Sunday, December 5, 2021


Today I am going to talk about effort. I am going into the bible and talking about it. God sees our efforts and looks if they are genuine. We are to make every effort on holy things.

Effort begins with

1.We must not strive. This is bad effort and so we must find only good effort in our sight. 

2.We must examine our hearts when this comes. 

3.We must examine the overall situation. 

a. Are my efforts coming from sin? Am I falling into sin? 

4.We must answer this and see if we are. 

5.We can't walk with the Lord correctly if each effort is based on sinful grounds. 

6.We must see where it stems from.

a. Is it from a scheme or a bad branch of a carnal way? 

7.We must examine ourselves and correct bad things we may be doing. 

8.We repent and do our penance.

9.We must carry out things that God want us to do.

10.Do effortful processing:

(this is for remembering the things God has told you.) :)

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Best quotes status: fulfilling needs

Today I will talk about the best quotes status.

We all want to be liked and shared. We want to be quoted and have legacy. We want to be remembered. Being quoted some on Pinterest, television and radio. The thing about quotes is not how you feel, but how you serve. Are you meeting the needs of the people? Are you going where they search? Being remembered is a competitive thing, the ultimate legacy is that you are treated as a symbol of legend. Some want to held as a God in a Hindi circle so they look for the best quote status in Hindi is some type of Godhood or ancestral worship. I can tell you that being quoted isn't about you, it is about God's will and being the greatest servant that serves all people with really great discernment. 

    We make a difference with a plan. 

    I can go further than just floating through life. I need to see God's goals. I need his discernment; his clarity, his peace. We develop leadership skills. We advise many people, just serving, just helping. We do it with humility so people follow it. Service is about humility as I have said. We build our business by meeting the needs of people with a good heart. Service is not a discretion. We are not less when we serve, we simply help people. We should receive honor for selfless service. It isn't a caste system. It isn't goodness or godhood. We should consider others better than ourselves as something infrastructural. If you are degraded someone may not have the right attitude. We should look how respect works. We should treat people with love. 

    Our identity or power doesn't come with us being remembered it comes from the Lord. Sure favor does affect us, but we look for others to help by the Lord's leadership and the discernment he gives us. Ministry can be a job of service but, we seek God's approval and develop our discernment; develop our leadership. Discernment is a skill. We develop many skills through learning from the Lord and learning from experience. God wants you to use your experience to develop wisdom. Stick closer than a brother to your God. We need him to have real skill. The devil takes the seed of a message and tries to get rid of God's learning from it. We must stick close to Christ for all things to be fulfilled. We are valued either way by God whether we pass or fail. He takes us up and gives us a second chance, we stick to a relationship in God for more help.

    We all want to be honored. Don't fill your day unforgiveness, saying why didn't they notice me? Look at God noticing you. He sees you. He loves you. When you spend your time on serving others, you may receive some good noticing. We don't always get our way but become something infrastructured into notice and your notice may come sooner than you think. Be a pillar in life and you shall have life. Set yourself to be irreplaceable than you will stand in place for ages to come. Look for the avenue to serve and keep looking till you find your place. God will notice you looking and open opportunities for you. Be wise and choose where people are looking and the avenue that is seeking. You find the seek avenue and try for it, the the opportunity comes to you. Choose what is God's will and he will bless you.

    We can not slack off in finding our destiny. We don't need to put our mind on the struggle but the solution. Serve where you are till greater things present themselves. Where the opportunities are at are where the promotion is. Let God promote you and look for what you can blessed at doing with all that God has given you. We must be wise and ready to receive more from God. Sure we all want to be quoted and look to our status to see what is life. We should focus on the goal to serve more people effectively, look for opportunities God has placed for you serve. See the pragmatic things he puts in front of you. Serve other with those ideas. Ask God for more ideas and use them to rise. You will have your day soon.

    Follow God to your next step. See what he has for you and consider what he gives you. Consider what he has told you in the past. Look at all things and thank him for what he is doing. Don't get caught in whys, Why can't a catch a break? Why am I in this current situation? Stop focusing on negative things but keep your ears open ready to receive in faith. Tell God, God I am ready to receive from you greater things. Don't be blaming everybody but slow down, forgive and God will bless you with something new you may not have considered. 

    Get into God's flow for your life. He is the most quoted person in all history and time. We can learn what it looks like to be lifted up in different avenues. We look for wisdom and sound understanding. He will give us more when we go with him in our life and presence. King Jesus is around you,you just have to call him. Look for God on a regular basis and he will hand you the saying that lasts forever.

    Quote others and you will be quoted yourself. Give others credit and honor and you will receive some yourself. Lift up a friend and he may take you with him to be lifted up. Clap for others when no one has started and more may join in the cause. Be a lifter not a person who counts death. Look with a positive attitude and you'll draw others in that will share a positive attitude. Learn how to tute your own horn. We don't always lead the orchestra, sometimes we are at rest and the rest of players play. Learn to practice and play good then ask for a solo and you'll be the head of the band.

    As we wait on our growth we can look for things to grow us. Look and collect things that inspire you. You may inspire someone else. Be a person of inspiration. If you suddenly have something you haven't before, praise God for it and thank him. Let the positively spread. It usually spreads like a revival. We start to believe for something more and the miracles start happening. God comes into the place and starts something significant. We prepare for great expectations. The miracle comes and we have much from him to be thankful. We must be prepared for the revival of positive things. We just decide to keep going till all are ready for more. We bring the best of ourselves and make it what ourselves are about. Let the best shine from you. Let it serve others and you will be quoted. Let us shine when the moment comes and be like shining stars. Be salt and light. 

    Position yourself for victory. Look how victory works in your situation. Don't get down on yourself look where God has placed your victory. Don't war over it but look gentlely how you can make the best level. Don't scheme your way, look for God's way of doing things and you may have victory in your hands. I want you to understand how to shine then you will see a light in life you never seen before. I close with this look for places that you can succeed serving with what greatness God gives you. Be great look for others in greatness and join in on the greatness life offers. Don't wonder why you didn't succeed last time, look with a fresh vision and see what he can do!

    Make your status as an expert. We can all have quote attribution. We just need to build our network and work on other networks. Publish books or go on shows. Build your network with others that do the same. All these things will give you quote attribution. Some places you have pay for it so don't give up. Just know that God knows best, see how he will promote your status. Be saved and work his network. God bless you all!!

Saturday, August 28, 2021

What to say about someone who goes to hell

 Is there heaven in hell? We must ask Jesus how he handles sin on the other side. We all want a solution for our sin so be patient with me. I want us all to repent. It is important to God to do so. What is the meaning of eternal life? In Christ is the way. We hear these things a lot. Some have accepted some have not. We need to understand God's grace in heaven. God is a perfect creature to us. He can't get out of tendencies we may not like.

He is inspectible to these perfect tendencies. He is locked in them. As I understand God I have seen these tendencies and I have seen what he means by them. 

When God enforces the law he understands how it works. When he means perfect he means the blood has been spilt on the behalf of the sinner and covered them to make them perfect. 

Punishment in heaven maybe different in a perfect body. Penance exists. The punishment of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Maybe different than other sins that man has committed.

God's hypocrite enforcement. Everybody is a hypocrite, they have sins they fall into that. Sin that we are hypocrites for are iniquities. What Jesus has told me about iniquities is that he was bruised for our iniquities as it says in Isaiah 53.

We are going to find the vindication of the bible. Vindication of the law is perfect. What vindication is the soundness of word or thought in regards with holiness and perfection. They uphold the fullness of what an infinite can be. Upholding an infinite perfection is what God is locked in so you have to find a system of grace that upholds his fullness. This is why we can see him using an infinite fullness with his words. It has to be in his Spirit. When we look in his words through Christ he raises the level of vindication than that of the world. Such words like repentance they are held in the highest regard for that leaves us to enforce it as he does as law and not as halfway objectives. The law was made for us. So we see that when it was a jewish law base and we had sacrifices from different animals. We were doing something to please God to point to the real sacrifice that was the perfect vindication of the law of heaven. According to the book 15 minutes in hell as part of the dream the author had it said, Christ feels the pains of hell too. He propitiates our sin if we respect him to the highest vindication. God is our subsitute for sin. A teacher can always assign more work for a failing student to do if they want to pass. We say it is a test, everything of God has a type of infinite to it. A test by God may have an infinite, a punishment may have an infinite. Perfection may have an infinite, heaven may have an infinite. You may have finished the course, but there is always an exception to a rule. Jesus's hell is without us. He gives the devil even grace though he is trying to destroy God. The second death is hell, however it says in Ezekiel 18:32:

32 For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!

Death itself is not absolute. It can be overcome with repentance and keeping to God's justice. Justice can come through repentance and penance.

28 Because they consider all the offenses they have committed and turn away from them, that person will surely live; they will not die. 

 It does not effect his inspectiable nature through repentance. So if a person repents in hell they can come back by keeping to repentance. It maybe longer of a journey you might have to stay in hell but you may be able to repent and come to heaven. 

Here is what I was told in a vision of my other grandpa's restoration from hell.  About 3 months ago I had a vision of my grandpa Wilkinson coming out of hell. He repented and developed a relationship with the Lord. He couldn't give him an inheritance but he could be a servant. He would have to work for his life in eternity and God gave him a new body. He is now flying in heaven with a glider. He enjoys his eternity. God reunited him with my grandmother who is Christian. We have to understand it maybe a test but we can get out of hell maybe with repentance. I had great peace. Sometimes God enforces rules harder the longer your out of repentance. So repent don't waste time for it is a long eternity. As a part of justice you may have to go into the hot place if you did not believe God. Vindication of the law is why the law sets such high standards you may be reading it from an infinite side of eternity so you don't choose hell and miss your inheritance. He lived with my grandmother in eternity. You may not have the same opportunity. He may be given something later on as he does good works in his body. We must go to the Lord about our relatives, he heals us. When I get visions those with eternal life are not dead now. They have more life in them than us. So it is okay to go to the Lord about them. I know when a Christian dies I get comforted by them in visions and I learn things. I want us all to give God a chance at our lives. I talked to the Lord a while about the vision, it is more a true covenant of his blood. I want us all to see him right as a loving God. He communicates with healing words. He loves you and wants you to have life, it is an amazing life, it wonderous and you will develop a thankful attitude with life. Heal the land guys.

If you never have accepted God before. Pray this prayer with me, Dear Jesus,

Forgive me of my sin.

Come into my heart.

I make you my Lord and savior.

Reach out to us and Jesus. 

He will show you amazing things.

In him,
