Friday, December 9, 2022
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
War in the Spirit, Fight with the Lord
"Schismatics" stop schismizing
I think some groups just want to be leaders of a religious group instead walking together in love looking at savior instead of our differences. Walk in love instead of our differences. We should treat them as orders and not schisms. We don't need schisms we need to love each other besides telling each other they are 'out.' We don't start scheming on purpose. Scheming that is not us doing thinking that is strife,spite, complaint and murmuring all rolled into one where it purpose is carnal. We walk in peace and lift our compaints to reconciliation. We learn from the Lord to reconcile our emotions and lift up our thoughts to him. Let us scheme no more. No schismizing. We don't entertain those thoughts we lift up peace. Once we have reconciled our emotions we then look at our thought and see if it was carnal and repent. Schismizing is entertaining schisms in a carnal condemning way. Overentertaining to cause divisions. Divisions will happen we need to be reconcilers to keep reconciling the church. Reconciliations happen too like Catholics and charismatics. We can reconcil New York and New Jersey if we pray enough. Let revival come to every city on earth! Even too to distant planets.
God said tax the rich will fix the nation's debt
I was told by God how to fix the debt and I told the whitehouse. It isn't the thing making the recession it is the fear of robots taking people's jobs. It is something God is working on the rich. We can also do the strategies of taxing the rich. The Whitehouse refined it. I think it is right. I think that is best. The fed know economics better than me. I know some but God works through me because he wants to fix it for all time. We are also recycling plastics better than before cause less oil to be bought. This is why too. Another is people paying too much for gas and the inflation effect. People raising prices just because it is an 'inflation' time. We need to fix prices still they stop. This may help. We need to stop inflation attitude.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
More economic guidiance (NOTES)
Ok so we are trying to fill jobs, the jobs of the feature content editors that will create the future. It is ghost him doing it. It is the holy spirit coming up with these ideas and some of my mind. I just had to say that. It is the hologram working. We should consider the same thing with tactile holograms as we do with robots. The hologram gets paid for the owner. This will avoid problems that we figured out earlier on the blog. It should cost less than robot teen pregnancy. Due to the fact that most of them won't be cyborgs with human parts. School still needs to take place for ingenuity sake. Metaverse will work controlling robots from a distance there is another company doing that with robots though. This is one of my ideas. As well as avoid noise on airplane because if in the future we have flying cars we want the propellers to be quieter.Another one of my ideas I passed to the government and southwest research institute.