Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Taking Communion Every Day

I know that taking communion every time you can is a spiritual impartation and God blesses it. We read in scripture that and Joseph Prince is known for quoting 1 Corinthians 11:27-30. Many testimonies have been brought in to him accounting taking communion everyday makes you healthier.  I believe this to be true. I have felt windows from heaven opening over my health.As in the tithe with the windows of finance the windows of health is there too. It is good to take the Lord's supper. He will rebuke the devourer and make the Lord work for your health.

Hear the Word of the Lord

The word of the :) LORD
I the Lord am a smiling God. I give my children good thinking thoughts. I am awesome in my ways, creative and loving am I. With the Lord you are brought to knee. Ready and willing are you.I look to my sons and daughters for life. May you have it abundantly/joyfully. Every day I look for you in the dew of the morning search for you to the utmost parts of heaven. I look to a fro throughout the earth seeking you. I know where you are and what you are like. I long for the days of Adam when you were with me in the dew of the morning. I had you. It was beautiful/cunning to see you. I look into my heartt and see you. I miss the days of before. I miss you most. I'm making a point to loove you all at once. You are one with me. I look in the future and see all the wonderful things that were made. I knew/know you could do it.
How farrr you have come. I see my wrath absolved on the garden. What new things have come. I miss you. You are good.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Righteousness covers our work

It is important to him to do things for Christ. When the Sabbath rolls around we are magnifying his Holiness. No work is too small or too big. The thing with this is God gives us grace to 'just be.' We have to think in holiness becoming us. We also think that work is done on the cross. We carry these two measures walking with the Lord. We do have great grace when it comes to these things. God measures our grace by the work of the grace-filled cross. God is our example. We don't need to worry about the Sabbath, God's grace is sufficient for us. For the work of the Lord is done through the cross. Any extra works are counted as credit before the Lord. Mediate you are the righteousness of God and God always works. Rest and enjoy the day, let him be with you all day. Be about holy things on these days and walk with him throughout your day. Don't take it as a work buy good things about the cross. He loves you don't worry if you got everything right. Be about the cross. Carry your cross to the ocean and see what he does with it. He fills you up with joy as you talk about good things God does. God loves you. Walk with him and keep your eyes focused on him. He calls you on the journey towards him.

Saturday, June 20, 2020


The Definition of Majesty by the Oxford dictionary
1. Impressive stateliness, dignity, or beauty
2. Royal Power 
When we use our authority we have Royal Power from heaven. We grow in stateliness, dignity and beauty.

We have his beauty his dignity his stateliness. It was given at the cross. We can rule the world with new authority. God gives us so much by the cross and his wounds. He is victor over death and the grave and he sits on high with full majesty. No one outdoes his kingship. He is high and exalted above all the earth. Don't worry about anything with the Holy Spirit we can express the fullness of authority. I have seen it with my own eyes and I can say we live greatly with the Lord. He is great. Magnify his name.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

God is cool, but we need grace

I don't normally talk about coolness. But one lesson I learned from is he is cool enough on his own without trying too hard to make him cool. Coolness is an abstraction and we shouldn't use it to control people. That's manipulation, just be yourself your cool enough. God wants to treat you well, when he improves you he is moving you towards a blessed life. He is a good teacher, he doesn't manipulate us. Your never too cool for God or not enough coolness, he made you and his coolness remains at 100 percent.  He has everything to make him cool and he is so self-sufficient to carry any weight. He is a hero and he saves people from destruction. He knows who you are and wants to draw it out of you. He's good real good. He deserves worship he is so good. So be you and worship the Savior he deserves all the praise. Dr. Jo Vitale says, "we are meaning-seeking creatures," we need meaning and we find real coolness through humility towards our savior which causes grace. We need to be like sons and daughters to God, we don't need coolness or materialism. We need grace. God is cool like that. He can train us in favor if we need it.