversy throughout the Christian world. People didn't do the shot for religious reasons and died. I had a teaching from Jesus about the mark and knew it wasn't although I had terrible warfare with shot staying faithful even though I took the vaccine. I knew it wasn't the mark which is a spiritual mark by Satan and forces that turns you into a drone. Even though people in the future put more and more nanobots in their body for innovation. That in itself isn't the mark either. The spiritual mark doesn't come through magic someone either. People can fight technology with more technology or miracles of God.  People choose hell but they can repent. The mark electronically doesn't mean God can't change people back or rescue repentant people from hell. By his stripes we are healed. The "proposed" mark this time which has been called for different shots. Measles and covid shots got this which isn't a mark on the hand or head. Conspiracy theorists came up with it and the Lord says not to listen to conspiracy. So its not the mark if we keep to repentance we shall recieve heaven I'd just take the medicine we are supposed to take to survive like moderna instead of phizer. Jesus told me to take moderna.

New departments and agencies the government should consider

Department of human ingeuinity 

Department of Robotics

Department of Aeronautical Drones

Department of Social Media

Department of Shielding

A security force for drones

A security force for robotics (really well armored suits)

An armed forces of cyber security

Department of Purpose

Department of Invention

UFO Armed Forces

2 Riddles:How can you know more than God? How does God defeat himself? Exceptions proven in logic as a logical standard.

I was talking to God and he said he loves me.
and I said more than you know.
So that is the only way you know more than God.
Otherwise it is a technicality.
He could say though that is the Holy Spirit or the Father through you.
Then you could ask that God defeated himself and that is the only exception.
God has an exceptional system so this proves exception have president in logic for credibility.

Hologram Sound wave debris shield

 Today I got some interesting downloads from heaven from an angel of inventing. When we has falling debris or space stuff fall from the sky. A hologram debris shield would be amazing for the earth. Using futuristic nanotechnology we could create a nanotech sound emitter that hovers at say 1000 ft that object can past through and that the nanotechnology can detech to stop falling debris and break up carbon in the atmosphere. Most likely if we have teleportation it could also have a teleportation shield that people teleport to the ground saving lives. I could also have magnetic resonance that can stop an object and hold it stationary in the air that targets it like a tractor beam say the. the hologram could also write on the sky for several purposes, emergency, tv, ads, will you marry me signs. You could also broadcast with it and watch different layers. Internet, robotic services with the shield, we just can't block too much light with it. We don't want to effect the earth gravitational pull with it. Who knows what will come with it. We could also have a heat shield with it and one for asteroids/comets and large meteors. As well as a defense shield that fights on it own with invaders. I would be smart enough to know what is happening with AI. Just wouldn't put laser on it to attack the surface. It would be in upper orbit. It could also lift people up and they could fly in it with hologram tech. I think if they use oxygenation of carbohydrates with magnetic resonance it maybe able to lift things for flight. I don't know much about it. But it could do alot. C=Mc squared Maybe could lift things like a tractor beam. I don't know much about these thing just speculating. We are still far from these ideas. Maybe some will come to life. Keep on breaking molecules and atoms hadron colider!

When was internet invented?

 When was the Internet invented? A brief history of the Internet. (