Sunday, December 15, 2019

God needs to come in.

There are alot of needs in the world it is time for a change. How we supply is done by grace work.
1. We need to raise money.
2. We need to give our all.
3.We need to join the work.
It is time to raise funds for a building. We need to be more than online. We need a local center that can do more in the community. I know it is much but God owns the land of a thousand hills. We need to go to the next step. We need to take in the broken and the hurting, life has more for us than receivers, we need to be givers. Give your all.
I am sick of fighting illness, it time defeat it with the tithe.
I can tell you, tithing can defeat evil.
It can stop hunger. I need to fast and get this junk off of me.
I need to do a fast for a tithe.
The tithe is mine to do what I please with responsibly. It is supposed to go to the next level.
Join in the fast.
It starts today. It is a dominion tithe. When allow me to prosper you prosper tooo.
Nothing is over. Let prosperity begin.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Fresh Free Encouragement

I am going through some new things seasonally, Just to let you know. I am on a new adventure according to Christ some new things for the ministry. New theme new ventures, a new book. I ask all of you to buy and enjoy, if you don't then your not my disciples. Even if you are and want to buy it some other day, I highly suggest you do. I join in your ventures please join in mine. I know if you do you will be bless. With the Lord leading us we can do many things. The main thing is sowing into ministry right now. That way we may start many things. I am not here to say much more but many things can be loosed for the kingdom. It isn't about me and what I need it is about the kingdom.

Consider sowing into this ministry regularly. It could save a life, it could help the hungry, it could make the world better. Consider sowing, into the prosperity of others that work hard for the kingdom.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Adventures in Phantom City:The Biops Invasion is Now for Sale

A terrible force of aliens wants to take the solar system with a secret weapon, led by a band of supervillains. Will the force of supersoldiers beat the Biops, a brainwashed alien civilization?
Available as an ebook on Kindle, Barnes and Noble,Apple and Kubo.