Sunday, November 18, 2018

Joy should be a part of our soul

Joy should be a part of us. It should be present always. We need him. Christ possesses infinite joy. When we allow the Holy Spirit in us we possess the gift of infinite joy. Get the gift of joy.
It is important to give up, it makes your life better. Give up to joy.

It is great and I love him so for giving me the gift of joy. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

God Wants Love

Halloween can be a holiday we forget where we are going. We need to walk with God on any occasion. We must make our days full of him. On this dress up day tell the gospel. Let it be full of meaning as it is. The Lord will reward you for your faithfulness. He loves you, he treats you as his Son is. He loves you, your his very reflection. Let his wisdom flow through you. May you be a bubbling brook for the reader to drink. May you be an inspiration to a people you create. May you be an inspiration of God's love and peace. May you rescue the day for the joy of Christian peace.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Learning to Engage

We want to go where the Lord goes, do as he does, when we do this we ask... What is the Father doing? How are we to do something for the Lord with him? We do it in peace and faith. Let your steps be by the inspiration of God. If you feel that someone is left out, ask the Lord what we are to do for him. We can not do it without him. I feel there is more to me than what I say, but it is what he says and leads that makes the way for us; we want more. Are we helping Jesus to get there? We need to watch him and partner with him to help. We have so many great things ahead when we get our Lord in the mix of our lives. It is impossible to do ministry without God and effect his heart. We want to effect his heart. He loves our steps with him. God wants you to succeed. Look at what it looks like for true success for you.. He loves you, loves to bless you. It is important to succeed with him. If your just with him your successful. The Lord looks for people all the time who are faithful. God wants to lift you up. He works out of your a relationship a success you don't understand, it is beautiful. Look to him. I constantly remind you to follow him. I love him so much, I make him the leader in whatever I do. You should love me more than you do, I'm not a trend, I'm a person. God feels this and so do I. I know Jesus has led me to tell you. He has me imitate him. He wants you to be free to look at me with respect. I need more respect, it's not about coolness. I work so hard to help you guys and I don't get enough respect. Irregardless, I need to be honored. I don't get enough honor. It hurts so much to walk in my shoes sometimes.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Toyota finally fixed the charge problem by a 1000 mile range on the car.

Toyota finally fixed the charge problem by a 1000 mile range on the car.

We are probably headed to a bull market. The world is going to get more mobile. More traveling more opportunities. More LDRs. More adventures, for us to explore. Less cost, more plug-in vehicles as we all thought, We are going to see more generosity. More options on oil. Cheaper plastics. Cheaper products. More money for us, less strife. Less comparing gas prices. Next we get solar panels and other apparel for travel. As a author this is a blessing from God. Please let these cars not be that expensive it frees everyone up. Sorry oil guys.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Elective Bible Literacy Movement

There has been some movement in schools on this movement to teach bible literacy as a social studies course. I think many people don't know about the course and we should have it in school. It is important for the future. It is something supposed to happen. We need ethics from bible literacy. The constitution and the bible need to be taught together for freedom. The historic background of the bible in schooling of the Bill of Rights is important. We need to look to his ways, take reference of their application. I wanted everyone to get involved. I'd like a teaching position at a school teaching the bible.

Link For More Information