Thursday, June 25, 2020

God wants you real

I am amazed by the Lord's work that he does in each of us. He happens to have the best for us, he constantly works on us including to be real with him. It is powerful how he moves. The Lord wants real relationship with us and to not be fake. Don't worry what he thinks all he wants is a contrite heart and intimacy from us. It is important to know that he takes the falsehood out of us and makes it work for us. He is patient to work in us and helps us through to our next level. Deeply see Christ as he is and love him for who he is. His thoughts are better than your thoughts, his ways are better than your ways. Love what he thinks, grow with it. I want you to see his ways and thoughts as for you and not against you. Accept him, don't be fake with him, be real.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Christian Goths

When we look at Christ becoming a part of a clique of friends, he becomes all things to them to win a few. We try to add him to our group the best we can. As Christians Christ becomes all things to win over to himself even though we don't know his skin color Jesus knows he becomes all things. So don't tear down statues of him. They are freedom of expression, his image is expressed differently all over the world. It's art and expression, I'm sure they never meant to offend for a white statue. Tear it down and it's one less expression taken from the world. Think about it like that. Jesus is all powerful he can be any color to express himself.

Amazing Insights about angels

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Taking Communion Every Day

I know that taking communion every time you can is a spiritual impartation and God blesses it. We read in scripture that and Joseph Prince is known for quoting 1 Corinthians 11:27-30. Many testimonies have been brought in to him accounting taking communion everyday makes you healthier.  I believe this to be true. I have felt windows from heaven opening over my health.As in the tithe with the windows of finance the windows of health is there too. It is good to take the Lord's supper. He will rebuke the devourer and make the Lord work for your health.

Hear the Word of the Lord

The word of the :) LORD
I the Lord am a smiling God. I give my children good thinking thoughts. I am awesome in my ways, creative and loving am I. With the Lord you are brought to knee. Ready and willing are you.I look to my sons and daughters for life. May you have it abundantly/joyfully. Every day I look for you in the dew of the morning search for you to the utmost parts of heaven. I look to a fro throughout the earth seeking you. I know where you are and what you are like. I long for the days of Adam when you were with me in the dew of the morning. I had you. It was beautiful/cunning to see you. I look into my heartt and see you. I miss the days of before. I miss you most. I'm making a point to loove you all at once. You are one with me. I look in the future and see all the wonderful things that were made. I knew/know you could do it.
How farrr you have come. I see my wrath absolved on the garden. What new things have come. I miss you. You are good.