Friday, July 10, 2020

5 REASONS Why the Apocrypha is NOT INSPIRED and Should be REJECTED!

To each is his own again

I want each of you to go back to a friend you may had an argument about the gospel and try again. If you had not gotten to the root and let them choose Christ try again. Pray to get to the root of the argument. It's important to reach out when you can. I want you to try. Bring it up politely and share what you know. Meet their needs and try your best to show them the way.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

To Each is His Own

You may have had this moment with someone. When you agree to disagree and go your own way. I have to say that you have to let God's power work sometimes and sometimes we have to get to the root of the argument. Know the root and you may see where the seed needs to work. An honest answer goes a long way. Just know God is there to support you. Witnessing can be simple, a simple story to tell a child. Or it can be more jaded and complex make sure your prepared for both and handle it with grace.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

You got me

When we got him, we got him. He rescued us from hell and the Lord is good to us seeing us in full measure. Look to the covenant of God and see what 'Good' things he has for us. It is the most important thing to him to see. A covenant with the Lord tells us that we are free him in him and he is glad to love us as we are. He builds heaven on earth for us. He wants us happy as we can be, look to the cross and see the salvation of God and what it does for us. Eternal grace and joy forever.

Look to the Kingdom and see the grace of God!

How wonderful he surely is, how great his grace for us!

Faithfulness requires us to love and reconciles us to him in heaven.

God is so good to us that as you accept him, he moves to forgive you. 

He works those things out of you.But he wants you to ask for forgiveness. He doesn't like to be played. Faithfulness comes with time though. You must understand he gives you great grace to help you out on the journey. Love him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

How carbon nanotubes might boost solar energy - explained

Haven't seen me

John 20:29  Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. (KJV)

We are blessed to know God at all. We are blessed by the Lord for not being ones who saw him walk his footsteps, although we wish we could go in the past and see his steps. How great are they that believe in him and haven't seen.

I want you to know you are special and have come in such a time as this. You have meaning in the century your in, it is God's time for you to receive his Son. You would have seen him the same as now. His miracles would have astounded you or you would have been as hard as the Pharisees. Those that investigate enough to know the man will say he is great among means, deserving honor and praise. He did the miracles and he heals today. See the whole man of Jesus and you will know how great he is. Be inspired by him and believe.

If you never believed in Jesus before receive him now as Lord and Savior. Say dear Jesus, come into my heart, I make you my Lord and Savior. If you said that prayer, join a bible believing Christ and learn the whole man of God.

Monday, July 6, 2020

It is me is about him

As I talk about ME I talk about him. GOD is the subject. God is not vain and has no vanity about i, he is humble in every way. I use the little i for a purpose because his attitude towards himself is the little i. Go to him and see, he is completely humble, he is not insecure to boast about himself. I want you to see.