Thursday, May 18, 2017

People needed for Destiny Comics Inc.

We need people for destiny comics. I want to gather some artists to do comic book work, preferablely on the internet that don't mind meeting up once a week to make comic books then discuss terms to do it for money once comic books are selling. We can start to do things on Google Drive. My connections may help us further. I have two tank books I want to sell and a halfway drawn comic with its story done. I need help. Please contact me.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Looking to a New Day

(Self Discovery)
I had been working out trying to sell a product for a while now. At first I thought it was a book even though right now I have a book I am just fundraising. It seemed like I had a children's book but no illustration, then an adult book but an endless struggle to make it happen. I came to a place of hardache from the experience as it seemed I would never break the mold to get past a 9 dollar an hour secular job that I could stay in a while coming up with endless ideas that seem to distract me from goals that I couldn't get away from. I had mania from it as I wanted something that could provide for a family and possibly seminary or larger company to raise up churches. I think the Lord is far reaching and he has slowed the process till he is ready. I think salesmanship and faith have to be there in some type of fundraising with something else's needs and dropshipping with advertising can change. You have to be upfront and ask to get. Financing even fundraising with nonprofits works when you ask. It is important to ask that is the point I am at. I need to make partnerships with churches for funds to make my goals to my ministry work. At first it seems I couldn't do it but faith will make it work. So I will fund raise more to win souls. It is becoming more and more apparent to me that God is riping the fields for immediate harvest. I see soul opportunities and I need to go and do it. So I will get better tools to harvest, I think I am about to discover my tractor. It is going to come soon.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Making this a Social Center

My blog sometimes does other thing related with freedom and art that are secular. Secular means they have little to do with the subject of God itself but can have religious undertones when it wants. I think expression is a part of the heart and we should not quench expression in anyway that is with the spirit that God approves of in art. I am going to display more art and sale it on my website, it seems to be wanted badly and I desperately want to serve in it. 
Martin Luther King Jr said, 
Buy this As a T-Shirt

This is my heart to serve in art, as a National Patron of the United States I love doing this. I was bestowed this honor when I was 17. Honored by Pope Francis and Barack Obama this past year. My art has been requested by them. I hope fulfill the honor.

We can all make our mark. Here is the Piece I plan to send Obama.
Buy GhostSkateboard Print
I am going to leave you with a piece of music.

Looking at Depths of a Path

Combining Church Visitation and Heavenly Visitation

Creating A Movement