Saturday, August 28, 2021

What to say about someone who goes to hell

 Is there heaven in hell? We must ask Jesus how he handles sin on the other side. We all want a solution for our sin so be patient with me. I want us all to repent. It is important to God to do so. What is the meaning of eternal life? In Christ is the way. We hear these things a lot. Some have accepted some have not. We need to understand God's grace in heaven. God is a perfect creature to us. He can't get out of tendencies we may not like.

He is inspectible to these perfect tendencies. He is locked in them. As I understand God I have seen these tendencies and I have seen what he means by them. 

When God enforces the law he understands how it works. When he means perfect he means the blood has been spilt on the behalf of the sinner and covered them to make them perfect. 

Punishment in heaven maybe different in a perfect body. Penance exists. The punishment of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Maybe different than other sins that man has committed.

God's hypocrite enforcement. Everybody is a hypocrite, they have sins they fall into that. Sin that we are hypocrites for are iniquities. What Jesus has told me about iniquities is that he was bruised for our iniquities as it says in Isaiah 53.

We are going to find the vindication of the bible. Vindication of the law is perfect. What vindication is the soundness of word or thought in regards with holiness and perfection. They uphold the fullness of what an infinite can be. Upholding an infinite perfection is what God is locked in so you have to find a system of grace that upholds his fullness. This is why we can see him using an infinite fullness with his words. It has to be in his Spirit. When we look in his words through Christ he raises the level of vindication than that of the world. Such words like repentance they are held in the highest regard for that leaves us to enforce it as he does as law and not as halfway objectives. The law was made for us. So we see that when it was a jewish law base and we had sacrifices from different animals. We were doing something to please God to point to the real sacrifice that was the perfect vindication of the law of heaven. According to the book 15 minutes in hell as part of the dream the author had it said, Christ feels the pains of hell too. He propitiates our sin if we respect him to the highest vindication. God is our subsitute for sin. A teacher can always assign more work for a failing student to do if they want to pass. We say it is a test, everything of God has a type of infinite to it. A test by God may have an infinite, a punishment may have an infinite. Perfection may have an infinite, heaven may have an infinite. You may have finished the course, but there is always an exception to a rule. Jesus's hell is without us. He gives the devil even grace though he is trying to destroy God. The second death is hell, however it says in Ezekiel 18:32:

32 For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!

Death itself is not absolute. It can be overcome with repentance and keeping to God's justice. Justice can come through repentance and penance.

28 Because they consider all the offenses they have committed and turn away from them, that person will surely live; they will not die. 

 It does not effect his inspectiable nature through repentance. So if a person repents in hell they can come back by keeping to repentance. It maybe longer of a journey you might have to stay in hell but you may be able to repent and come to heaven. 

Here is what I was told in a vision of my other grandpa's restoration from hell.  About 3 months ago I had a vision of my grandpa Wilkinson coming out of hell. He repented and developed a relationship with the Lord. He couldn't give him an inheritance but he could be a servant. He would have to work for his life in eternity and God gave him a new body. He is now flying in heaven with a glider. He enjoys his eternity. God reunited him with my grandmother who is Christian. We have to understand it maybe a test but we can get out of hell maybe with repentance. I had great peace. Sometimes God enforces rules harder the longer your out of repentance. So repent don't waste time for it is a long eternity. As a part of justice you may have to go into the hot place if you did not believe God. Vindication of the law is why the law sets such high standards you may be reading it from an infinite side of eternity so you don't choose hell and miss your inheritance. He lived with my grandmother in eternity. You may not have the same opportunity. He may be given something later on as he does good works in his body. We must go to the Lord about our relatives, he heals us. When I get visions those with eternal life are not dead now. They have more life in them than us. So it is okay to go to the Lord about them. I know when a Christian dies I get comforted by them in visions and I learn things. I want us all to give God a chance at our lives. I talked to the Lord a while about the vision, it is more a true covenant of his blood. I want us all to see him right as a loving God. He communicates with healing words. He loves you and wants you to have life, it is an amazing life, it wonderous and you will develop a thankful attitude with life. Heal the land guys.

If you never have accepted God before. Pray this prayer with me, Dear Jesus,

Forgive me of my sin.

Come into my heart.

I make you my Lord and savior.

Reach out to us and Jesus. 

He will show you amazing things.

In him,


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Removing Selfishness: The Journey towards selflessness


    We want to please God and not be selfish. It is important to him that we do not follow sin's path and wreck our lives in Satan's snares. I want us to see the full potential of our lives and reach new levels. We reach to God in submitting our lives to him. 

There are different areas we can submit to the Lord. 

We usually first submit our affections to God. 

    We fall in love so we place our affections at the foot of the cross. We see his beauty as our Savior and submit to him as Lord of our lives. We dedicate our life. We need to do this as a part of our life not just a chapter or else we fall. Regular submission is good for us. It fills us up in its place with joy. We walk with him humbly and see the glory of our lives in Christ. It is when we are humble to him we are given more grace in our lives. We love and also respect him no matter where we are at. It is sad when a love relationship to God becomes just a season inside, this is a fallen attitude. God compels us to change and know him. We are rewarded with heaven when we submit our whole life to him. God happily wants to know us, teach us and make us happy. His wisdom leads this way. We learn to treasure his way. I want us to see the glory of a life with him. It is deep joy as we free up ourselves and seek God's loving relationship. The glory of a life with him goes beyond a moment as we wait for him to answer and oh boy does he answer. It is deep affection. It is deep love, we love him more and more with all our being. Let your heart, mind, body, soul and strength be what it can be with the Lord. Let your measures be his measure. May we see as he sees. Hear what he hears. Do as he does. Be as he is for us to imitate. Let all our senses follow the Lord.

    God will awaken us to new things of him as we watch for him in our lives. These measures, these senses he gives to our discernment, let us enjoy his path he gives us to know and love as he loves. We see over time that he can give us great things to follow and enjoy. Imitating the Lord is a gift of its own. We learn the life it is and we feel the joy it brings. Develop that relationship with him, it will excite you the more you see it. Putting your affections to him makes your life great. As you fall in love, you savor him as a greatest gift. Don't fall into religion but relationship with the Almighty. He encourages in such a way we see great things.

    Look to the Lord for the good of your life. We see great lives in us when we make him our goodness. When we give him fruits of goodness we make the lives with him better. Feast with him he says. I have great fruit ahead for you to satisfy yourself with today and forever. You will never go hungry with me. Know. Be glad.

I want to talk about giving God our time.

    We give to the Lord our whole heart. We give him what we can give him. We give him our time and money. We make a good fruit out of our offering. We follow him to the next level. We want to do as he pleases. We offer everything with cheerful living.  We see he is the best thing to contribute to in life. With everything going into place by God he sees what we have offered and loves us for it. I want us all to offer to him the things that keep him first in our lives. That is what he longs for is us to have cheerfulness in his life with him. We put him 24/7/366 days a year. When I did this it created much love for God. He was happy to see me put my whole life in his hands. I love him for everything he has done and it fills my whole life with joy. He will fill joy for you if you put him at a greater commitment level. He enjoys to see us filled with life as we give him greater commitment. Greater commitment in a marriage usually creates more fruit for the marriage. When we give our full heart to him we become married in him. I mean this is our commitment it gives fruit. One thing I learned over the years good fruit happens when we listen and obey him. Bad fruit happens when we don't listen and obey him. You can turn your whole life into regret if you don't listen or obey him. Don't do that to yourself let obedience in him change you into the man or woman you can become. Don't put other things before him, we are not meant to live that way and it can affect us for a long time. I want you to listen even if the short run seem better. Commit yourself to me! He says, I have a better foundation for you, look to my life in you. Feast on the bread of life I give you and let it satisfy. I let you in for more intimacy I create in you new life, let my life satisfy my heart I give you. It is more important to see the grace you have thus say Me the Lord. Be of good cheer, have a happy heart in the name of the Lord.

Give your finances to him he will bless you back in various ways.

    Giving to God your tithe is powerful and gives you clarity and opportunity that you didn't have before. God rebukes the devourer and the windows of heaven open up. It is a promise that he says will happen when you tithe. Your tithe is a spiritual weapon against the enemy for a miracle. Look at your tithe as a covenant with you and God. It protects you with his very principals of the universe he created. Look at it as special and beautiful thing between you and God. It makes ministry and gospel presentation happen. It makes charity for the poor and changes the lives of many, it does amazing things. I want you to remember your tithe as you give it. Look back on it and thank God of the miracles that have happen. People saved, the down and out lifted up to hope. I want you to come along side the pastor's ministry and see what his time has done for people instead of him 'waiting tables.' When you get to heaven God is going to thank you for your tithing to him.  

    So in these three areas of your life: your affections, your time, and your money. Think about how you could give God more in these areas. Look to him and if there is something that you have submitted to the cross. Then go ahead a submit it to him. He loves you and will help you no matter where your at. So in conclusion, be free in him and follow the Lord today. Go on a journey with him, seek him in what he shows you. You won't regret it.

Friday, June 4, 2021

The Gospel Retold book looking at the New Testament theologically and biblically

I want us to understand the story retold, takes a new turn in this century as we learn microtrends and macrotrends more scientifically over internet crawler. We can take the buzzwords on a subject and then we learn how people interpret different times better. The best way for most trends and changing factors to establish an understanding of the first century and the rest of the bible is by the Holy Spirit because it is so complex to understand a century or a pinpoint in history due to historiographical breath of knowledge. To learn all this and become a expert in the historiographical is bigger than our mind can grasp. So we may learn the history and the languages the hermeneutics we must rely of the Holy Spirit. The thing is when we look at these things statistically what the trends were we miss out on the truth and love God wants to share with us. The theologians here represent a large group of Calvinists. We learn much from the history, languages, and hermeneutics this things give us a message but at face value we learn many times and it is the Holy Spirit that simplifies these things. We can learn from him and we are then balanced. I don't mind learning more from these guys. 

I think this is pretty good from the interview. Watch it above.