Friday, April 2, 2021

Be inspired by Christ

 Christ lives! This is what we know. He overcome death, hell and the grave. It is powerful. We can overcome like Jesus. He brings us to him, by his words through the preacher. Go and heed the word of the preacher, the sound of salvation he brings. REPENT! You need to believe or carnage will get you in hell. Hell is a bad place and you don't want to be a part of it. You want heaven it is a joy to be there. Don't dismiss God he is great in providing for you in eternity. If you fully repent of your sin you will see him. You just got to seek him how I say, RENT can come to you, HUSBANDS OR WIVES CAN COME TO YOU. PAY THE THINGS OF GOD IN THIS LIFE AND YOUR INHERITANCE WILL BE GREAT. KING JESUS CAN PROVIDE BUT YOU NEED TO FOLLOW HIM!


I love you,


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Why You Put Yourself Down | Steven Furtick

How should Christians respond to cancel culture? |

I have 2 books and nothing to show for it.

     I think this thinking is wrong, we lead ourselves and our legacy down paths we don't quite understand and want to know him. We do it for him. I want us to all know him in it. It is very important that we don't lean anywhere else. I can do alot of things but being an artist and exploring the World with him is so important. I think that a legacy is something God does sometimes without us because we are living a life we never was meant to live. It's legacy is God's. He makes it happen we don't know what we are till we get in the hands of God. Intellectual or not. Greek minded or Hebrew. Orthodoxy of some kind of way if we are faithful. We are used in the legacy of God by him showing us off for his meaning and purpose. He is the shower and leader of the 'show'ers. Geneology of mine or not. I live for meaning and we are brought to meaning without him and with him. We all want to be in a legacy. I think of my great-grandparents which I didn't know and wonder about their lives. I wonder about them alot, the writer that got on the train, the boy who got painted, the farmer, the french seamstress, the man who knew some Yiddish, the man who went to war. I love my relatives even if they didn't. We are supposed to love people that is a Christian's walk above all else. We carry his joy up to every place we climb.

     I hope I am shown in the best light whatever my relationship, friendship, acquaintance or whatever. May you be blessed when you hear my life. I put everything of my life to Christ. I want his life remembered and known. We are his and that lasts forever. We carry on a legacy in heaven. Look for the fruit. The good friend that loves you. I want us to remember what is important. Look to his kingdom. His kingdom carried on is more important than what money goes where. What assets we have. Remember his kindom friends. 

the Lord

Saturday, March 6, 2021

3D printed full rubber tires (new design)

Friday, February 26, 2021

How do we go about Terraforming Mars?

First create a moving highway system and port system and create a space highway, that people can be moving between mars? Could we stop it from orbiting away from earth so we could access it more often or other objects the same? Would this affect life on earth? A moving planet or moon maybe hard to move. But the iron core for the planet could come from the asteroid belt and move the object by electromagnets.

Could we create artificial Volcanos that warm up the atmosphere?(Fission reactors) And make layers of atmosphere? Or bury them deep under the surface to create magma. Heat up that Huge Iron asteroid could work as a core to create a magma sphere then throw in Europa or comets for water.

We could terraform Mars. First drive rocks into it that change the chemistry of the surface of the planet to make it less toxic, sustainable to plant life and heavier planet.  Got to see how this effects earth first. Move resources to the planet by moving stuff that works from the asteroid belt.  Europa could work for water. Move lots of Comets to give it more water. This is where we start. Make a more sustainable moon. 


What if we could broadcast a magnetosphere on Mars?

Could we create an artificial atmosphere by broadcasting?

Could we send bombs to throw up water into the air?

Could we create artificial lifeforms that could live on Mars. Such as artificial ants that create something to to change the body chemistry of the soil or create a layer that could be used for lifeforms. These ants could till the soil. Artificial Cows that could help terraform the sahara and Arabia in planned holistic planned grazing? Birds to spread fish.

Create a economy on mars to become self sustainable and

Create a Robot factories on Mars where people work remotely through the robots sent the only thing bad about doing this in the wrong order we lose jobs or have to evacuate all the robots and stations so they need to be modular. So a space elevator maybe good to have first on Mars. These Robots would be for the sole purpose of terraforming?